Remember When

Remember When – April 2, 2022

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the April 8, 1897 Scott County Argus

Jack Frost is frequently a mischief maker. One of his latest pranks was the upsetting of a pile of wood at the foot of the alley at the rear of Jos. Nachtsheim’s bakery. There was a lot of the wood, and it was piled eight feet high, and when it came tumbling down upon Aug. Scherkenbach’s cutter, it put an end to that vehicle about as effectually as the hundred year’s wear did the memorable “one-hoss shay.”

100 Years Ago: From the April 6, 1922 Shakopee Tribune

Business Change

C. D. McKinnon of River Falls, Wis., this week purchased from Fred Stelten, the pool room and soft drink parlor owned and conducted by him for several years. Mr. McKinnon took possession Monday.

Mr. McKinnon owned and managed an up-to-date hotel at River Falls for the past twelve years. He states that he will rearrange the pool hall and replace the old tables that are now in use with new ones.

Mr. Stelten has no definite plans for the future, however, it is hoped, he will decide to remain in this city.

75 Years Ago: From the April 3, 1947 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Shakopee Corn Field Gets Cover Spot on Seed Trade Paper

The fame of Shakopee as a seed corn growing center was spread far and wide this week with the distribution of the widely circulated trade journal, “Seed World” which on its cover carried an aerial photo of a 100-acre seed corn field developed by Leo Huss under an acreage contract with Northrup King and Company last year.

A beautiful view of the river bottom and west of Shakopee, the picture’s focal point is the … striped cornfield with its alternate rows of male and female corn.

Describing the picture is this legend:

“One of Northrup King and Company’s 100-acre hybrid seed corn production fields on the Minnesota river bottoms near Shakopee where … is ideal…”

50 Years Ago: From the April 5, 1972 Shakopee Valley News

Petition Asking Repeal of NSP Franchise Ordinance Is Filed

May Result in Referendum…

A city-granted franchise to Northern States Power may be submitted to the citizens of Shakopee in a referendum if a petition circulated by Martin Walsh, former city assessor and secretary to the Shakopee Public Utilities Commission, is found to have enough valid signatures. That petition has been filed.

Others on the Referendum Committee which circulated the petition were Joseph A. Whelan, Marceline Hickman, R. W. Jasper, Agnes F. Horeish, Melvin P. Lebens and Suzanne Goodspeed.

Walsh initiated the petition as a result of his belief that Ordinance No. 337, which granted NSP permission to furnish electric service to some firms in the City of Shakopee, would result in a conflict between NSP and the Shakopee Public Utilities Commission over service areas and would eventually lead to a complete NSP monopoly of electric service in Shakopee…

25 Years Ago: From the April 3, 1997 Shakopee Valley News

Site visit of SJHS is second phase of Blue Ribbon selection process

On Thursday and Friday, Dr. Brian Metke, superintendent of the Glendale School District in Glendale, Ore., will be on campus at Shakopee Junior High School in the second phase of the National Schools of Excellence Blue Ribbon Schools selection process.

Shakopee Junior High School was accepted for a site visit after submitting a 41-page self-nomination. The purpose of Metke’s visit is to verify information in the nomination…

Remember When

Remember When – March 26, 2022

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the April 1, 1897 Scott County Argus

Jack Frost is frequently a mischief maker. One of his latest pranks was the upsetting of a pile of wood at the foot of the alley at the rear of Jos. Nachtsheim’s bakery. There was a lot of the wood, and it was piled eight feet high, and when it came tumbling down upon Aug. Scherkenbach’s cutter, it put an end to that vehicle about as effectually as the hundred year’s wear did the memorable “one-hoss shay.”

100 Years Ago: From the March 30, 1922 Shakopee Tribune

Work Completed on Sisters Home

Improvements on the Sisters’ residence in connection with St. Mark’s school, which was partly destroyed by fire about two months ago, were completed the past week and the Sisters are again domiciled in their home.

The work was performed in a very satisfactory manner and the rooms present a very bright and cheerful appearance. The kitchen and community room on first floor and several rooms on second floor were completely renovated and re-furnished. The rooms on the east side of the building, which were not in the path of the fire, however, were damaged by smoke will be redecorated after the completion of the school year.

The improvements were made under the personal supervision of Rev. Father Savs, who is deserving of much commendation for the creditable manner in which the work was performed.

75 Years Ago: From the March 27, 1947 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

N. Y. A. Land Bill Moves Nearer to Final Approval

The bill which would authorize the transfer of the former NYA property title from the state to the city of Shakopee was reported to have cleared another hurdle early this week, as the measure was placed on general orders to the house, Mayor J. J. Cavanaugh disclosed.

A companion measure was approved by a vote of the senate earlier and the bill is now expected to come before the house this week, the mayor said…

50 Years Ago: From the March 29, 1972 Shakopee Valley News

Split Shifts At Senior High Next Fall

Board Votes 4-3 On Decision…

Faced with choices ranging from bad to worse, the Shakopee Board of Education determined Monday night to institute a split-shift for Shakopee students on the secondary level, moving the junior high students to the Senior High building next fall.

The emergency measure is necessary to provide space for the rapidly increasing number of elementary students.

Preliminary thinking is to instruct the 600 senior high students in the morning hours, and the 450 junior high students in the afternoon. The present junior high building will become an elementary school…

25 Years Ago: From the March 27, 1997 Shakopee Valley News

Demolition contract for Blocks 3, 4 approved by city

Work to start week of April 14

The Shakopee City Council last week approved a contract with Dulas Excavating of Wells, Minn., for the demolition of Blocks 3 and 4 in the downtown…

Preparation for the demolition of the two blocks, according to Paul Snook, city economic development coordinator, will begin this week with the removal of … Before a building can be demolished Hazardous Materials Abatement Corp. of Brooklyn Park will remove all the asbestos and other hazardous materials including … and light bulbs.

The week of April 14 is when the actual demolition is scheduled to begin. Snook said it will take a week to demolish the buildings. After removing the building debris, Dulas will complete the project by filling the holes remaining from demolition and put up a chain link fence…

Remember When

Remember When – March 19, 2022

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the March 25, 1897 Scott County Argus

There is a lake on the bottoms extending here from G. H. Kunsman’s to Dean’s lake, and the residents alongshore and in mid seas are now induced to study astronomy, navigation and the arts dependent upon them by which society has been so much benefitted.

100 Years Ago: From the March 23, 1922 Shakopee Tribune

City Fire Whistle Moved to Minn. Stove Co. Plant

The city fire whistle has this week been taken from the City Power house and installed at the plant of the Minnesota Stove Co.

The change was made on account of the greater amount of power, at the Stove Works at all times which therefore is able to render better service.

The whistle will be tried out Saturday noon from its new location and hereafter all fire alarms will be given from the Minnesota Stove Co.’s plant instead of the City Power house.

75 Years Ago: From the March 20, 1947 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Service Station, Flax Oil Plant Hit by Fires

Fire at the Zephyr Oil company station south of Shakopee Saturday afternoon and another at the Cargill flaxseed oil plant at Savage Monday noon sent Shakopee firemen on runs.

The oil station fire it was reliably stated, resulted when a motorist … into the drive and smashed into two pumps, knocking each over. Flowing gasoline immediately ignited and threatened the entire plant. The damage it was learned, may exceed $700.

A spark from a welding torch is believed to have been the cause, firemen said, of the fire in the flax … plant at Savage Monday night. Extent of the damage was not determined…

50 Years Ago: From the March 22, 1972 Shakopee Valley News

Commissioners Agree to Build Temporary Courthouse Addition

In response to a plea from Scott County Chief Judge F. J. Connolly last week for adequate space at the courthouse to conduct trials, commissioners agreed Tuesday to construct a temporary building on the present courthouse site.

The building, as described by architect Donald Erickson, would be of modular design, partially preassembled at a factory. It would provide 1152 square feet of space for a court room, and cambers for judge and jury.

Cost of the building was estimated to be a total of $37,000. The county could expect to recover about one-third of that if the building were sold when the proposed second phase of county construction is completed and court facilities are located on the new site on County Road 17.

25 Years Ago: From the March 20, 1997 Shakopee Valley News

It’s official: black is in

It will join red and white as school colors

It’s official. As of Monday, black can be used as a primary color for Shakopee School District uniforms, signs and logos.

The School Board unanimously approved the addition of black as one of the primary school colors at Monday night’s regular meeting after listening to the recommendations of representatives of a committee formed to study the matter.

Remember When

Remember When – March 12, 2022

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the March 18, 1897 Scott County Argus

The entire stock of John Berens & Co. was last week moved to their handsome new brick block at the corner of Holmes and First streets, and the quarters that they have known for so many years past now know them no more.

100 Years Ago: From the March 16, 1922 Shakopee Tribune

School Notes

Many absences are noticed in school attendance this week, probably due to the floods on the streets.

75 Years Ago: From the March 13, 1947 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Senators Approve Camp Sale

Acquisition of the former NYA tract east of the city as a memorial park for Shakopee moved nearer to resolution Tuesday Mayor J. J. Cavanaugh disclosed upon his return from the state capitol where a bill authorizing transfer of title from the state to the City of Shakopee was favorably reported out of a senate committee that day.

Immediate vote on the measure was not expected inasmuch as a companion bill was still in a lower house committee and was to be reported out in a few days, the mayor said.

After committees of both houses have given approval the bill will then be presented for adoption and eventual signature by the governor. This phase of the procedure is not anticipated for at least two weeks, it was learned.

The tract, originally used as a homeless men’s camp and later as a National Youth Administration center for learning trades to underprivileged boys, is composed of more than 200 acres, the greater portion of which lies between the south bank of the Minnesota river and the right of way of state highway No. 101. Another portion lies between the highway and the north line of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha railway right of way.

Buildings erected on the property by the federal government and the state are now occupied by several industries. One of the structures, the old stone “Murphy house” is not included in the property sought by the city but is said to be “ear marked” for the State Historical society.

50 Years Ago: From the March 15, 1972 Shakopee Valley News

Split Shifts Likely for Some Shakopee Students Next Fall

Question: Where to Make the Split?

After an exhaustive two hour presentation and discussion of the alternatives open the Shakopee Board of Education in providing classroom space for next year, it became apparent Monday night that split shifts of some kind will be a reality in the district when school begins next fall.

But the board did not feel it had examined all possibilities, and so did not make a final decision. Still to be determined is where a split will be made.

There are three main possibilities. 1, a split of the elementary grades; 2, a split of secondary grades, combining the junior and senior high classes at the senior high building; and 3, a split of a portion of the elementary grades (4-6 for example).

25 Years Ago: From the March 13, 1997 Shakopee Valley News

City ordinance regulating towers adopted by council

The passage of the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, and its edict that cities allow telecommunication companies to erect towers, threw communities throughout the area into a quandary…

The Shakopee City Council imposed a moratorium in November to give city staff time to research the issue and prepare a draft ordinance. The moratorium was then extended to April 1.

On March 4 the City Council approved a new ordinance regulating the telecommunication towers. However, the … still in place, Shakopee currently has no application awaiting approval…

Remember When

Remember When – March 5, 2022

125 Years Ago: From the March 11, 1897 Scott County Argus

One of the last items of news unearthed this week is the establishing this spring of a nursery and greenhouse at Shakopee. During the week James Sullivan concluded the sale of the “Schulte Forty,” east of the Strait farm, to two Minneapolis gentlemen, Messrs. Leopold Low and Robert Stern, nursery men and florists of ten years’ experience with the well-known Mendenhall. They will remove to Shakopee at once, the latter being a man of family, and commence the building of the greenhouse as soon as they can get into the ground. The entire tract will be made use of and the business be conducted on a correspondingly extensive scale.

100 Years Ago: From the March 9, 1922 Shakopee Tribune

C. M. Kopp has announced his candidacy for re-election to the office of County Sheriff and solicits the voters support on the record he has made while filling the office for the past several years.

75 Years Ago: From the March 6, 1947 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Rail Crossing Order Stands

Denying the city council’s recent petition to “… and nullify” the state Railroad and Warehouse Commission order closing nine grade crossings of the Omaha railroad in Shakopee the commission this week framed its reply to the petition.

According to Harold E. Flynn, city attorney, the rejection of the nullification request leaves the rail crossing matter just as it as before the council requested a re-hearing or abandonment of the commission order.

The order from which the council sought to appeal provides for the closing of Omaha railway crossings at Pierce and Shumway streets in West Shakopee, and Sommerville, Spencer, Fillmore, Main, Market, Dakota and Prairie streets in East Shakopee, after the rail company has installed automatic safety devices at the Lewis, Holmes and Fuller street grade crossings.

50 Years Ago: From the March 8, 1972 Shakopee Valley News

County Building Cost Chopped $600,000

Plant Gets Good Reception…

Architect Donald Erickson presented revised plans for a county office building at a special meeting of the Scott County Board Monday night which Commissioners termed “impressive.”

The building would be built on a 20-acre site the county owns at the intersection of County Road 17 and an extension of 11th Avenue in Shakopee.

Erickson, of Patch, Erickson, Madson and Hanson, Inc., estimated cost at $1,265,819, more than $600,000 less than an original plan cost of $1.9 million…

Erickson told commissioners Tuesday that the reduction in size had been accomplished by reducing some storage and expansion space which had been included in the previous plan, along with reductions in administration and commissioner’s area.

Despite the reduction in overall square footage, the plan also provides for quarters for the county welfare offices, now occupying rental space in Shakopee…

If approved by voters in September, the building would probably be ready for occupancy in early 1974. When county offices now housed in the courthouse move out, the present courthouse would be taken over largely by the county courts system.

The office building, in the county’s long range plans, is the first in a three-phase building program on the 20 acre site. Later stages would see construction of a county courts building and a county public safety building.

25 Years Ago: From the March 6, 1997 Shakopee Valley News

Former hospital building meets wrecking ball

Workers began knocking down the former St. Francis Regional Medical Center building at 325 Fifth Ave. W. last week. The demolition and cleanup is expected to take several weeks. Plans are for the site to become a parking lot for the Scott County Courthouse and proposed county justice center.

Remember When

Remember When – Feb. 26, 2022

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the March 4, 1897 Scott County Argus

The four pretty little quail which John McMullen is wintering are as happy as clams at the high-tide in an overhead room which he has given up to them. There is hay for cover, food and water in abundance, and the little fellows scratch and peck away at the floor all day long. As previously stated he will put them into a large enclosure on his lawn this summer. Master Valencourt Chewning also has some of the shy little birds in a room at his home, and with several rabbits they make quite a happy family. The statement that they cannot be tamed seems likely to be refuted, as the quail are rapidly accustoming themselves to their surroundings and their keepers.

100 Years Ago: From the March 2, 1922 Shakopee Tribune

R. T. Schumacher this week completed a deal, whereby he purchased from Ben Scherkenbach, his interest in the Shakopee Marble and Granite Works, thereby becoming the sole owner. The business will be carried on at the same place and under the same name, Shakopee Marble and Granite Company.

75 Years Ago: From the Feb. 27, 1947 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

City Council Acts To Get 200-Acre Tract

A move to acquire the 190-acre former NYA camp tract east of Shakopee as a memorial park for the city has been launched according to a resolution officially published in the Argus-Tribune today.

The resolution, adopted by the City Council provides for the appointment of a committee “consisting of the mayor, the city attorney, the city engineer and the president of the common council…authorized to contact the necessary departments and officials of the State of Minnesota and to take whatever steps become ultimately necessary for the acquisition of said site by the City of Shakopee to be used as a memorial park.”…

Transfer of title, it was explained, requires an act of the legislature.

According to the description of property, approximately 168 acres of the tract lie between the south bank of the Minnesota river and the right of way of state highway No. 101, about 35 acres of the total area lie north of the right of way of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha railway….

The large stone “Murphy” house, formerly the NYA administration building now under lease to the Shakopee American Legion as an apartment house for veterans and their families, is excluded from the description…

50 Years Ago: From the March 1, 1972 Shakopee Valley News

Memorial Park Now Wildlife Refuge

Hunting, Trapping, Traffic Banned…

Memorial Park, including the old Indian corn field north of the picnic area and the land surrounding the Mill Pond area, was designated a wildlife refuge by resolution of the Shakopee City Council Tuesday night.

Hunting, trapping, motorized traffic and boating is now expressly forbidden in the area, although fishing will be allowed.

25 Years Ago: From the Feb. 27, 1997 Shakopee Valley News

City Council votes 4-1 to assume the duties of the EDA

The Shakopee City Council Tuesday night voted 4-1 to take over the duties of the city’s Economic Development Authority (EDA)…

Remember When

Remember When – Feb. 19, 2022

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the Feb. 25, 1897 Scott County Argus

Aug. Woehling & Co. are making plans for enlarging the livery stable of Reis Bros. to twice its present size. Running westward a “store” front of 60 feet two stories high will add to that part of First street, and the addition will run back 62 feet. The present structure, 30×80 feet, will be raised two stories in hight to make one building of the whole. The plans include a large office, harness room, wash room, and bay window on the front. The brick is already being hauled for the improvement.

100 Years Ago: From the Feb. 23, 1922 Shakopee Tribune

Students of the commercial department of the local high school visited the First National Bank, Tuesday afternoon, for the purpose of getting some real practical knowledge of banking.

75 Years Ago: From the Feb. 20, 1947 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Rail Crossing Issue Closed by Council

Nullifying the entire proceedings originally instituted to secure automatic stop signals for the Fuller, Holmes and Lewis street crossings of the Omaha railroad here the city council at the meeting last Tuesday night adopted a resolution closing the action.

The nullification, it was explained, was agreed upon because the Railroad and Warehouse commission order calling upon the rail company to install the signals also provided for the closing of nine additional grade crossings…

50 Years Ago: From the Feb. 23, 1972 Shakopee Valley News

County Office Building Plan Being Reconsidered

On 20-Acre Site…

A self imposed “cooling off” period is over, and Scott County officials are again actively working together on a plan to provide space and facilities for offices which are scattered all over the county.

The Minneapolis architectural firm of Patch, Erickson, Madsen and Hanson has been instructed by Scott County Commissioners to revise plans for a county office building on a 20-acre site owned by the county near County Road 17 and an extension of 11th Avenue in Shakopee.

The request of the architects was made at a special meeting of Commissioners and architects Monday. It was the second of such meetings, which are the first movements of the board toward a solution of county space shortages since a bond issue was narrowly turned down by county voters November 30…

25 Years Ago: From the Feb. 20, 1997 Shakopee Valley News

HRA will seek city guarantee on project

Projections for Blocks 3, 4 financing trouble EDA members

Just as the design committee gave final approval to the entrance look of the building proposed for the joint Scott County Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) and Shakopee Economic Development Authority (EDA) project on Blocks 3 and 4 in downtown Shakopee, the EDA voted 4-2 to authorize bids for demolition of the buildings on the site.

This is not to say that the EDA or the HRA has given the estimated $5.2 million combined housing and retail shop development the go-ahead. In fact, financial data and size-specific studies presented by the HRA and representatives from market consultant groups at the EDA’s Feb. 12 meeting have left a number of people reeling from “sticker shock.” Part of the reason for that shock is that the county, to obtain lower interest rates on funding, will ask the city to pledge $3.2 million in general obligation bonds as a fail-safe measure for investors should the project fail…

Remember When

Remember When – Feb. 12, 2022

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the Feb. 18, 1897 Scott County Argus

In addition to his ministerial proclivities Head Engineer Ferguson of the mill is allowed to pose as “Engineer of the Public Waterworks of the City of Shakopee,” and frequently receives pieces of “one-cent” mail addressed thus, without a quiver.

100 Years Ago: From the Feb. 16, 1922 Shakopee Tribune

The Shakopee Stove Co. have a fine exhibit at the Hardware Dealer’s convention which is being held at the Auditorium in St. Paul this week. Art Hamilton has charge of the exhibit. E. V. Mertz and Wm. Spoerner were also in attendance at the convention.

75 Years Ago: From the Feb. 13, 1947 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Attorney Harold E. Flynn returned Saturday night from Kansas City, Mo., where he had represented the Minnesota Valley Natural Gas company at hearings before the Federal Power Commission. The hearings concerned the extension of natural gas lines to communities in Iowa and Minnesota. Because heavy snow had halted rail traffic, Mr. Flynn returned to Minnesota by plane.

50 Years Ago: From the Feb. 16, 1972 Shakopee Valley News

Memorial Park Proposed As Wildlife Refuge

Lease to County Historical Society…

Long range development plans for Shakopee parks were presented to the Shakopee City Council Tuesday night by Parks and Recreation director George Muenchow, including a recommendation for a major shift in usage of Memorial Park.

The change, as outlined by Muenchow and concurred with by representatives of the Scott County Historical Society, involves leasing the Memorial Park area from the sewage lift station on the west to the boundary of the land currently held by the Historical Society. It would include the land from Highway 101 on the south to the river on the north.

As part of the plan, the area would be designated as a wildlife refuge, in which no hunting or trapping would be allowed. If the lease is granted by the council, Margaret McFarlane, project coordinator for the Historical Society, said that monies received to develop the lands of the Minnesota Valley River Restoration project could be extended to include the Memorial Park area too…

25 Years Ago: From the Feb. 13, 1997 Shakopee Valley News

Shakopee Junior High passes second cut in Blue Ribbon Schools Program

Shakopee Junior High School has made the second cut in the U.S. Department of Education’s Blue Ribbon Schools Program.

The junior high school was one of four middle schools in Minnesota which passed the first hurdle in November, on their way to becoming a Blue Ribbon School. Surviving a second review of the 42 page application by a panel of national education experts, the junior high will now receive a site visit in March or April from a panel of representatives from the program, which is based in Washington, D.C. Of the 528 public and private schools nominated for the program this year, a total of 268, or 51 percent, were chosen to receive a site visit.

The purpose of the two-day visit is to provide staff members, students, parents and the community with the opportunity to verify the information in the self-nomination form. Representatives from the Blue Ribbon Schools Program will interview administrators, teachers, specialists, parents, School Board members, and custodial, secretarial and food service staff members, and will make observations in classrooms, halls and during after-school activities.

The information gathered will be submitted to the review panel members who recommended the school for the site visit and who will then make the decision on the final award…

Remember When

Remember When – Feb. 5, 2022

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the Feb. 11, 1897 Scott County Argus

Yesterday C. F. Wicke sold his interest in the Globe Hotel to John Leidgen, who took possession to day and is now welcoming the coming and speeding the parting guests that have been stopping at that hostelry in increasing numbers of late. Mr. Leidgen is himself a cook of unquestioned skill and has the energetic qualities that should fit him for a model landlord. Adding to his own abilities those of his wife, the future can hardly fail to place the Globe on the top round of success. Mrs. Wicke will remain here for the present, while Mr. Wicke will go to Wisconsin to accept a position sealing logs.

100 Years Ago: From the Feb. 9, 1922 Shakopee Tribune

Local League of Women Voters Organized

A meeting held Monday afternoon at the Public Rest rooms for the purpose of organizing a branch of the League of Women voters, in this city, was attended by about twenty-five ladies and proved a very interesting meeting.

Mrs. Eli Southworth read a paper prepared by Mr. Southworth, on City Government which was very interesting and instructive. Mr. Southworth was present and explained all civic questions any one present wished to ask.

The League was duly organized and will hold monthly meetings on the first Monday of the month at the Rest rooms.

75 Years Ago: From the Feb. 6, 1947 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Offer $100 Reward for Apprehension of Careless Driver

A reward of $100 for information leading to the apprehension and conviction of the motorist who drove over a fire hose here Saturday afternoon is being offered by the Shakopee fire department, H. J. Pass, fire chief announced Tuesday.

According to the fire chief, the offender drove a 1932 Chevrolet over a fire hose at the rear of the First National bank while firemen were fighting a fire in the building.

The hose was cut and rendered useless and the loss of the water supply might easily have resulted in a devastating blaze…

50 Years Ago: From the Feb. 9, 1972 Shakopee Valley News

Bond Issue for Junior High Defeated

Voters Turn Out in Record Numbers…

Voters of Shakopee School District 720 left little doubt Tuesday about not wanting to stand the expense of a new junior high school, crushing the $4,160,000 bond issue by more than a 2 ½ to 1 margin.

A record number of voters turned out, as 2,399 went to the polls. That number far eclipsed the previous high district school bond issue total of 1400. “No” voters totaled 1732, and “Yes” voters numbered 667…

25 Years Ago: From the Feb. 6, 1997 Shakopee Valley News

MPCA, Rahr reach ‘trade’ agreement for waste-water discharge in river

Rahr Malting Co. in Shakopee and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) have reached a unique agreement in which the company will have the flexibility to “trade” discharge limits on the waste water it produces. MPCA officials said this week the water discharge permit is one of the first in the nation to include the concept of “trading.”

In exchange for a permit to discharge waste water into one part of the Minnesota River from Rahr’s malting facility in Shakopee, the company will be required to reduce the emission of pollutants going into other parts of the river, primarily from agricultural land uses. The net effect, said MPCA officials, will be to lower the total pollutants in the river…

Remember When

Remember When – Jan. 29, 2022

125 Years Ago: From the Feb. 4, 1897 Scott County Argus

Jeweler H. P. Marx left Saturday for Chicago, where he will enter upon a course of study in the Chicago Opthalmic institute. Mr. Marx has already had some schooling as an occulist, and he will endeavor to complete the course while there. This may require his absence for six weeks, at the end of which time he will receive his diploma.

100 Years Ago: From the Feb. 2, 1922 Shakopee Tribune

Mrs. C. M. Kopp received an appointment as deputy sheriff for this county. Mrs. Kopp is the first woman in this district to receive a like appointment.

75 Years Ago: From the Jan. 30, 1947 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Voters to Decide $294,000 School Bond Issue Monday

How voters feel about the question of providing improved public school facilities for the Shakopee community will be expressed Monday, Feb. 2, when they go to the polling place to cast their ballots for or against the proposition of authoring the Board of Education to issue $294,000 in bonds “for the purpose of defraying the expenses incurred and to be incurred in building, rebuilding, remodeling, repairing and equipping a school house.”…

50 Years Ago: From the Feb. 2, 1972 Shakopee Valley News

NSP Not Interested in Franchise

Should City Get Out of Power Distribution Business?

Shakopee’s City Council was unable to reach a decision on the question of granting a franchise to Northern States Power (NSP) to serve some customers directly last week, and in fact, learned that NSP isn’t even interested in a franchise if it is for a short term basis…

The franchise, as drawn up, would be only for one year, and would require that NSP pay seven percent of the gross revenue charge to the seven directly served firms in lieu of the profit the city would make by selling power to the firms as it does throughout the remainder of the community…

Administrator Morris Anderson asked representatives of the other six firms if they would be willing to follow a similar plan, but was unable to get commitments Tuesday night…

In addition, Administrator Anderson was instructed by the Council Tuesday night to request of NSP two things: a price they would demand for the necessary system to service the large power users, and secondly, a price they would be willing to pay for the Shakopee system and business.

Joseph Meyer, representative from NSP, told the council that NSP would not be interested in any franchise with terms of less than 20 years, since it would not pay the company to invest in the equipment necessary to service the industrial area in eastern Shakopee, then have the city take over service…

25 Years Ago: From the Jan. 30, 1997 Shakopee Valley News

Agreement on retail plan is reached

The Shakopee City Council last week approved an agreement with a company planning a major retail development near Shakopee Town Square on the city’s west side.

Under the agreement, the Centre Group has agreed to begin construction on a minimum 50,000-square-foot retail development no later than Dec. 1. But the company plans to ultimately develop a retail complex of about 250,000 square feet.

As part of the agreement, the city will help the developer acquire property held by the Minnesota Department of Transportation near the Shakopee Bypass, begin annexation of township land needed for the development, and help obtain Metropolitan Council permission to extend the municipal urban service area (MUSA) line for sewer and water to the development.