Remember When

Remember When – Nov. 11, 2023

125 Years Ago: From the Nov. 17, 1898 Scott County Argus

Notices are posted advertising for bids for carrying the mails, bids to be received up to the 30th day of the present month. Subcontracting has been done away with, and all contracts, big or little, are to be let direct to the carrier.

100 Years Ago: From the Nov. 15, 1923 Shakopee Tribune

Miss Anna Mergens has resigned her position with the Shakopee Tribune and will leave Shakopee for the winter.

75 Years Ago: From the Nov. 11, 1948 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Service Station Has New Owner

M. L. Regan has become the owner of the Standard Service station formerly operated by Harold Huss, in the Schesso garage building on Lewis street, it is announced this week.

The new owner took possession Monday. Mr. Huss, who bought the business from Francis Quinn several months ago, is to become associated with the Micklethun Motors which operates a car sales and service establishment on E. First street here.

50 Years Ago: From the Nov. 14, 1973 Shakopee Valley News

Co. Rd. 17 project opens can of worms; city seeks county aid

The city seems to have opened a can of worms with its plan to realign Co. Rd. 17.

That project and the problems surrounding it drew considerable attention at Tuesday night’s meeting of the city council.

Several months ago the council decided to move toward straightening the county road from its junction at Co. Rd. 16 to Highway 101. They are still in the process of acquiring rights-of-way for that stretch of road.

Tuesday night, a number of other problems growing out of that road project were discussed by council men, the city administrator and the city’s consulting engineer.

The central issue was the planning which will have to be done on the segment of Co. Rd. 17 under consideration so that other segments of that road, plus other connecting roads and local storm sewers can be added with the minimum difficulty…

The city would eventually like to upgrade Co. Rd. 17 from Highway 101 to south beyond Tenth Ave., but it seems likely that the job will have to be done in sections. Also under consideration is the upgrading of Co. Rd. 16, which will also have to be completed eventually…

The council has been attempting to assure that roads and sewers will be developed on a coordinated approach, but that coordination is expected to take additional time and money…

25 Years Ago: From the Nov. 12, 1998 Shakopee Valley News

In a surprise, city was host to the new governor

Early Tuesday evening last week, Canterbury Park in Shakopee was the election night headquarters for a third-party gubernatorial candidate.

A few hours later, it was where Jesse Ventura learned he had been elected governor of Minnesota.

The crowd was small early in the evening as election results trickled in. Later, more and more Ventura supporters began to pack the horse track clubroom. And they saw what the rest of the state saw: Ventura’s early lead was standing up in returns from throughout Minnesota.

By midnight, Canterbury Park and nearby Canterbury Inn became the focal point for state, national and international media. Gov.-elect Jesse and wife Terry Ventura admitted to being in shock at what had occurred. He had been elected governor in a sensational upset over two well-known major party candidates…

By Wes Reinke

Professionally, I enjoy building and maintaining websites, and work in IT, with passions in software and system support, development, administration, and automation. One is never too old to learn and apply new skills! Outside of my IT world, I have various interests, including local history.

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