Remember When

Remember When – March 25, 2023

125 Years Ago: From the March 31, 1898 Scott County Argus

Doctor C. W. Malchow has fitted up a suite of rooms in the Kohls & Berens block over H. P. Marx’s and John Mertz’s places of business, and moved in yesterday. Freshly painted woodwork and floors, a new coat of wallpaper, new full sash windows, and other improvements have served to make as comfortable a reception room and work room on one side, and sleeping room across the hall, as one could wish.

100 Years Ago: From the March 29, 1923 Shakopee Tribune

Defunct Security Bank Pays Partial Dividends

The defunct Security State Bank of Shakopee made its first partial payment last Saturday. Depositors received checks for twenty per cent of the total amount due them.

Further dividends are to follow, when the banking department, in whose charge the affairs of the defunct bank have been placed for liquidation, will be successful in collecting the notes and securities of the bank. The amount to be paid to depositors will also depend upon the success of these collections.

The Security State Bank closed its doors nearly a year ago and depositors and all others concerned, have been anxiously waiting for some settlement of affairs since that time. It is hoped that before long the affair can be entirely settled, however, it may require considerable more time before this can be accomplished.

75 Years Ago: From the March 25, 1948 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

City, State Plan Improving Street

Plans for the improvement of eight blocks of East First street by the laying of full-width blacktop surfacing and the construction of parking with the state bearing 15 per cent of the total cost of the improvement were presented to the city council last Thursday night by H. E. Chard, district engineer, at the State Highway department.

According to the proposal the highway department would let the contract for the entire job and provide all supervision of the project. Instead of surfacing the normal width of 24 feet through the city, the state would carry the surfacing in the curbs and bear a portion of the extra cost. Property holders along the street would be assessed for their proportionate share of the improvement…

50 Years Ago: From the March 28, 1973 Shakopee Valley News

Council Okays Park Transfer to MVRP; Referendum Possible

An ordinance conveying Memorial Park to the Scott County Historical Society was passed by the Shakopee City Council Tuesday night after a lengthy and impassioned discussion.

The action capped several months of consideration, but is not the final word on the issue. The Society must now decide if it will accept the terms of the transfer set down by the council…

25 Years Ago: From the March 26, 1998 Shakopee Valley News

Inland giving SHS $25,000 grant

Inland Paperboard and Packaging Inc. last week announced that the Inland Foundation will award a $25,000 Leadership Grant to Shakopee High School.

The grant, dispersed over two years, will help the high school establish a manufacturing industry career-training and awareness program. The program’s goal is to server 100 at-risk high school youths and 50 lower-income adults, providing them with a hands-on lab experience to acquire fundamental manufacturing technology skills such as robotics and hydraulics. Additionally, instruction will include workplace skills such as good work behaviors, team building and problem-solving…

By Wes Reinke

Professionally, I enjoy building and maintaining websites, and work in IT, with passions in software and system support, development, administration, and automation. One is never too old to learn and apply new skills! Outside of my IT world, I have various interests, including local history.

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