Remember When

Remember When – Sept. 14, 2024

150 Years Ago: From the Sept. 17, 1874 Shakopee Argus

A Union Depot is now being built at the junction of the St. P. & S. C. and H. & D. R. R.

125 Years Ago: From the Sept. 14, 1899 Scott County Argus

The carpenters have been busily at work of late putting in the new shelving and fixtures in the Flaherty & Lies store. Tables, counters and shelving are to be made new and of a uniform pattern, which involves considerable labor, yet the work would have been farther advanced had it not been for the scarcity of suitable lumber. The firm had confidently hoped to be located within its elegant new store by the time of the street fair, but it seems now likely that their removal will be delayed for at least two weeks.

125 Years Ago: From the Sept. 15, 1899 Shakopee Tribune

Our booming little city had the heir of a metropolis at the head of navigation last Sunday. All day the coarse whistles of the steam-boats could be heard and people in immense crowds standing on the river banks bidding welcome to excursionists as they ascended from the landing.

100 Years Ago: From the Sept. 19, 1924 Shakopee Argus

Gem Theater Changes Hands

L. E. Dawson, who has operated the Gem Theater in our city for a number of years past, has sold his equipment to R. O. Brockway of Minneapolis. The deal was consumated the first of the week and the new owner has taken charge and has assumed all contracts for pictures given by the former manager. This assures the public good pictures for some time to come. The new manager will move his family to Shakopee as soon as a suitable home can be obtained…

100 Years Ago: From the Sept. 18, 1924 Shakopee Tribune

Jack Youts left for St. Paul on Monday after being employed at the Tri-state Telephone and Telegraph Co. office for two weeks. Mr. Youts was substituting for Mr. Roy Miller, who had been enjoying a two weeks’ vacation.

75 Years Ago: From the Sept. 15, 1949 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

New Cable for Street Lights

Replacing of the power cable that serves the city’s downtown street lighting system got under way this week under the direction of Robert Hauts, superintendent of public utilities.

For some months the lights have been giving trouble because of short circuits to the old cables which were breaking down after many years of service.

An air hammer is being employed to open a trench, along the curb lines, into which the new cables are being laid at the foot of the light standards.

75 Years Ago: From the Sept. 15, 1949 Shakopee Valley News

Beauty Shop Under New Management

Perry’s Beauty Shop which has been closed for the past few days will reopen tomorrow (Friday), under new management, it was announced Monday by Wallace Perry. Marvilla Karpa of Minneapolis will take over the management of the shop. Prior to coming to Shakopee, she had managed her own business in Minneapolis and has had many years experience in the beauty business.

50 Years Ago: From the Sept. 18, 1974 Shakopee Valley News

Plan A will provide few changes in council

The Shakopee Common Council has given at least tentative approval to Plan A, a form of government provided by the Statutory City Act of 1973.

Under the act, all cities in Minnesota must adopt Plan A, Plan B or home rule charters before July 1, 1975.

According to city administrator Bill Fahey, Plan A would provide Shakopee with the same basic operation that now exists. There would be no changes in existing boards or commissions and it is conceivable that the make-up of the council would remain unchanged.

If a change in council make-up is made, the body would be reduced to four members and the mayor would be given a vote.

The council, in a meeting some weeks ago, agreed to pursue Plan A with modifications. The modifications were concessions granted to cities that had statutory charters.

The modifications would permit Shakopee to adopt by ordinance many practices and policies that were permitted under the statutory charger. Two modifications include:

1) Combining the position of city recorder (city clerk) with city administrator, and,

2) adopt the city administrator form with administrative responsibilities similar to those of the city manager…

25 Years Ago: From the Sept. 16, 1999 Shakopee Valley News

CAP, other agencies on the move

‘Self-sufficiency’ programs will share a new building in Shakopee

After 12 years in increasingly cramped quarters on Marschall Road, the CAP Agency is pulling up stakes…

The agency’s administrative offices, Thrift Shop and Food Shelf are re-locating this week to the spacious Valley Green Workforce Development Center on County Road 83, near Canterbury Park in Shakopee…

CAP will be joined at the 62,000-square-foot complex by the Carver-Scott Educational Cooperative and Scott County employment, support and treatment programs. The Minnesota Workforce Center, Scott Family Net staff, and a Minnesota River Valley Special Education Cooperative (MRVSEC) program for the developmentally disabled will be housed there as well…

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By Wes Reinke

Professionally, I enjoy building and maintaining websites, and work in IT, with passions in software and system support, development, administration, and automation. One is never too old to learn and apply new skills! Outside of my IT world, I have various interests, including local history.

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