Remember When

Remember When – Aug. 3, 2024

150 Years Ago: From the Aug. 6, 1874 Shakopee Argus

H. H. Strunk & Son have placed some fine labels on the drawers in their drug store. They have now one of the finest stores in the Minnesota Valley.

125 Years Ago: From the Aug. 5, 1899 Scott County Argus

Work on the construction of the new switch track to the mill has been begun, and the rails are already laid as far as First street one block west of the Milwaukee station. Agent Schaefer states that a work train is expected here in a day or two, when work on the trestles at the lime kiln and at the foot of Holmes street will be begun. About thirty men will be at work by the first of the week.

125 Years Ago: From the Aug. 4, 1899 Shakopee Tribune

At a meeting of the members of the Presbyterian church the site for the new church was changed to the NW corner of the block in which Henry Hinds’ residence is located on First street.

100 Years Ago: From the Aug. 8, 1924 Shakopee Argus

Construction Work on Pelham Hotel Completed

The construction work of remodeling and enlarging the Pelham Hotel was completed this week. The work was begun early this spring with Fred Rohlfs as contractor, but was not completed as early as had been expected due to an unavoidable delay of about six weeks in which the masons were unable to work. The outside walls of the new addition are of cream color brick veneer to conform with the rest of the building. It has three floors containing twelve rooms in all, eleven of which are sleeping quarters. It is strictly modern through out having steam heat, and hot and cold running water in each room. Some time soon a drinking fountain will be put on the second floor.

The entrance of the hotel has been completely remodeled. A large glassed in vestibule leads to the main office. An ornamental canopy of steel and lumber will be hung over this entrance, and will add a great deal to the appearance of the building. A public telephone booth has been installed on the first floor…

100 Years Ago: From the Aug. 7, 1924 Shakopee Tribune

State Meeting Held at Reformatory Here

The quarterly conference of the superintendents of state institutions, with the State Board of Control, was held, Tuesday at the State Reformatory for Women in this city.

About one hundred and thirty-five men and women from various parts of the state and representing the different institutions, were present with the Board of Control, at this meeting…

75 Years Ago: From the Aug. 4, 1949 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

State Not Satisfied With Job

The possibility that several blocks of water and sewer trench on highway 101 in East Shakopee may have to be reopened and back filled with material which does not include limestone taken from the trench loomed Tuesday night as the City Council studied a communication from the state highway department.

According to the letter the highway department, which apparently has domain over the street in which the water and sewer lines were laid, had issued a permit to the city to open the street. Under the terms of the permit, no rock was to be replaced in the trench. The state contends that highway department inspections disclosed this provision was violated and that strict compliance is expected.

The letter also pointed out that the work was to be completed by July 1 and that the city is liable for a charge of $15 per day for every day the state must maintain a detour after July 1. It was further pointed out that the city had made a $3,000 deposit with the state as assurance of compliance with the terms of the permit…

75 Years Ago: From the Aug. 4, 1949 Shakopee Valley News

Dellwo Elected New Alderman

Elmer J. Dellwo was named alderman of the third at a special election here Monday as he narrowly edged out Ray Siebenaler in a hotly contested battle.

Dellwo polled 102 votes while Siebenaler in second place had 99. Just a step behind was Paul Prellwitz with 94 votes while Clarence Vierling had 13. A total of 309 ballots were cast.

50 Years Ago: From the Aug. 7, 1974 Shakopee Valley News

Work at mill pond

Workmen were busy last week at the mill pond adjacent to the Shakopee House. Rocks were piled along the shoreline to prohibit erosion of the banks. Beautification of the entire area has been underway and this stage of the project is nearing completion.

Interested in local history? Find even more at the Shakopee Heritage Society website.

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By Wes Reinke

Professionally, I enjoy building and maintaining websites, and work in IT, with passions in software and system support, development, administration, and automation. One is never too old to learn and apply new skills! Outside of my IT world, I have various interests, including local history.

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