Remember When

Remember When – Jan. 25, 2025

150 Years Ago: From the Jan. 28, 1875 Shakopee Argus

On the night of the Banquet some one took through mistake a fine table cloth belonging to Mrs. Condon. Another table cloth left in its place, is now at Mr. Storer’s store. The party who has taken the wrong table cloth will please return it.

125 Years Ago: From the Jan. 25, 1900 Scott County Argus

This week there has been a change of plans in regard to the new meat market, which Peter Schank and Aug. P. Lins were to open in the Argus block, as announced last week. The lease has been surrendered, and the matter now stands in status quo.

125 Years Ago: From the Jan. 26, 1900 Shakopee Tribune

Henry Mergens was a passenger to the twin cities Wednesday for the purpose of purchasing a set of tinner’s tools and machinery. He has rented the Ries building formerly occupied by J. C. Marx, where he will soon open a general repair and tin shop.

100 Years Ago: From the Jan. 30, 1925 Shakopee Argus

Purchased Interest In Local Oil Station

Last Friday a partnership was formed between B. P. Johnson and Leo Marschall, the latter having purchased one half interest in the new filling station owned and conducted by the former. Less than a year ago Mr. Johnson completed the new station and along about the middle of last April he opened for business. From the first the business began to grow and it grew steadily until it had reached a stage where he could no longer handle it alone satisfactorily, hence he decided to take on a partner…

100 Years Ago: From the Jan. 29, 1925 Shakopee Tribune

Upon hearing rumors about town that the American Range Corporation had purchased the Shakopee Stove Co. of this city, we checked the matter up with Louis R. Rolfe, manager of the American Range Corporation and he informed us that the rumor was premature. He stated, however, that negotiations are being made in this connection but as yet are not completed.

75 Years Ago: From the Jan. 26, 1950 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

New Public School Assured As Voters Approve Bonds

In one of the heaviest votes ever cast in a school election here, 913 ballots were recorded with 702 favoring and 211 opposing the bond issue.

The outcome was virtually a complete reversal of balloting on the same proposition last July when 867 voters went to the polls with 487 voting “no” and 380 voting “yes.”…

75 Years Ago: From the Jan. 26, 1950 Shakopee Valley News

Minneapolis-Shakopee Highways Is Heaviest Traveled Rural Road

Heaviest traveled undivided lane highway in the rural area of Minnesota is the Shakopee-Minneapolis highway, No. 212 and 169 according to traffic count totals reported by the Minnesota highway department this week.

The count made at the automatic recorder station located three miles northeast of Shakopee registered a daily average of 6,610 cars for the three lane road – the famous “bottleneck” between Shakopee and Minneapolis- It was an increase of 5.5 per cent over 1948…

50 Years Ago: From the Jan. 29, 1975 Shakopee Valley News

Rodeo will be replaced

Shakopee Chamber of Commerce board of directors, at a meeting Monday, voted unanimously to discontinue the rodeo as part of the Shak-O-Valley Day celebration. Rodeos had been a part of the annual event for the past dozen years.

Loss of revenue, conflicting dates and poor local attendance were cited as primary reasons for discontinuing the event. The Lions convention, Fireman’s convention and graduation all fall on the dates planned for this year, June 6-7…

25 Years Ago: From the Jan. 27, 2000 Shakopee Valley News

Track card club wins approval

Since everything there was to say or ask apparently had been said or asked, the Minnesota Racing Commission’s approval of a card club at Canterbury Park in Shakopee last week was an anticlimactic nonevent.

On a unanimous vote with no significant discussion, the commission approved the plan of operation for the card club of Jan. 19. The vote was a culmination of public hearings and dozens of behind-the-scenes meetings involving the city, track officials, the state Gambling Control Board, Shakopee police, and the Racing Commission…

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By Wes Reinke

Professionally, I enjoy building and maintaining websites, and work in IT, with passions in software and system support, development, administration, and automation. One is never too old to learn and apply new skills! Outside of my IT world, I have various interests, including local history.

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