Remember When

Remember When – May 18, 2024

150 Years Ago: From the May 21, 1874 Shakopee Argus

A large amount of new material arrived this week for the Shakopee Soap Factory. Prosperous business, and a good article of soap.

125 Years Ago: From the May 18, 1899 Scott County Argus

A new lawn mower is whirring away on the spacious lawn of the Court House, and as the inventors have not yet gotten lawn mowers into the automobile class it takes muscle to make it whirr, said muscle being furnished by Janitor Gentgen. The plot is large enough to make the race interesting between the mower and the growing grass, the latter getting a good start at one end before the mower has reached the other. But the improvement effected by the mower is worth the effort.

125 Years Ago: From the May 19, 1899 Shakopee Tribune

Alex Schaefer has had his barroom repapered this week. C. L. Wilcox did the work. He also put a new plate glass windows pane in the front.

100 Years Ago: From the May 23, 1924 Shakopee Argus

Shakopee Base Ball Season Opens Memorial Day

The Shakopee Base Ball ass’n will open its 1924 season at Riverside Park on Memorial Day afternoon, on the fastest diamond in the Minnesota Valley before a brand new grandstand with a seating capacity of 800 people, with the fastest lineup of semi-pros in the northwest…

100 Years Ago: From the May 22, 1924 Shakopee Tribune

E. G. Dahl has improved the appearance of his store by taking out the partition which had been a part of the front window. The removal of this frame work brightens the interior of the store considerably and gives a complete view of the interior of the store from the outside.

75 Years Ago: From the May 19, 1949 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

State Objects to New City Signs

Objection to the city’s erecting of signs within the city limits along highways leading into Shakopee has been raised by employees of the state highway department, it was learned.

In a recent action the City Council authorized the making and placing of four massive signs fixing the speed rate through Shakopee, and urging motorists to be considerate of the lives and limbs of Shakopee children.

The signs, eight feet square, are now being completed by Ed Fonnier, and the posts upon which they will be mounted have been set at the east and west city limits on First street, north of the Lewis street bridge and on South Lewis street.

According to Pat Thielen, police chief, who directed the placing of the signs, the state’s principal objection is that the city’s signs will detract from the effectiveness of those placed by the state highway department.

75 Years Ago: From the May 19, 1949 Shakopee Valley News

St. Mary’s Pupil Is World Affairs Leader

An eighth grade pupil at St. Mary’s school, Shakopee, was one of the major winners in the recent World Affairs contest sponsored by a Twin City newspaper.

The winner was Mary Pearson who made the highest score of any pupil in her grade among the 223 schools that entered the competition. She made her score in the qualifying tests on April 22.

She was awarded a set of the Columbia Encyclopedia, the school was given a copy of Webster’s New International Dictionary, and her teacher, Sister Nicolette, was presented with a copy of “Mirror For Man”.

Her high qualifying score permitted Mary to compete in the finals in Minneapolis this week.

50 Years Ago: From the May 22, 1974 Shakopee Valley News

Midland glass has new bottle

Midland Glass Company, Inc. announces the first commercial use of Midland’s plaswrap concept.

Coca-coal USA has commenced bottling a new 64 ounce capacity plastic coated glass container at their New England bottling facility.

The bottle consists of glass with a coating of Dupont’s Clear Surlyn Ionomer resin and is pre-labeled.

25 Years Ago: From the May 20, 1999 Shakopee Valley News

Pool to undergo more testing

Two weeks after the Shakopee City Council voted to close the municipal for the summer due to a consultant’s concerns about health risks, councilors voted Tuesday night to make a last-ditch attempt to open the facility.

The council voted unanimously to begin testing the water in the pool to determine the efficiency of the sand-bottom pool’s circulation and filtration systems. The city plans to fill the pool next week and then test the water quality for a week. Meanwhile, the city will obtain a second cost estimate for a chlorinator. AquaLogic, an Eden Prairie company, proposed a chlorinator system for $24,940 – just below the state-mandated threshold that would require the city to seek a competitive bid. After the first week of testing, the city will install a new chlorinator and test the water for a second week…

Interested in local history? Find even more at the Shakopee Heritage Society website.

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Remember When

Remember When – May 11, 2024

150 Years Ago: From the May 14, 1874 Shakopee Argus

The Court House is receiving new shingles. Tom Holmes laughs.

125 Years Ago: From the May 11, 1899 Scott County Argus

G. S. Lander has been improving his residence property this week, and the finished work is very pleasing. The grounds have been sodded, evergreens set out, and the whole surrounded by an ornamental fence of galvanized wire surmounted by gas piping.

125 Years Ago: From the May 12, 1899 Shakopee Tribune

The Math Mayer residence will be remodeled, putting in block casing, a double set of front doors, also rear doors. When completed the substantial structure will have a modern appearance. E. B. Schneider has the contract.

100 Years Ago: From the May 16, 1924 Shakopee Argus

New Hotel to Open

Ed Schmidt of this city and his brother-in-law, H. J. Lane of Minneapolis have rented the St. Paul hotel and John Abeln’s soft drink parlor in connection with it and will reopen the hotel for business about June 1st.

The building is being thoroughly renovated and redecorated and all new furniture will be installed, the new proprietors planning on making the hotel as attractive as possible to patrons. Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt are experienced in cafe business, have a very good location in the St. Paul House, as the hotel will continue to be known, and their new venture will undoubtedly meet with success.

100 Years Ago: From the May 15, 1924 Shakopee Tribune

Gem Theater Install New Gold Fibre Screen

Manager Dawson of the Gem Theater has installed one of the famous Gardiner Velvet Gold Fibre Screens which produces unusually clear pictures in graduated color tones, thus eliminating the violent black and white contrasts which are injurious to the eyes.

On the new Gardiner Screen all color tones are contrasted in their true values, for instance, an actor wearing a black felt hat and blue serge suit, does not simply appear to be wearing dark clothing—you can easily see that he has a blue suit and black hat because of the tone contrast made possible by the velvet gold fibre surface of the Gardiner Screen.

In addition to this, the new screen reproduces swiftly moving objects in clear, sharp detail, entirely doing away with the hazy, vague, outlines and jump which is the cause of so much eyestrain.

Manager Dawson invites everyone, especially the kiddies and elderly movie fans of Shakopee to visit the Gem as often as they wish and sit anywhere in the theater. The picture will not hurt their eyes, and they are promised a treat in the form of a motion picture that is seemingly a bit of actual life.

75 Years Ago: From the May 12, 1949 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

To Receive Bids on New School

New bids for the construction of Shakopee’s proposed new public school facilities are to be called for opening June 13, according to an action taken by the School Board Monday night.

Pressing need for more room and improved conditions, and the easing of the financing problem by virtue of new state legislation have encouraged the board to again seek a solution to the school problem.

The 20-man committee of the Shakopee Commercial club which has worked with the school directors in the project will again be called in to consult with the board when the bids are opened.

75 Years Ago: From the May 12, 1949 Shakopee Valley News

County Gets Big Increase In State, U.S. Road Aid Money Allotments

Scott county was assured of getting $21,750 more “outside” funds for county highway improvements during the year ahead than was received in 1948, the Minnesota Department of Highways revealed Tuesday.

From state-collected road-user revenue alone, Scott county will receive a total of $82,350 in regular state allotments. This consists of $12,100 for State Aid roads and $69,750 for County Aid roads, the latter figure compared with a $48,000 County Aid allotment in 1948.

In addition, the county will receive $500 for maintenance cost on the special state aid parkway at the Women’s State Reformatory in Shakopee…

50 Years Ago: From the May 15, 1974 Shakopee Valley News

Shakopee Senior High chosen for USDA project

Shakopee Senior High School was selected by the Minnesota Department of Education to take part in a nationwide project on school lunch participation.

Conducted by the State Department of Education’s school food service office and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the effort includes 300 high schools across the country — all of them exploring and developing methods to increase student participation in the lunch program…

25 Years Ago: From the May 13, 1999 Shakopee Valley News

Voters turn down city parks referendum

Shakopee voters Tuesday rejected a $6 million referendum that would have expanded the Community Center, and improved a dozen city parks and two trails.

In extremely light voting, with just over 16 percent of the eligible voters going to the polls, the question was defeated by 97 votes, 811 to 714, or by a margin of 53 to 47 percent…

Interested in local history? Find even more at the Shakopee Heritage Society website.

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Remember When

Remember When – May 4, 2024

150 Years Ago: From the May 7, 1874 Shakopee Argus

Upon the plaintiff’s application the case of Thomas A. Holmes against Scott County to recover the Court House Block, the place of trial was changed from Scott County to Carver County.

125 Years Ago: From the May 4, 1899 Scott County Argus

The City Brickyard is undergoing improvements and new machinery is being put in place, preparatory to the season’s run. A new tempering mill has been added, its use being to grind the clay to a finer consistency before it goes into the press, thus making the brick harder and better.

125 Years Ago: From the May 5, 1899 Shakopee Tribune

Dr. Fischer has grown tired waiting for a public park and has started his own. He has planted a row of white cedar on the south and west sides of his already well shaded lawn, which will in course of time make a beautiful park. It is centrally located and will in due time have an ostentatious appearance.

100 Years Ago: From the May 9, 1924 Shakopee Argus

New Grandstand Contract Awarded

At a meeting of the Riverside Athletic Ass’n last Saturday evening four separate bids for the construction of a grand-stand at Riverside Park were considered. A. F. Huth’s bid to furnish all necessary material and erect the structure in accordance with the plans and specifications for the sum of $2394 was the lowest and was accepted.

Tuesday a contract was entered into with Mr. Huth and work was begun at once. The contract to build the abutments and concrete foundation was sublet to C. J. Cassellius who is already well along with his part of the work. The contract calls for a completed job on or before May 29, so that it may be ready for occupancy on Memorial Day at which time it is planned by the Shakopee Baseball Club to play the first game of the season.

The grand-stand when fully completed, will cost substantially $2,500.

100 Years Ago: From the May 8, 1924 Shakopee Tribune

Hubert J. Pass purchased a half interest in the shoe repair shop owned and operated by John Czaia. The partnership was formed and became effective on May 1.

75 Years Ago: From the May 5, 1949 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

New Owner of Huss Foundry

To be known as the Shakopee Foundry, the plant formerly operated by Leo Huss east of here, is now under management of Ben Krawiecke of Mora.

The new owner took the place over in April and workmen are now getting organized to handle custom casting work in gray iron and aluminum…

75 Years Ago: From the May 5, 1949 Shakopee Valley News

Board Acts To Replace Jail, Residence With Modern Structure

That Scott county’s antique jail and sheriff’s residence will finally be replaced seemed likely this week as the County Board of Commissioners started preliminary steps toward that action.

In a resolution passed unanimously after long debate at their regular meeting Tuesday, the board voted to hire an architect to present proposals and specifications for a new structure.

The present jail, built about 73 years ago, has been roundly condemned by both the federal and state inspectors of institutions for several years. The last Scott county grand jury, convened about three years ago, condemned the building in very strong language…

50 Years Ago: From the May 8, 1974 Shakopee Valley News

Tahpah Park is winning contest entry

The city’s athletic complex on Co. Rd. 15 near the swimming pool has a new name now, and Marilyn Ries is $30 richer for submitting it.

The land is now called Tahpah Park.

The Shakopee Jaycees sponsored a Name the Park contest which ended last week. There were 600 entries.

Mrs. Ries said she had called the Minneapolis Public Library to find the meaning of Sioux Indian words in coming up with her winning name.

Tahpah means “ball” in Sioux, she was told, and the judges liked that name best…

25 Years Ago: From the May 6, 1999 Shakopee Valley News

Health concerns will close pool for summer

Citing concerns over the ability of pump and filtration systems to safeguard swimmers from possible health risks, the Shakopee City Council ordered the Municipal Pool in Lions Park closed for the 1999 summer season.

On Tuesday night, the council voted unanimously to close the pool and investigate the cost of repairs needed to the 30-year-old sand-bottom pool…

Interested in local history? Find even more at the Shakopee Heritage Society website.

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Remember When

Remember When – April 27, 2024

150 Years Ago: From the April 30, 1874 Shakopee Argus

Now is the time for planting shade trees. Some of our citizens are improving the opportunity. We are told that a large number of shade trees are to be set out in the court-house block.

125 Years Ago: From the April 27, 1899 Scott County Argus

At the adjourned meeting of the common council Tuesday evening a report was heard from the special committee on the park matter, but no action was taken. The council will meet as a committee of the whole in a few days to inspect the proposed site and consider the matter of its purchase. We understand that the members have already determined to buy no more than three acres of the grove at the end of the bridge for the present. The price asked for this much by the owners is $600.

125 Years Ago: From the April 28, 1899 Shakopee Tribune

After Monday next Berens & Grafenstatt will sell goods recently damaged by fire, at any price regardless of cost. As most of the goods were damaged slightly this gives an excellent opportunity to procure goods at your own price.

100 Years Ago: From the May 2, 1924 Shakopee Argus

Work on the Pelham hotel was started last week and the foundation and first floor are now well under way.

100 Years Ago: From the May 1, 1924 Shakopee Tribune

The King Midas Milling Co. of this city purchased a considerable quantity of new shrubs and flowers which will be planted on its already beautiful premises. The mill has always had the reputation of keeping its grounds in a well-kept condition and we have been told by E. G. Darsow, manager, that the grounds will be one of the most beautiful in the vicinity after the shrubs and flowers have been added.

75 Years Ago: From the April 28, 1949 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Old Landmark Torn Down Here

Razing of an old landmark that for more than half a century had served as a home for several Shakopee families was completed last week when workmen leveled the frame house east of the Metcalf garage on First street.

The land thus vacated is to be utilized as a used car lot. At the north end of the lot a 20 by 40 foot fireproof warehouse is now under construction to provide needed storage space, Mr. Metcalf said.

75 Years Ago: From the April 28, 1949 Shakopee Valley News

Council Appoints Street, Park Men

Mayor Clarence Czaia recommended an augmented summer recreation program and increased efforts to attract new industries to the city in a program presented to the Shakopee city council at their adjourned meeting Friday night.

At the same meeting the council appointed Edgar H. Bolz as Superintendent of Streets and named James Rein as Superintendent of Parks…

50 Years Ago: From the May 1, 1974 Shakopee Valley News

New look at LaTour Shoe and Saddle

Willie LaTour, owner of LaTour Shoe & Saddle, has completed the “new look” at the downtown Shakopee store at the corner of First & Holmes.

LaTour called attention early this week that son Ron has joined the store in a full-time sales position that climaxes a remodeling and expansion project started last fall…

In today’s era of “doing your thing”, it isn’t often that son follows in the footsteps of father, or more so, tries to fill dad’s shoes. Ron isn’t exactly planning on filling dad’s shoes but rather take over the sales department and give Willie more time for shoe repair which despite today’s modern technology is still much in demand.

The demand for diversification at LaTour Shoe & Saddle has prompted the LaTours to expand their greeting card department, add extra lines of apparel which will compliment their western wear and generally offer area shoppers more.

25 Years Ago: From the April 29, 1999 Shakopee Valley News

$6 million question

A pool and expanded Community Center, and improvements to a dozen parks are in May 11 referendum

Supporters of $6 million in improvements to Shakopee’s Parks and Recreation Department believe a proposal worthy of community approval is on the table.

Some voters may still hold resentment over the city’s going ahead with the building of the Community Center in 1995 using tax-increment financing (TIF) revenue even after voters rejected the idea in a June 1993 referendum.

Some residents may simply feel the proposed improvements are too expensive or superfluous.

Whatever the case, voters will have their say May 11 when they are asked to decide on a $5 million bond referendum, which would pay the lion’s share of $6 million worth of improvements to 12 city parks and an addition to the Community Center.

Anchoring the proposal is $5,015,000 worth of improvements to the Community Center, including a recreation and lap pool similar to that at Chaska’s community center, a fitness center with an aerobic area/multipurpose room and racquetball courts. It would also mean $985,000 in improvement to community parks and trails…

Interested in local history? Find even more at the Shakopee Heritage Society website.

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Remember When

Remember When – April 20, 2024

150 Years Ago: From the April 23, 1874 Shakopee Argus

The Old and New Drug Stores have consolidated in Strunk & Son. E. G. Halle & Co. have passed out of existence as dealers in drugs.

125 Years Ago: From the April 20, 1899 Scott County Argus

John Mertz will remove his saloon from his present quarters in the Kohls & Berens block to the fine large store in the Busse block, two doors east, beginning business there about the first of May. Kohls & Berens are planning to remodel their place of business, taking in the room vacated for use as a clothing department. This work will be done this season, and later on they hope to have their entire block in use as one store.

125 Years Ago: From the April 21, 1899 Shakopee Tribune

Last Saturday evening about 7 o’clock fire was discovered in the large show window of Berens & Grafenstatt, and for about fifteen minutes there threatened to be a thorough gutting of the building, but the prompt action of Mr. Berens and a few of the firemen, who were promptly on hand, confined the flames to the stock that filled the windows. The damage to the stock and plate glass will probably amount to $600 or $700.

100 Years Ago: From the April 25, 1924 Shakopee Argus

E. G. Darsow, one of the members of the committee appointed to circulate among the property owners of whiteway district No. 1 which embraces the business district of Shakopee, reported that the signatures of nearly every property owner had been obtained and the committee was instructed to present the petition to the city council for final action. So that it is now almost a foregone conclusion that the whiteway socalled will be installed in the very near future.

100 Years Ago: From the April 24, 1924 Shakopee Tribune

Leonard Van Sloun is contemplating building a new home, the plan for which has been furnished by the Henry Simons Lumber Co. The home when built will be 24×26 two story, stucco, with 3 rooms on the first floor and 3 rooms and bath on the second floor. It will be strictly modern including a heating plant. Simons Lumber Company is also preparing a plan for Chas. Schesso, who is contemplating building just as soon as he secures a suitable lot.

75 Years Ago: From the April 21, 1949 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Fire Damages Shed

Believed to have started from burning rubbish, fire damaged a storage shed at the rear of the M. J. Berens store and Valley bakery Wednesday morning. Contents of the shed included old shelving and dry goods storage cabinets. The east wall of the building was extensively burned, and the contents water soaked. Firemen promptly extinguished the blaze.

75 Years Ago: From the April 21, 1949 Shakopee Valley News

2 New Doctors Coming June 1

Dr. L. J. Heinz and his wife, Dr. Ivy Heinz have acquired the practice of Dr. J. C. Klein, local physician and surgeon, it was announced this week.

Their coming will give the city the unusual combination of a man and his wife, both practicing physicians and surgeons. They also purchased the home of Dr. Klein. At present, the Heinz’ are in Wabasso, Minnesota, but expect to arrive in Shakopee about June 1. They have three children six, three and 14 months old…

50 Years Ago: From the April 24, 1974 Shakopee Valley News

Courthouse bids appear to exceed project estimates

Bids that appeared to far exceed the expected cost of a new county courthouse were opened by the Scott County Board of Commissioners.

Combining the lowest base bids for general, mechanical and electrical construction produced a price tag of roughly $2.67 million. The county had planned on spending just under $2 million when it presented courthouse plans to voters.

The county asked for bids that allowed it to put together various features of a new building. By eliminating some of the features, the county could get below the base bid to about $2.31 million…

25 Years Ago: From the April 22, 1999 Shakopee Valley News

Technology needs described to board

With new schools on the horizon and the next millennium just around the corner, the Shakopee School District needs to streamline its computer systems and equipment to accommodate change, consultants told School Board members last week.

Representatives from Epic USA, hired to complete an audit of the district’s technology resources, offered a series of recommendations to board members at their regular meeting April 12.

Among the firm’s suggestions were upgrades in staffing, creation of a district web page, additional technology training for staff, and a gradual transition from slower, outdated computers to faster, more powerful systems. Consultants also recommended adding support staff to assist Technology Coordinator Leon McNellis, who is stretched thin…

Interested in local history? Find even more at the Shakopee Heritage Society website.

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Remember When

Remember When – April 13, 2024

150 Years Ago: From the April 16, 1874 Shakopee Argus

Mr. Woodward, the party who is to build the new steam mill in Shakopee is about to commence operations. A bonus of $3,000 has been raised. The stone building known as Reis’ Mill will be enlarged, and the new mill located at that point.

125 Years Ago: From the April 13, 1899 Scott County Argus

The work of tearing down and removing the old McMullen store was begun this morning, and from that date the contractors, Aug. Woehling & Co., will push the construction of the new brick block to rapid completion.

125 Years Ago: From the April 14, 1899 Shakopee Tribune

John Hirscher is improving his residence this week by adding to it another story in height, making it now a two-story building, which will greatly improve its appearance and double the space of its living apartments.

100 Years Ago: From the April 18, 1924 Shakopee Argus

Enlarge Pelham Hotel

John J. Cavanaugh, the enterprising proprietor of the Pelham hotel, this week let the contract to Fred Rohlfs for a three floor 24 by 29 addition to be added to the hotel on the west. The new part will contain twelve rooms, eleven of which will be sleeping rooms, and the outside walls will be of cream color brick veneer to conform to the present building.

The new part will be strictly modern, Mr. Cavanaugh informs us, with steam heat and hot and cold water in the bedrooms and a drinking fountain on the second floor.

Tho entrance to the hotel will be remodeled, with a vestibule opening into the present office and a new front door replacing the one now in use. A public telephone booth will be placed on the first floor.

Work on the building will start this week and is to be completed June 10…

100 Years Ago: From the April 17, 1924 Shakopee Tribune

Stove Co. Offices to Be Moved Here

General Offices of American Range and Foundry Co. to Be Located in Shakopee

The entire management and office forces of the American Range and Foundry Co., which at present are located in Chicago and Minneapolis, will be transferred to this city. This change, which will be in effect by May 1, will make the organization local in every sense…

75 Years Ago: From the April 14, 1949 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

New Siren Under 30-Day Test Here

A new and unfamiliar note penetrated the air hereabouts Thursday noon when for the first time a modern type alarm atop the city hall was given a chance to sound its “siren call.” The unit, under test, was installed on a 30-day trial basis to determine if firemen long distances from the fire station, could better hear the pitched shriek…

The device installed last week is not directional but is so designed as to permit the sounds waves to fan out over a complete circle, and its higher pitch is believed to have greater carrying force.

75 Years Ago: From the April 14, 1949 Shakopee Valley News

Kreuser Named President Of City Council At First Meeting Tuesday

Alderman Lawrence Kreuser was named president of the Shakopee City Council when that group held their organizational meeting at the city hall Tuesday night.

Roy Schulz, third ward alderman, was named vice-president of the council. Kreuser, who served as vice-president during the past few years, succeeds Ray Siebenaler in the presiding officer’s chair. Voted on both president and vice-president were by split 5-3-1 ballots…

50 Years Ago: From the April 17, 1974 Shakopee Valley News

Shopping Center names second major tenant; faces annexation

A second major tenant for the Minnesota Valley Mall Shopping Center has been announced by Watson Centers, developers of the project.

George A. Clark and Son, a Minneapolis based wholesale distributor, has agreed to open a Promart Home and Farm Center in the shopping center which is planned to be opened in 1975…

25 Years Ago: From the April 15, 1999 Shakopee Valley News

City argues case against increase in train speeds

The city of Shakopee is making good on its promise to fight Union Pacific Railroad’s decision to increase the speeds of its trains through town. In a hearing held in St. Paul, the city argued before an administrative law judge that state and federal laws prohibit excess speeds through downtown areas.

In December, when Union Pacific told the Shakopee City Council it planned to increase the length and the speeds of its trains from 10 to 30 mph, Mayor Jon Brekke told railroad officials that the city would fight the move for safety reasons.

The Shakopee case is believed to be the first time the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) has been asked to have a ruling made on such an issue. The hearing began last week and was expected to wrap up on Wednesday of this week…

Interested in local history? Find even more at the Shakopee Heritage Society website.

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Remember When

Remember When – April 6, 2024

150 Years Ago: From the April 9, 1874 Shakopee Argus

Last week the Merchants and Mechanics National Bank was defrauded out of $3,600 on a forged certified check.

125 Years Ago: From the April 6, 1899 Scott County Argus

John McMullen began the first of the week the task of removing his stock into the How block, and he is now waiting upon his customers there, pending the erection of his new brick block. The old building has been bought by Nic Annen, who will tear it down and make use of the material in building a machine shop. The passing of the old building naturally rouses old memories, but improvement is the order of the age, and improvement finds little room for sentiment. There is one quite remarkable thing in Mr. McMullen’s business career in the old building, and that is, that for thirty three years he has not failed to be at the store every single day when he was in town; and his days of absence from town have been quite inconsiderable in number.

125 Years Ago: From the April 7, 1899 Shakopee Tribune

J. J. Ring has this week taken possession of the county poor house.

100 Years Ago: From the April 11, 1924 Shakopee Argus

Work on Cottage No. 3 at the Women’s reformatory was begun this week by Contractor Jos. Pavek of New Prague. Lumber for the building is furnished by H. Simons Lumber Co. and other building material by Schroeder Brick & Lime Mfg. Co.

100 Years Ago: From the April 10, 1924 Shakopee Tribune

Local Postoffice Renovated Recently

Redman and Bierbaum, owners of the postoffice building in this city, completed last week, the renovation and redecorating of the interior of the local postoffice.

According to the suggestion of P. J. Schwartz, local postmaster, the rear of the building was enlarged twelve by twenty feet. This space was added in the interest of the public as it will enable the office clerks and route men to handle the increasing business of the office more efficiently and promptly.

J. H. Stans of this city repapered and painted the walls and woodwork and the office is now one of the finest of its class in the state of Minnesota.

75 Years Ago: From the April 7, 1949 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

River Floods Farms, Parks

Swelled by local melting snows and heavy rains farther up stream, the Minnesota river this week reached its highest flood stage here since 1918, authorities disclosed.

Starting last Friday it rose at the rate of a half inch per hour and soon burst its banks to spread its waters over vast acreages of low lands on the north and south sides of the stream…

75 Years Ago: From the April 7, 1949 Shakopee Valley News

Czaia, Shakopee’s New Mayor, Is One Of Youngest In State

With the election of Clarence Czaia Tuesday, the City of Shakopee now has one of the youngest municipal chief executives in Minnesota. Czaia or “Kinney” as he was universally known when a first mayor for the Shakopee Indians last year, was 28 years of age February 11…

50 Years Ago: From the April 10, 1974 Shakopee Valley News

Voters okay new school by 2-1; pool passes too

Shakopee will get its badly needed new Junior High School now because voters approved a $4.45 million bond issue last Thursday by nearly a two to one margin.

The heavy voter turn-out showed 1,411 in favor of the proposal with 769 opposed.

A second question on the ballot proposing construction of a swimming pool to be built along with the school also passed. That vote was 1,230 to 938. Value of the pool was set at $245,000…

25 Years Ago: From the April 8, 1999 Shakopee Valley News

Shakopee Showcased April 19

New acts to mark 25 years

Riding a wave of popularity which has drawn thousands to Canterbury Park for one evening each April, Shakopee Showcase is celebrating its silver anniversary.

The communitywide open house, sponsored by Shakopee Parks and Recreation, will begin 30 minutes earlier this year to allow area residents more time to visit the many entertaining and educational exhibits. The event will be held from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on Monday, April 19.

What began as a simple registration period for youth activities 25 years ago has evolved into a spirited springtime festival, featuring food, music, dance numbers, even jugglers.

Attendance is expected to exceed 4,000 again this year, with more than 70 non-profit and service organizations signed up to demonstrate programs and present information. This marks the 10th year the event has been held at Canterbury Park…

Interested in local history? Find even more at the Shakopee Heritage Society website.

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Remember When

Remember When – March 30, 2024

150 Years Ago: From the April 2, 1874 Shakopee Argus

The German Lutheran Church has been enclosed with a new fence. Its grounds are valuable and pleasant, and their beauty would be much improved by a few shade trees.

125 Years Ago: From the March 30, 1899 Scott County Argus

Hubert Marx has disposed of his saloon business, and will in the future devote more time to the enjoyment of a well earned vacation and pursuit of renewed health. Ever since the 29th day of June, 1865, or, almost 34 years, Mr. Marx has been in the business, in the same building, and he has seldom been absent from his daily work in all that time. He retires from active business life with the respect and friendship of all citizens. The new proprietor, Mr. Anton Ries, is from New Market, and is a brother of Jos. G. Ries, of the city meat market, and George H. Ries, of the Central market. He is a young man of pleasing address with good prospects for success.

125 Years Ago: From the March 31, 1899 Shakopee Tribune

Last Saturday a change was made in the drug firm of Deutsch & Zettel of this city by the purchase of the latter’s interests in the business by Mr. Deutsch, who will hereafter conduct the business alone. We have not as yet learned what Mr. Zettel intends to do in the future.

100 Years Ago: From the April 4, 1924 Shakopee Argus

Joseph Hontz has bought the building in East Shakopee formerly known as the soap factory from A. C. Schroeder. The price was $1000. Mr. Hontz will renovate the building and move there later in the spring.

100 Years Ago: From the April 3, 1924 Shakopee Tribune

Milwaukee Engine Is Derailed Here Monday

No. 206 east bound passenger train on the Milwaukee due at Shakopee at 7:19 a. m., derailed its engine on the Omaha railroad crossing in front of the St. Paul House last Monday morning, March 31, blocking the tracks from 8 a. m. until 11:15 a. m. All Omaha and Milwaukee trains due at Shakopee during this interval were delayed.

From what we learn the derailment was caused by ice in the frogs of the railroad crossing causing the Milwaukee engine to ride over the rails.

75 Years Ago: From the March 31, 1949 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Mammoth Snow Plow Built Here

Believed to be one of the largest of its kind ever constructed, a mammoth V-type twin rotor snow plow, nine feet high and 13 feet wide, has been built by the Roto Plow company of Shakopee.

An experimental unit, the plow was designed and fabricated for Houghton county, Mich., to where it was shipped late last week…

75 Years Ago: From the March 31, 1949 Shakopee Valley News

Ask State Help On Holmes St.

Assistance of the state highway department in repairing Holmes street will be asked by the Shakopee City Council, President Ray Siebenaler and Street Committee Chairman Robert Wampach disclosed yesterday.

Pointing out that nearby state highway truck traffic has put heavy burden on both Holmes Street and Sixth Street, Siebenaler said, “it has been the custom of the state highway department to pay their share of street damages caused by highway detours in other communities, and we believe that Shakopee is entitled to the same consideration.”…

50 Years Ago: From the April 3, 1974 Shakopee Valley News

‘Name the park’ contest planned

The Shakopee Jaycees are sponsoring a “Name the Park” contest to help promote community involvement in the development of an athletic complex.

The park is located on Co. Rd. 15 near the swimming pool, and the Jaycees have been spearheading a drive for development of the land.

Several softball fields are now nearing completion and additional work is expected to be done on the park this season.

The Jaycees have put up a $30 savings bond as the prize for the person submitting the winning park name…

25 Years Ago: From the April 1, 1999 Shakopee Valley News

New life for old Ferry Bridge

It’ll connect trails with hikers, bikers, skaters

A new-and-improved version of the bridge that once served as Shakopee’s primary commuter link to north of the Minnesota River will be serving a different type of traveler this fall when the “new-old” Bloomington Ferry Bridge reopens…

Starting in February, dismantling work on the old bridge began. Eventually, it will be replaced by a 12-foot-wide paved bridge with an ornamental chain-link fence on the sides. The new bridge will link a trail from the north side of the river to the south. While the old bridge had a single pier in the center of the river, the new design will have supporting piers on each side of the bridge, just off the banks of the river. Leon Lillie, Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) project engineer, said the new bridge will be between three and four feet higher above the water than the old bridge…

Interested in local history? Find even more at the Shakopee Heritage Society website.

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Remember When

Remember When – March 23, 2024

150 Years Ago: From the March 26, 1874 Shakopee Argus

There are negotiations pending in railroad circles to establish a new through route from St. Paul to St. Louis by way of Shakopee and Sioux City.

125 Years Ago: From the March 23, 1899 Scott County Argus

The lobby of the St. Paul Hotel is being renovated by paint and calcimine laid on by the skilled hand of John Kreuser.

125 Years Ago: From the March 24, 1899 Shakopee Tribune

The Presbyterian church and congregation are requested to meet at the church Wednesday evening March 29, to make arrangements so that we may if possible commence building operations early in spring.

100 Years Ago: From the March 28, 1924 Shakopee Argus

Frank Koelzer, who recently moved to Shakopee from Carver, has bought a half interest in the Shakopee Ice Cream Manufacturing Co. from W. E. Redman and is now associated with the latter as a partner in his prosperous business.

100 Years Ago: From the March 27, 1924 Shakopee Tribune

The March number of “Sparks,” a monthly magazine published by the Minnesota State Automobile Association, carried an illustrated story telling of some of the most active members of the association. Among these was a splendid sketch of Miss E. K. Ries of this city. The cut showed Miss Ries in the act of nailing a sign on a guide post. Miss Ries is chairman of the Guide Post Committee of the State Automobile Association.

75 Years Ago: From the March 24, 1949 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Senate Bill Asks for New Women’s Reformatory Site

A bill that would provide for the purchase of the buildings and acreage of the Mudbaden Sulphur springs near Jordan as a site for the state reformatory for women had been introduced in the state senate.

The bill, asking an appropriation of $200,000 provides for purchase of land and buildings and alterations of the structures on the site.

It is understood that if the bill is approved the present reformatory at Shakopee would become the center of the Youth Conservation commission which has recently been held unconstitutional by District Judge J. J. Moriarty.

75 Years Ago: From the March 24, 1949 Shakopee Valley News

Moriarty Must Take Long Rest

Because of an acute nervous condition caused by overwork District Judge Joseph J. Moriarty has been ordered by his physicians to take a two months’ rest. He is now at his home in Shakopee after having been in the New Prague hospital for the past two weeks.

During his absence, Judge Mark Nolan, Duluth, and Martin Nelson, Austin, will preside on the bench of the 8th judicial district. Judge Nolan will open the spring term of court at Chaska Monday…

50 Years Ago: From the March 27, 1974 Shakopee Valley News

Thielen to seek Sheriff’s post

Shakopee police chief R. G. “Pat” Thielen has formally announced his intention to run for Scott County Sheriff in the election next fall.

Thielen, who has headed the Shakopee police department the last years, made the decision public Tuesday morning.

In announcing his candidacy Thielen said he would base his campaign on four items: organized police administration; support for law enforcement at the local municipal level; coordination and cooperation among various law enforcement agencies; creation of a central county crime lab, and professionalism in county law enforcement…

25 Years Ago: From the March 25, 1999 Shakopee Valley News

Commercial moratorium idea nixed

Lawsuit threat loomed; Target store planned

Faced with the threat of a lawsuit by the landowner and developer that want to bring a Kmart store to the intersection of Vierling Drive and Marschall Road, the Shakopee City Council Tuesday backed off its plan to enact a moratorium on commercial development in the highway business (B-1) zone.

The council voted 4-0, with Councilor Jane DuBois absent, to table indefinitely the moratorium proposal. The city will proceed with a traffic study it intended to conduct during the moratorium, with the developers of the three undeveloped parcels at the intersection of Marschall Road and Highway 169 paying the cost.

The city had considered a halt to development in the area out of concern over traffic levels that would be generated by so-called big-box retailers that want to build. Along with Kmart’s plans for a 108,152-square-foot Big K store on the northeast corner of Highway 169 and Marschall Road, a developer representing Target has applied to build a 122,000-square-foot store and an unidentified 40,000 square-foot building at that intersection. The developer controlling the southwest corner of 169 and Marschall Road has indicated that Wal-Mart is interested in coming to Shakopee…

Interested in local history? Find even more at the Shakopee Heritage Society website.

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Remember When

Remember When – March 16, 2024

150 Years Ago: From the March 19, 1874 Shakopee Argus

The East Shakopee School is having a vacation this week on account of the sickness of the teacher, Miss Smedley.

125 Years Ago: From the March 16, 1899 Scott County Argus

At a meeting of the county commissioners last Friday, John J. Ring was awarded the contract for keeping the county poor for the term of three years commencing the first of April. The business of the Ring Hotel will be continued, although arrangements have not been completed yet.

125 Years Ago: From the March 17, 1899 Shakopee Tribune

O. Spielmann has received two dozen new records for his graphophone. They are all the latest up-to-date selections.

100 Years Ago: From the March 21, 1924 Shakopee Argus

A contract has been let for the building of Cottage No. 3 at the state reformatory. Joseph Pavek of New Prague was the successful bidder, Schroeder Brick and Lime Co. will furnish the brick and lime used in construction. Cottage No. 3 will be located north of Cottage No. 2 facing west toward the administration building.

100 Years Ago: From the March 20, 1924 Shakopee Tribune

The interior of Miller’s Cafe is being completely renovated. New wall paper is being put on in the hotel, cafe and lunch room. The wood work is also being newly painted and varnished. The work is being done by J. H. Stans.

75 Years Ago: From the March 17, 1949 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Child Missing Four Hours Went to School

Unperturbed and unaware of the worry and excitement he had caused, 5-year-old Garry Schesso was found by firemen Monday afternoon four hours after he had wandered away from the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Schesso, on E. Third street.

Missing him shortly after noon, Mrs. Schesso started a search of the neighborhood and then widened the hunt as worry and fear mounted within her. Neighbors and the police department joined in the hunt and finally when their efforts proved fruitless, firemen were summoned at 3:30.

Systematically the search expanded to wider circles and it was not until shortly after 4 o’clock that a group of firemen found the lad scarcely four blocks from home.

Children identified him for the firemen and when the lad was questioned he calmly told his “rescuers” that he had been to school. His brother and sister who attend the public school verified the child’s story.

75 Years Ago: From the March 17, 1949 Shakopee Valley News

New Lights Bought For Courthouse

Contract for new fluorescent lights in the Scott County courthouse was awarded to Wes Schneider of Shakopee by the Board of Commissioners Tuesday. His bid of $1137 was the low proposal among other bidders.

50 Years Ago: From the March 20, 1974 Shakopee Valley News

New school building plan unveiled

Shakopee school district residents got a first look at drawings of the proposed new $4.5 million Junior High School building Tuesday night.

An open forum on the new building was held at the Shakopee Senior High auditorium to help acquaint voters with the bond issue proposal to be decided Thursday, April 4.

The new Junior High proposal is being offered as a solution to the district’s critical building shortage. According to school district officials, the new school will satisfy the need for more room but was designed to guard against over-building. Expansion of the facility is possible under the architect’s plans should that be necessary in the future…

According to the architects, the new building will be two stories and will be built to conform to the lay of the land.

The site gives ample room for outdoor recreational areas, and voters will have an option on their ballots to determine whether a pool will be built in connection with the new building.

According to the plans outlined Tuesday, the new structure would follow a traditional pian rather than have an open format…

25 Years Ago: From the March 18, 1999 Shakopee Valley News

Sun Path School (not elementary, my dear Watson)

Randy Moss Elementary School. It has a certain ring to it.

While it does pay homage to the popular Vikings wide receiver, it’s not quite what members of a volunteer committee envisioned in their search for a name for Shakopee’s newest grade school.

After receiving 140 suggestions submitted by adults and students throughout the school district, the committee of eight community representatives selected a name with a more tranquil, suburban flair: Sun Path.

Committee chair and Central Elementary principal Libby Bergen joined committee member Shari Lusignan in presenting the group’s recommendation to the Shakopee School Board Monday evening…

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