Remember When

Remember When – Aug. 13, 2022

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the Aug. 19, 1897 Scott County Argus

Judge Meyer moved into his remodelled and practically new home last Tuesday. It has been stated before in these columns, and it will bear repeating, that the work of enlarging and remodelling has transformed the neat little cottage, which had been the Meyer home for so many years, into a handsome residence, imposing in appearance ad an ornament to that part of the city.

100 Years Ago: From the Aug. 17, 1922 Shakopee Tribune

J. W. Black and A. H. Neiter of the Marquette Security Co., Minneapolis were business callers in Shakopee last Thursday. They interviewed the local people as to whether they wanted a third bank in Shakopee.

75 Years Ago: From the Aug. 14, 1947 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Garbage Ordinance Adopted

Effective Sept. 1 Shakopee will have a municipal garbage collection system instituted by an ordinance adopted by unanimous vote of the city council at its meeting Tuesday night.

Following adoption of the ordinance Ralph Weckman was appointed garbage collector and will begin his duties in the date the systems become operative.

Under the plan, according to the ordinance, City-wide collection of garbage, ashes, rubbish and refuse will be performed at least once weekly for dwellings and at least three times weekly for business districts by the City of Shakopee when the wastes are deposited in proper containers not “exceeding 35 gallons capacity, nor weighing more than 100 pounds when filled.”…

50 Years Ago: From the Aug. 16, 1972 Shakopee Valley News

Board Mulls Separate Office Building

Two Citizen’s Committees Formed…

Shifts at the Shakopee Senior High School for both junior and senior high students this fall will result in serious space problems for administration as well as for home economics and industrial arts classes, according to reports given to the Shakopee Board of Education Monday night.

In an effort to solve the administration area space problem, Board building chairman Russell Nolting proposed a modular type of pre-fabricated building which would house the Superintendent and the Business offices of the school system.

The proposal was taken under advisement by the board, and the building committee instructed to obtain more details for a presentation before a special meeting next Monday night…

Nolting said the building would cost approximately $39,000, and would probably have to be placed on the southwest corner of Sweeney because of sewer and water availability there.

Representatives of junior and senior high home economics programs told the board they have a critical shortage of storage space, as did a faculty representative for industrial arts.

The board instructed administrators to see what measures could be taken to provide additional space somewhere in the building.

25 Years Ago: From the Aug. 14, 1997 Shakopee Valley News

Cub Foods to open Shakopee store in spring

Do you yearn to power shop at one of those humongous grocery stores? Well, your wait is almost over because Cub Foods is coming to Shakopee next spring.

Scott L. Erickson, president of Midwest Commercial Development Inc., said a contract has been signed with Cub Foods to be the main anchor in the 25-acre crossroads Center retail development at Vierling Drive and Marschall Road. In addition to Cub Foods, the center will include a 70,000 square-foot commercial strip of retail outlets, including a Subway Sandwich Shop, and six free-standing outlets, such as a SuperAmerica, Norwest Bank, and a Wendy’s Hamburger restaurant…

By Wes Reinke

Professionally, I enjoy building and maintaining websites, and work in IT, with passions in software and system support, development, administration, and automation. One is never too old to learn and apply new skills! Outside of my IT world, I have various interests, including local history.

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