Remember When

Remember When – July 13, 2024

150 Years Ago: From the July 16, 1874 Shakopee Argus

Mr. Orrin F. Hall, General Agent for the Grand Consolidation Circus, Menagerie and Museum, is now in town making arrangements for an exhibition of its wonders and feats of horsemanship and dexterity. The performers are represented as first-class and let those who desire to have a little recreation and enjoy a hearty laugh, be on hand to attend the show on Friday, the 24th. Look out for the grand Street Parade at 10 o’clock a. m.

125 Years Ago: From the July 13, 1899 Scott County Argus

The carpenters are getting the timbers and first floor of the new Hinds block into place, and all will be ready for the bricklayers to commence work there as soon as they finish that part of the construction of the Flaherty & Lies block.

125 Years Ago: From the July 14, 1899 Shakopee Tribune

Mr. and Mrs. John Strattman have returned from Germany and will again make their abode in our midst. John says America is good enough for him.

100 Years Ago: From the July 18, 1924 Shakopee Argus

Last week B. J. Jansen purchased of W. F. Schoch a four passenger Hubmobile coupe which he presented to Mrs. Jansen for a birthday gift.

100 Years Ago: From the July 17, 1924 Shakopee Tribune

Local People Fly in Dispatch Aeroplane

A five-passenger aeroplane, the largest in the Northwest, belonging to the Dispatch Flying Circus of St. Paul, arrived in this city Sunday morning and alighted on the Jaenicke farm, a short distance from Shakopee.

Several people of this vicinity went to the scene and some took ten-minute rides in the aeroplane. They were taken above the city and given a few minutes ride which was a continuation of thrills.

75 Years Ago: From the July 14, 1949 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Jail, Sheriff’s Residence Topic

Another step toward the eventual construction of a new Scott county jail and sheriff’s residence is expected to be taken Monday when the Board of County Commissioners meets with architects and A. X. Schall, state inspector of jails and lockups.

The Monday session, it was learned, may result in employing an architect to draft construction plans in conformity with recommendations to be provided by the state inspector.

State agents on several occasions in the past, have urged modernizing of the jail facilities and declared the present institutions inadequate. Early this year the Board took cognizance of the situation and adopted a resolution setting up the machinery to make a thorough study of the problem.

Following the drawing of plans and their approval, cost estimates will be made and then will come the calling of bids for construction, it was explained.

75 Years Ago: From the July 14, 1949 Shakopee Valley News

Firemen Called

Firemen were called to the rear of the Standard Service station on Holmes street shortly after noon Tuesday to extinguish a smoldering dump fire on the river bank.

50 Years Ago: From the July 17, 1974 Shakopee Valley News

Reserve unit working at local radio station

Five army reservists, members of the Psychological Operations Battalion, A Company, out of Fort Snelling, spent their two weeks of training at Radio Station KSMM in Shakopee.

The five reservists were at the station for a two week period seven days a week, working in the music library, news room, filing and taking part in some commercial activity. Two of the men were occasionally on the air.

25 Years Ago: From the July 15, 1999 Shakopee Valley News

Renovation of stadium OK’d

Baseball fans attending ballgames at Joe Schleper Stadium in Tahpah Park will see a full slate of improvements next summer now that the Shakopee City Council has approved spending more than $400,000 to refurbish the facility.

At its July 6 meeting, the City Council accepted Greystone Construction’s bid of $477,413 to construct a concession stand and bathrooms, a press box, a hard canopy over the grandstand and to enclose the space beneath the grandstand for equipment storage. The money to pay for the improvements will come from tax increment-financing (TIF) revenue ($380,000) and the city’s Park Reserve Fund ($97,413)…

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By Wes Reinke

Professionally, I enjoy building and maintaining websites, and work in IT, with passions in software and system support, development, administration, and automation. One is never too old to learn and apply new skills! Outside of my IT world, I have various interests, including local history.

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