Remember When

Remember When – Nov. 13, 2021

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the Nov. 19, 1896 Scott County Argus

The frame awnings over the entrances to Jas. McKeown’s grocery store and H. H. Strunk & Sons’ drug store have been extended to reach to the outer edge of the sidewalk. At the drug store it was found necessary to construct a new one throughout and the job was neatly done by Carpenters John Poetz and Nich. Mechtel.

100 Years Ago: From the Nov. 17, 1921 Shakopee Tribune

Chief of Police, John H. Ring, last week located the owner of a stolen car, which was left here at Schesso’s garage September 28. The chief became suspicious when he noticed the man was running on an old license and upon investigation through the insurance company, he located the owner, Roy E. H. Running, in Minneapolis. Mr. Running came up last week and took the car home, very much pleased to have it returned.

75 Years Ago: From the Nov. 14, 1946 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Board Votes Pay Increase

Increases of $175 in the annual salaries of the principal and 17 grade and high school teachers in the Shakopee public schools were voted Monday night after the board of education reviewed the findings of a salary and cost of living survey made by Superintendent Al N. Wurst of 52 schools in a 50-mile radius of the twin cities.

On the basis of present teacher salaries here, the change represents an increase of 5.3 per cent, it was explained.

The survey revealed that the Shakopee school district was slightly lower than comparable districts in salary structure and it also showed that in the three-month period ending Sept. 20 the cost of living had risen 8.9 per cent…

50 Years Ago: From the Nov. 17, 1971 Shakopee Valley News

Shak-O-Valley Days Chosen New Name of Celebration

Shakopee’s annual community festival formerly known as “Pow Wow Days” has been renamed.

Chosen is the winning entry in a contest to rename the celebration was “Shak-O-Valley Days.” The name was submitted by Don Mertz, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mertz of Shakopee, and he was awarded the $50 prize offered by the Chamber of Commerce…

25 Years Ago: From the Nov. 14, 1996 Shakopee Valley News

Bypass opens next week

Project is third and last of improvements sought for years

The third and finishing jewel of the transportation crown coveted by communities south of the Minnesota River for more than two decades will be put in place next week when the Shakopee Bypass opens.

A grand opening and ribbon-cutting ceremony for public officials and dignitaries will be held Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. at Canterbury Inn, though the actual day and time in which the highway opens has not been established. Because of its size, and the need for finishing touches and coordination to change signs and reroute traffic, officials from the Minnesota Department of Transportation can only say the highway will open sometime after next Monday.

The five-mile bypass, which will be called Highway 169, connects the Bloomington Ferry Bridge to the eastern edge of Shakopee with Highway 169 in Jackson Township on the city’s west side. It skirts to the south of urban Shakopee, allowing traffic to avoid snarling congestion that has for years beset the downtown area…

Remember When

Remember When – Nov. 6, 2021

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the Nov. 12, 1896 Scott County Argus

The law firm of Southworth & Coller which has been doing business for 7 years past, has been dissolved by mutual consent and the senior member, E. Southworth, Esq., has formed a partnership with his son, Walter N. Southworth. Mr. Coller will continue his business at the old quarters of the firm in the second story of the bank building, while Messrs. Southworth & Southworth will locate in the second floor of the handsome new brick block erected by John Berens & Co. as soon as a suite of rooms can be fitted up.

100 Years Ago: From the Nov. 10, 1921 Shakopee Tribune

A new card club was organized last Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. A. J. Meyer. The club which will be known as “The Jolly Thirteen” will meet once a week and play five hundred. At the meeting last Thursday, Mrs. John Cavanaugh won head prize and Mrs. Wm. Thiede received the consolation prize. Delicious refreshments were served. The ladies will meet again this evening at the home of Mrs. John Cavanaugh.

75 Years Ago: From the Nov. 7, 1946 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Gamble Store to Have Open House

Disrupted for several weeks while a new front and interior alterations were being completed the Gamble store will have “open house” from 7 to 9 p.m. Friday, Nov. 13, H. D. Johnson, proprietor, announced this week…

50 Years Ago: From the Nov. 10, 1971 Shakopee Valley News

Site for A Proposed Junior High Next to High School Is Approved

A 55-acre site, extending to the south and west of the present Shakopee High School property, was approved as the location for a proposed Shakopee Junior High School building by the Shakopee School Board Monday night.

The approval followed the recommendation of the board’s building committee which has been holding a series of informal meetings with school administrators and representatives of the architectural firm of Armstrong, Schlichting, Torseth and Skold during the past month.

In addition to okaying the site selection, the board approved a contract with the architects, and a committee consisting of attorney Philipp Kraus, School Supt. Dr. Robert Mayer and board chairman James O’Neill was appointed to begin negotiations with Josephine M. Vierling, owner of the property.

Also under consideration as a possible site had been the Thomas McDevitt property, located just to the west of the Vierling land at the southerly border of the city.

If 55 acres of Vierling property are purchased or acquired by condemnation, it will mean that the combined acreage of the Senior and Junior High Schools would total 82 acres, approximately 8 acres short of the state recommendation for a junior and senior high complex of 1,000 students…

25 Years Ago: From the Nov. 7, 1996 Shakopee Valley News

Second fire hall easily OK’d

Margin is 69-31%; liquor licenses approved

Shakopee voters approved referendum questions Tuesday which will allow for a second fire station and an additional five on-sale liquor licenses.

The proposal for a 20-year, $3.4 million general obligation bond issue for the fire station was easily approved, with 4,484 votes for to 2,050 against. The margin of victory was 68.6 percent to 31.4 percent.

Voters gave the city permission to issue up to five additional on-sale liquor licenses, in excess of the 12 allowed by the state, which is based on population. City officials said the availability of the licenses is necessary to attract developers of businesses such as hotels and restaurants…

Remember When

Remember When – Oct. 30, 2021

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

100 Years Ago: From the Nov. 3, 1921 Shakopee Tribune

Shakopee In Line For New Band

Joe Schmitz is arranging to develop a band for the City of Shakopee made up of Home men and boys and he would like to have all who play and have instruments to bring them to the first meeting, which will be held in the office of the St. Paul Hotel at 8 p. m. next Monday evening, Nov. 7.

Mr. Schmitz is very anxious to get this good work started in a big way next Monday evening, so whether you play or not, if you think you can play and would like to become a member of the band attend this meeting.

75 Years Ago: From the Oct. 31, 1946 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Shakopee on List for New P. O. Building

That Shakopee is in line for a new 193,000 post office building was reported by Associated press in a story released Sunday.

The proposed structure is one of more than 100 on the list prepared by the postoffice department naming eligible Minnesota communities in which new postoffices are to be constructed “when and if congress sees fit to authorize funds for a new building program,” the AP story revealed.

To qualify a community must have at least $10,000 in annual postal receipts and must be in need of improved facilities. The present flat, based on 1944 fiscal year receipts, is expected to be reviewed on the basis of 1945 receipts…

50 Years Ago: From the Nov. 3, 1971 Shakopee Valley News

Meeting with State Highway Officials Hailed as Success

Parking Ban on First Avenue Proposed…

Shakopee’s City Council Chamber was packed with an overflow crowd of citizens Tuesday night as councilmen met with representatives of the State Highway Department in an effort to solve the growing traffic and safety problems on First Avenue.

Councilmen heard both good news and bad from the State Highway people, but the overriding feeling among most attending the meeting was that it had been constructive and that progress had been made.

Council President Walter Harbeck, who was instrumental in arranging the meeting with the Highway Department representatives, hailed the meeting as one in which “more progress was made than any meeting since I’ve been on the council.”

Among the concessions granted the council by the Highway Department were: 1. A signal light at First and Naumkeag to be installed during the summer of 1972. 2. More visible crosswalk … and painted signs on the road surface cautioning drivers of pedestrian crossings. 3. A uniform 30 mph speed limit from the area of the Dairy Queen in west Shakopee to Naumkeag Street. 4. Promise of timing the traffic lights through the town so that traffic will flow smoothly but that regular breaks in the traffic will occur allowing access from main streets…

25 Years Ago: From the Oct. 31, 1996 Shakopee Valley News

Care facility open house is Saturday

St. Gertrude’s Health Center, a long-term and transitional-care facility in the SouthValley health Campus in Shakopee, will open its doors to patients on Sunday. Grand opening ceremonies for the new facility will be held on Saturday from 1 to 4 p.m….

Remember When

Remember When – Oct. 23, 2021

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

100 Years Ago: From the Oct. 27, 1921 Shakopee Tribune

John B. Ries left last Thursday to attend the Bottlers’ convention which is being held this week in St. Louis. Mr. and Mrs. Will Ries left Monday for St. Louis. Mr. Ries will also attend the convention and Mrs. Ries will visit relatives. They expect to be gone a week and all will return together.

75 Years Ago: From the Oct. 24, 1946 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Industries Consider Shakopee

The possibility that two more industries may select Shakopee as the site for their enterprises was authoritatively disclosed this week when it was learned a paint manufacturing company and a food by-product plant were seeking desirable locations here.

Employing 200 persons the paint firm will require approximately 20,000 square feet of floor space, preferably on one floor or a ground floor and sub-area.

The other industry a new venture now being organized, is in need of 3000 square feet to house its equipment and offices. Representatives of the firm said it was a small industry and because it is not new to operation the number of employees was not stated.

Officials of both companies have made numerous trips to Shakopee, it is learned, but have insisted their names and the names of the companies they represent be kept in confidence. Despite the difficulty of finding exactly the type of structures to meet their needs the men remain hopeful the problem will be solved and that before long they can definitely announce their coming to Shakopee.

50 Years Ago: From the Oct. 27, 1971 Shakopee Valley News

Consolidation Complete

The marriage of the original city of Shakopee with the northern half of Eagle Creek Township to form a new greatly enlarged city of Shakopee was consummated at 8:15 Tuesday night when recently elected aldermen and mayor took the oath of office.

In presiding over the ceremony, City Attorney Julius Coller called it “a historic council meeting” in that it was the first council elected to serve the new city of Shakopee.

Actually the only change between the previous Shakopee Council and the present body is the presence of a representative from the newly merged area, George Roberts, and the absence of veteran Shakopee councilman Christie Rein…

25 Years Ago: From the Oct. 24, 1996 Shakopee Valley News

Leek named community development director

R. Michael Leek, a planner for the city of Shakopee, was appointed community development director by the City Council Oct. 15.

Leek, who has been acting community development director since the resignation of Paul Bilotta on Aug. 14, was recommended for the job by City Administrator Mark McNeill. The city received 14 applications for the job, and four were interviewed by staff and outside professionals…

The council, which unanimously approve the appointment, also vote to direct staff to advertise to fill Leek’s planner II job.

Remember When

Remember When – Oct. 16, 2021

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the Oct. 22, 1896 Scott County Argus

The great trees which have served to beautify the old How residence for so many years have suffered from the rigors of winter and the drouths of summer and at last show signs of decay. Dr. H. P. Fischer has had them trimmed severely with the hope that they may be saved for some years yet.

100 Years Ago: From the Oct. 20, 1921 Shakopee Tribune

Ed Waldo of St. Paul has put in a barber shop in the Southworth building, which will be open for business in a few days.

75 Years Ago: From the Oct. 17, 1946 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

School Plans Presented to State Board

Preliminary Sketches for Shakopee’s New School Await Department OK

That preliminary plans for Shakopee’s proposed new school are gradually taking shape was disclosed this week when it was learned that the architectural firm of Long and Thorshov, Minneapolis engaged by the school board several months ago, has placed the first sketches before the state department of education.

Following approval of the state department the preliminary plans will be submitted jointly to the board of education and the 20-man committee of the Shakopee Commercial club selected to work with the board in solving Shakopee’s school problem.

There was no indication as to how soon the plans would be ready for presentation to the local group, but Superintendent Al N. Wurst expressed confidence that there would be little delay.

First sketches, it was learned, are based on the needs as determined by the superintendent, the school directors and the Commercial club committee, and provide for the utilization of the present auditorium.

50 Years Ago: From the Oct. 20, 1971 Shakopee Valley News

$1 Million Judicial Building Proposed at Present Location

Plan Strongly Opposed…

Determination of a site and use for a proposed county building was delayed until next Tuesday by Scott County Commissioners, so that First District and County Judges can be consulted and give recommendations.

At Tuesday’s board meeting, architects gave cost figures and presented sketches on the most recent proposal for a solution to the county’s space problems…a judicial building on the present courthouse site constructed in front of the present courthouse building.

That proposal, which is apparently favored by County Board chairman William Koniarski and Commissioner Tony Worm, along with the strong possibility of support by Commissioner Marvin Oldenberg, met with some stiff opposition from Shakopee Mayor Ray Foslid and Commissioners George Mingo and Vern Lang.

They all contended Tuesday that to build a judicial building on the present courthouse site would be a shortsighted move by the county board in view of recent projection of a 65,000 Scott County population concentrated in the northern part of the county by 1985, and resident traffic and parking problems…

25 Years Ago: From the Oct. 17, 1996 Shakopee Valley News

County OKs incentives for ADC firm

Scott County commissioners Tuesday unanimously approved a plan in which the county would join a financial incentive plan with the city of Shakopee and a state agency to entice a large telecommunications firm to move to Shakopee.

The County Board last week tabled the proposal at the request of County Attorney Tom Harbinson, who asked that his office be given time to study the plan’s legalities.

On Tuesday, he told the board he foresees no legal problems with the plan to help ADC Telecommunications Inc., Bloomington, move some of its operations to Shakopee with more than 570 jobs. The company recently purchased property at Valley Green Business Park for the production facility, which it said would be 280,000 square feet and cost about $24 million…

Remember When

Remember When – Oct. 9, 2021

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the Oct. 15, 1896 Scott County Argus

Street overseer Sarasen’s gang of street laborers has been discharged after building five blocks of road on Second and Holmes streets that will outlive the builders. There is little that can be said against their work, and almost everything for it. There are no more mudholes or stretches of yielding sand there.

100 Years Ago: From the Oct. 13, 1921 Shakopee Tribune

New General Store To Be Opened Here

An important business transaction of the past week was the leasing of the first floor store in the Southworth building, which has been occupied by Fred Johnson, to Sam Ferdman of St. Paul.

Mr. Ferdman will open a General Clothing and Dry Goods store about November first.

The lease was made by W. N. Southworth, owner of the building for a term of five years.

75 Years Ago: From the Oct. 10, 1946 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Shakopee GI Starts German Youth Project

National Magazine Cites Denazification Work in Current Publication

How a Shakopee soldier, Sgt. Patrick J. Moriarty, is aiding in the denazification of German youth is graphically told in the October 7 issue of Time under the title “Democracy at Work.”

“Pat” is stationed at Bremen and it was there that his seeing hungry, backward and scared kids picking up cigarette butts inspired him and nine other GI’s to organize a German youth club which now has nearly 120 members—all boys from 10 to 17 years and selected from nearly 7,000 applicants.

The organization is known as the Bremen Boys club, and is run entirely by its members, the 10 GI’s serving as counselors. Its basic principles are the four freedoms. No racial discrimination is permitted; talk of concentration camps is banned…

50 Years Ago: From the Oct. 13, 1971 Shakopee Valley News

Southwest Eagle Creek Township Residents Petition to Be Annexed to City of Shakopee

Another twist in the often confusing but always interesting process of changing borders in northern Scott County was presented Tuesday evening at the Shakopee Council meeting.

Harry Weinandt, a resident of the part of Eagle Creek Township not ordered consolidated with Shakopee, appeared before the Council to present a petition of almost all the residents of the 4 ½ sections in western part of Eagle Creek Township asking that the area be annexed to Shakopee.

Weinandt said that the petition carried 86 names, and that the only resident of the area requesting annexation to Shakopee who wouldn’t sign was one 82-year-old man who apparently has had his fill of petitions. “He said he wouldn’t sign another damn paper on anything for anybody,” Weinandt related…

25 Years Ago: From the Oct. 10, 1996 Shakopee Valley News

Zoning change for city shopping center gets OK

The effect of the Shakopee Bypass, which is scheduled to open next month, continues in Shakopee as the City Council on Oct. 1 approved a zoning change to allow for a retail center off of Marschall Road.

The council approved a request by Midwest Commercial Development to rezone a 26-acre site on the southwest corner of Vierling Drive and Marshall Road from agricultural preservation to highway business.

Plans show a large center parking area surrounded by retail outlets, including a 30,000-square-foot food market and a 25,000-square-foot home improvement store, and a bank, a number of smaller retail stores, restaurants and fast-food places.

The firm is in the process of seeking a conditional-use permit from the city Board of Adjustment and Appeals…

Remember When

Remember When – Oct. 2, 2021

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the Oct. 8, 1896 Scott County Argus

A gold watch lost by Val Reis Sr. 24 years ago while tapping trees was found by Frank Huber in his woods last week. It is unharmed except that the works are rusted.

100 Years Ago: From the Oct. 6, 1921 Shakopee Tribune

Reformatory Bids Opened

More than twenty firms bid Tuesday for the general contract for the construction of a woman’s cottage and a barn to be built at the State Reformatory for Women at Shakopee. The bids were opened late Tuesday.

The J. B. Nelson Construction company of Mankato was low for the general bid at $29,774. P. J. Gallagher of Faribault, heating, $4,756. M. J. O’Neil of St. Paul, plumbing, $4,839, and P. J. Gallagher for the barn at $414. H. A. Brown & Sons of Waseca were low on electrical work with $2,390.43 for the cottage and $387.70 for the barn.

75 Years Ago: From the Oct. 3, 1946 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Storm Disrupts Electric Service

When the Northern States Power company highline was struck by a heavy bolt of lightning during a freak electrical storm at 4:30 last Thursday afternoon, Shakopee’s electric service was disrupted for more than an hour.

A power company transformer in the municipal power station was set afire and a 46-inch fuse on the 96,000 volt transmission line at the huge transformers north of the city as blown when the tremendous overload surged through the line.

What might have been a devastating fire was prevented when R. C. Condon, city electrician went to the power house to determine if the power failure had resulted from damage to the city distribution equipment. He immediately discovered the burning Northern States transformer on a 1,000 volt line in the building. After cutting the line he applied a fire extinguisher and halted the blaze…

50 Years Ago: From the Oct. 6, 1971 Shakopee Valley News

Board Accused of Undermining County Administrator Position

Scott County Commissioner Vernon Lang threw a sharp barb at the board of commissioners during its Thursday session, charging that the position of county administrator is being undermined by board actions which bypass him…

25 Years Ago: From the Oct. 3, 1996 Shakopee Valley News

Financial plan to lure firm gets OK

A financing plan that would invoke the city of Shakopee, Scott County, and the state, and provide a Minneapolis telecommunications firm with up to $1.5 million in financial assistance through property tax rebates to move here with 570 jobs, was approved by the Shakopee City Council Tuesday night.

Under the plan, similar to tax increment financing but different because the county would be a direct financial participant, ADC Telecommunications would move some of its operations from Bloomington to the city.

Scott County commissioners, meeting as a Committee of the Whole Tuesday, appeared favorable to the plan and are expected to formally consider the matter next Tuesday morning…

Remember When

Remember When – Sept. 25, 2021

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the Oct. 1, 1896 Scott County Argus

Shakopee grows and keeps growing. Plans have been drawn and accepted, and the contract will be let at once for a handsome two story residence to be erected this fall for John P. Ring on the two lots he recently purchased in block 56. The site is on Fourth street west of Mrs. Haus’ and across the way from the Jacob Ries Jr. residence. The new structure is designed by Architect Fritz Rohlfs and is as tasty and up-to-date as could be desired. The dimensions are 22×42, the front being two stories high and the rear a story and a half. On the first floor is a spacious hall, four rooms and a bath room, and above are four rooms and an alcove. A large bay window adorns the west side, and the front is especially ornate and attractive. It will make a very desirable improvement in that part of the city.

100 Years Ago: From the Sept. 29, 1921 Shakopee Tribune

About thirty girls of the younger social set have organized a club and rented club rooms on the second floor of the Berens building above the Public Rest rooms. A meeting will be held this evening to complete arrangements.

75 Years Ago: From the Sept. 26, 1946 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

City Council Buys $13,000 Fire Truck

50 Years Ago: From the Sept. 29, 1971 Shakopee Valley News

Building Improvement Tax Incentive Asked

To Help Beautification Work…

The Shakopee City Council was asked Tuesday night to consider giving business property owners some sort of tax incentive if they made improvements.

Virgil Mears, spokesman for the Shakopee Chamber of Commerce Beautification Committee said that during the committee’s study of the beautification and improvement of downtown, it had been told by businessmen that they held back on improvements due to concern over resultant increases in property taxes…

City Administrator Morris Anderson said the city could take two avenues of approach to the problem. It could do as Cloquet is doing … simply establishing a policy of not charging the property owner with tax increase if the change is designated as a maintenance improvement.

Or, he said, the city could request the legislature to pass a bill allowing the city to defer taxes on certain classes and ages of property upon which maintenance improvements are made.

After some discussion of the possibilities of getting a bill introduced during the special session coming up Oct. 12, the issue was referred to the executive committee for study…

25 Years Ago: From the Sept. 26, 1996 Shakopee Valley News

$11 million plan for Justice Center approved by county

Taxes won’t rise to fund it

The Scott County Board Tuesday approved the recommendation of the Justice Center Planning Committee, calling for an $11 million budget for the facility which will not result in increased taxes.

Construction is scheduled to begin next year, and take about a year for completion. After the opening of the Justice Center, which will be built next to the existing courthouse, remodeling of vacated space in the courthouse will take place…

Remember When

Remember When – Sept. 18, 2021

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the Sept. 24, 1896 Scott County Argus

At the rear of the coalsheds on the three lots in block 31, recently purchased of O. S. Brown, Frank Buch is putting in a new “Victor” Fairbanks scales to facilitate the handling of his coal business. John Poetz is in charge of the work. Besides making use of the coal sheds located on his newly bought property Mr. Buch will house considerable lumber int eh big lumber shed adjoining, formerly the property of Wm. J. Kauth.

100 Years Ago: From the Sept. 22, 1921 Shakopee Tribune

Public Library Moved To Rest Rooms

The public library has been moved from the high school to the public rest rooms, which is centrally located and it will be more convenient for patrons to get and exchange books. Full arrangements have not been completed. It is presumed that the library will be open for distribution of books one day each week. Full particulars will be announced later.

75 Years Ago: From the Sept. 19, 1946 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

School Enrollment Tops Previous High

833 Pupils Registered in Shakopee’s Three Schools on Opening Days. Grades List 567, High School 266. Classes Held During Lunch Hour at High School.

Eclipsing all previous enrollment records and amplifying the responsibility which the community faces, 833 children were registered in Shakopee’s three schools when classes were resumed Monday, detailed reports revealed.

Opening day registration last year totalled 77 which was all-time high to that date. Largest increase or the current year was recorded at the public school where high school classes total 266 as compared to 250 last year, and the grade enrollment is 196 as compared with 170 a year ago. These figures are expected to increase, Superintendent Al N. Wurst said, when some delayed registrations are completed.

St. Mary’s parochial school reported a total of 137 registrants for the eight grades this year. The previous total was 149.

Registration records at St. Mark’s school showed 234 pupils listed in the eight grades, as compared to 227 last year.

High school enrollment figures list 72 freshmen, 73 sophomores, 64 juniors and 51 seniors…

To cope with the marked increase and resulting lack of ample classroom facilities, classes in high school continue uninterruptedly through the noon hour…

50 Years Ago: From the Sept. 22, 1971 Shakopee Valley News

Civil Defense To Begin Test Alerts

Shakopee will sound their sirens for a Civil Defense test on the first Wednesday of each month, Shakopee Mayor Ray Foslid announced this week. The first test will be held Oct. 6 with others continuing throughout the year. Officials remind residents that these are only tests.

25 Years Ago: From the Sept. 19, 1996 Shakopee Valley News

Commissioners favor county staffing plan

A plan that calls for Scott County staffing levels to grow by no more than 60 percent of the rate of growth in population in the county was met favorably by county commissioners last week in a Committee of the Whole session.

Discussion of the plan was led by Brian Nasi, associate administrator of employee relations. The plan is designed to keep within the county fiscal plan calling for growth to match county residential growth.

Under the plan, department requests for staff increases must be reviewed by the county administrator and turned over to the Organizational Development and Employee Relations staff and evaluated by an analysis of need.

Remember When

Remember When – Sept. 11, 2021

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the Sept. 17, 1896 Scott County Argus

The new business block for John Berens & Co. at the corner of Holmes and First streets is going up rapidly of late. The walls of the first story are up and the second floor is being laid today. The building is to be a handsome one, and will be doubly valued as an addition to the town owing to the favorable site. It changes the whole appearance of that part of town.

100 Years Ago: From the Sept. 15, 1921 Shakopee Tribune

Last week’s issue of the Catholic Bulletin contained quite a writeup of Shakopee giving the history of the Catholic parishes and school here and a writeup of several local business firms. Pictures of St. Mark’s church and school accompanied the writeup.

75 Years Ago: From the Sept. 12, 1946 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Chicago Firm Leases Old Mill Building

Tool Manufacturer Picks Shakopee Site After Viewing Several Others

After looking over sites in several states and other communities, H. V. Detman, president and owner of the Riverside Machinery company of Chicago, has selected Shakopee as the future home for his thriving business and will move his plant here Oct. 1, it was authoritatively disclosed this week.

Mr. Detmann has negotiated a long-term lease of the old four-story mill building on the south bank of the Minnesota river between Lewis and Sommerville streets, and a crew of workmen have already begun renovating and repairing the large brick structure which has been vacant for many years…

The Argus-Tribune’s informant described the new industry as a manufacturer of a metal forming tool used in sheet metal work. The firm enjoys not only a thriving nation-wide trade, but is also in the foreign market filling orders for overseas delivery…

Remodelling of the mill building includes laying of a concrete floor in the lower story, a new roof over the main building, lowering of ceilings, removal of the old grain bins and the general reconditioning of the entire structure. A two-story addition to the west side of the building is being razed.

50 Years Ago: From the Sept. 15, 1971 Shakopee Valley News

Downtown Revitalization Project to Be Proposed

A proposal for the beautification and revitalization of the Shakopee Downtown area will be held Thursday evening, September 16 at 7:30 p.m. in the Shakopee Senior High School Auditorium.

The meeting, sponsored by the Shakopee Area Chamber of Commerce Beautification Committee, headed by Virgil Mears, will feature a presentation of a plan down by the Wayzata architectural firm of Vosejpka and Associates…

25 Years Ago: From the Sept. 12, 1996 Shakopee Valley News

Council formally sets referendums for Nov. 5

The Shakopee City Council last week formally adopted resolutions setting Nov. 5 referendums on a new fire hall and on an increase in the number of liquor licenses available in the city.

The council on Sept. 2 approved a ballot question asking for voter permission to issue $3.4 million in general obligation bonds for the fire hall, which would be located at the southwest corner of the intersection of County Road 16 and Vierling Drive…

The council last week also adopted a resolution to increase the number of on-sale liquor licenses from 12 – the maximum number allowed by state statutes based on population – to 17. The five additional licenses are proposed to accommodate potential development, including restaurants and hotels, city officials have said.