Remember When

Remember When – July 16, 2022

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the July 22, 1897 Scott County Argus

The fire bell clanged out an alarm last Friday afternoon, and when to this were added dense volumes of smoke issuing from the Conter House, there really seemed to be a fire. The streets filled with people and the apparatus was swung around the corner in record breaking time, but two men with shovels had just put out the fire by heaping sand upon it. It was a pall of tar which the men were heating over a fire in the alleyway that had caught fire. Damage 1 ½ cents. There was no insurance.

100 Years Ago: From the July 20, 1922 Shakopee Tribune

School Election Brings out a Very Large Vote

John P. Ring and Mrs. Fred Berens were elected members of the school board for three years, at the school election held Saturday evening.

More than usual interest was shown and a large number of votes were cast. The women’s vote was especially heavy, which displayed the keen interest they take in school affairs.

75 Years Ago: From the July 17, 1947 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Sand Pit Is Big Industry

Now equipped to screen, load and deliver an estimated 10000 tons of sand and rock daily the Shakopee Sand and Gravel company, operated by Joseph Reis, is finding a ready market for its products over a wide area, it was learned.

Latest pieces of equipment put in operation at the 50-acre pit southeast of Shakopee, are an 85-foot belt conveyor, a 35 cubic yard hopper and a half cubic yard gas shovel.

Atop the massive hopper under which the trucks drive to the loaded, is a vibrator screen which anatomically separates the sand from the coarser materials and deposits much in its own compartment in the hopper.

The screen selects three classes of materials and “throws out” the rock too large for general use. The larger rock, will soon be utilized when a new crusher, already on the site, is put in operation.

In addition to the new machines recently installed his plant equipment includes a drag line and three trucks. Four men are employed full time in the industry and during rush periods others are employed, Reis disclosed.

The hopper, screen and conveyor are all electrically operated to provide the maximum efficiency…

50 Years Ago: From the July 19, 1972 Shakopee Valley News

Commission Gives Nelson Permit Nod

At its regular meeting, Thursday evening, July 14, the Shakopee Planning Commission passed a resolution recommending that the Common Council grant a conditional use permit to B.F. Nelson Co. for the establishment of a roofing tile manufacturing plant on a 60-acre tract of land west of Owens-Illinois in Valley Industrial Park.

The company, a division of Certain-Teed Products Corp., has applied for the permit because at this time it is uncertain as to whether an Eagle Creek zoning ordinance, which as reserve the land for “light industrial use” is still enforceable in the area…

25 Years Ago: From the July 17, 1997 Shakopee Valley News

EDA votes 3-2 against downtown project

Citing concerns with the Blocks 3 and 4 redevelopment financial package, the Shakopee Economic Development Authority (EDA) voted 3 to 2 Tuesday night against an $8 million retail and housing proposal from the Scott County Housing and Redevelopment Authority…

Remember When

Remember When – July 9, 2022

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the July 15, 1897 Scott County Argus

H. A. Zettel has applied for a patent on a new acetyline gas generator of his own invention, and as soon as this is granted a company consisting of himself, M. A. Deutsch and E. J. Gellenbeck, will commence the manufacture of them for market. The invention is a success, as it strains the gas through water, removing the carbon, and thus allowing the gas to burn without clogging the burners, as is the case with the Buffington. Mr. Zettel expects to go on the road soon, introducing acetyline gas and his generator. While in Canada he made arrangements to get all the carbide he can use, hence the famine which has bothered users ever since its introduction here will be over. A shipment of 1,000 lbs. was received from Niagara Falls, and he expects to be able to sell this at a little over 4 cents a pound, about half the price paid up to this time.

100 Years Ago: From the July 13, 1922 Shakopee Tribune

The First National Bank has installed a new Burrough’s adding machine, which is a wonderful piece of mechanism. It registers the month and year, by an automatic touch button as well as adding, subtracting, totaling etc. The cost of installing this new machine is a little over one thousand dollars.

75 Years Ago: From the July 10, 1947 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Remodelling Job Started This Week

Remodelling of the front and interior of the former Deutsch building on Lewis street was begun this week by the new owner Le Roy Desher…

For many years the building had served as a drug store and was last owned by the Scott County Drug company who has moved temporarily to a section of the Berens building on Holmes street.

When remodelling is completed Mr. Desher will move his variety store stock and fixtures into modernized structure.

50 Years Ago: From the July 12, 1972 Shakopee Valley News

Annexation Turned Down

Voters in remaining Eagle Creek Township, along with those in one section of Louisville Township, turned down annexation by the City of Shakopee in an election held Friday, July 7.

A vote tally after the polls closed showed that 68 were opposed and 19 favored the annexation. The election had been ordered by the Minnesota Municipal Commission (MMC) after a petition had been circulated in four and one-half sections western of Eagle Creek Township favoring annexation with Shakopee, rather than with Prior Lake…

25 Years Ago: From the July 10, 1997 Shakopee Valley News

EDA hearing on Blocks 3-4 set

Master tenant, financing in place for retail, housing unit

With a master tenant in hand, the Shakopee Economic Development Authority (EDA) Tuesday set an “input hearing” on a financial packet for the development of Blocks 3 and 4 downtown. Next Tuesday’s meeting, which will start at 7 p.m. in the City Council chambers, will allow residents to ask questions about the proposal.

The proposal, which involves the Scott County Housing and Redevelopment Authority, calls for a structure that would contain retail outlets on the first floor, and two stories of senior housing above it…

Remember When

Remember When – July 2, 2022

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the July 8, 1897 Scott County Argus

The Jacob Ries Bottling Works take considerable pride in a new ornamental nickel bar sign, advertising their famous Rock Spring Table water. The sign is in the form of a panel hung horizontally by a chain. Its background is satin finished and the lettering polished. To add to its attractiveness … of the two faces of their World Fair medal in bronze appear in raised medallions. The whole makes a handsome ornament for a bar and is correspondingly valuable as an advertiser. It is a credit to the firm, and a credit to the city to have the name appear upon such an artistic piece of work.

100 Years Ago: From the July 6, 1922 Shakopee Tribune

School elections will be held in this city Saturday, July 15th. Mrs. Fred Berens and Ralph Warner are in the field for members on the school board.

75 Years Ago: From the July 3, 1947 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Council Cuts Licenses

Conforming to the state liquor law which fixes the number of licenses that may be issued in Shakopee, a city of the fourth class, the city council at 1:10 a.m. Wednesday ended a hectic five-hour session by referring to Mayor J. J. Cavanaugh and Recorder F. A. Dircks, for signature the “on sale” liquor licenses of Leonard Ayd, Frank J. Wampach, E. A. Rademacher, A. V. Krueger and Alex J. Stang.

A subsequent motion instructed the city recorder to return the liquor license applications from and bonds to Hubert Paron, Martin Dressen, Otto Riems and Joseph Weiland.

50 Years Ago: From the July 5, 1972 Shakopee Valley News

North Star Research to Build Headquarters

North Star Research and Development Institute was authorized by its Board of Directors Wednesday, June 28, to proceed with construction of a $1,700,000 headquarters office and laboratory building in Valley Industrial Park, Shakopee.

The Directors approved a plan and model designed by Hammel Green and Abrahamson Inc., St. Paul architectural firm.

Dr. John Clegg, North Star President, said the building will contain 48,500 square feet of space in three wings of two-story height.

It will be housed on a 100-acre site which North Star owns in Valley Industrial Park and will replace the present offices and central laboratories in a rented building at 3100 38th Avenue S., Minneapolis.

Ground will be broken early in 1973 and occupancy of the new building is programmed for late June of 1974, Clegg said…

25 Years Ago: From the July 3, 1997 Shakopee Valley News

St. Francis opens urgent care unit

St. Francis Regional Medical Center in Shakopee has announced that it will be offering urgent care services.

The hospital’s urgent care unit, located next to the emergency department, will be open Fridays from 6 to 10 p.m., and weekends and holiday from 1 to 8 p.m.

The hospital said that patients in need of nurse treatment usually will be helped faster in urgent care than in the emergency room, where patients with more serious conditions are helped first.

Urgent care services will also be less expensive than treatment in the emergency room. St. Francis Urgent Care is a separate service at the hospital, so patients will be charged for an urgent care copayment, not an emergency room copayment…

Plans to expand urgent care services to weekday evenings are under way…

Remember When

Remember When – June 25, 2022

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the July 1, 1897 Scott County Argus

Deutsch & Zettel’s aquarium contains a big gar-fish. With its long pointed snout and snaky body it is quite a curiosity.

100 Years Ago: From the June 29, 1922 Shakopee Tribune

The special soap sale which was to have been held at Dahl’s Cash and Carry Store last Saturday, was postponed until next Saturday, July 1st. This sale date had to be changed as the shipment of P. & G. soap, purchased especially for this sale, did not arrive in time to be put on sale last Saturday.

75 Years Ago: From the June 26, 1947 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Tree Branches in Power Line Cuts Electric Service

Tree branches and wind combined to short circuit two 6,000 volt electric power transmission lines causing a temporary disruption in electric service here Friday morning.

When the high tension liens came in contact with each other one of the wires was burned off and slapped across a street light circuit, likewise putting that out of service.

The difficulty developed on the primary distribution line south of the recreation park where a 24-inch boxelder tree had stretched its branches up to where the wires were pushed together and the power disruption followed.

Service was off on part of the residential, business and industrial lines for nearly an hour while a utility crew chopped down the 20-foot tree and spliced the broken wires.

50 Years Ago: From the June 28, 1972 Shakopee Valley News

Commission Okays Fourth Addition of Scenic Heights

During its regular meeting Thursday evening, June 22, the Shakopee Planning Commission accepted a design submitted by Don Link, contractor, for the construction of a fourth addition to the Scenic Heights development.

Link’s design had been turned down by the Commission at two previous public hearings because it did not provide for an access onto County Road 16 from Sibley St., which the Commission felt was necessary to reduce future traffic problems in the area.

Appearing at the hearing Thursday evening, Link said that he was resubmitting his original design because the amount of money spent in installing drainage for Ramsey Street prevented the contractors from granting the City of Shakopee another access street.

After deliberation of the matter, during which City Engineer Len Olson expressed the opinion that because of steep grades neither street is completely desirable for access purposes, the Commission reversed its original decision and accepted the design in a 3-2 vote.

25 Years Ago: From the June 26, 1997 Shakopee Valley News

Thrift Store may need a new home

Once the home of Eagle Creek Town Hall, the single-story brick building at the intersection of county roads 83 and 16 in Shakopee now houses the CAP Agency’s Thrift Shop serving Scott, Carver and Dakota counties.

But in a short time – possibly within the next two years – the land on which the shop sits in Valley Green Business Park will be needed for development, and the store will need to find a new location…

The city of Shakopee owns the property that the Thrift Shop sits on, obtained when Eagle Creek Township was annexed by the city. But for the last 19 years, the city has leased the former town hall to the CAP Agency for a dollar a year.

However, as land prices escalate – and three years ago, according to Jon Albinson, project director at Valley Green Business Park, comparable land in the same area sold for between $7,000 and $8,000 an acre – it may become too valuable a property for the city to hold on to.

Remember When

Remember When – June 18, 2022

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the June 24, 1897 Scott County Argus

Henry C. Koerner’s residence is undergoing extensive alterations under the hands of Schneider & Schneider. The entire building is being raised to two stories in heighth and an addition will be made on the north side.

100 Years Ago: From the June 22, 1922 Shakopee Tribune

Dale L. Halver arrived in our city Monday and will practice as a Veterinarian. Dr. Halver recently graduated with a degree in Veterinary Medicine at the Iowa State College, Ames, Ia. The field seems to be open here for a good Veterinarian and Dr. Halver should fit in very nicely.

75 Years Ago: From the June 19, 1947 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

School Plans Progressing

Detailed plans for Shakopee’s proposed new school, funds for which were voted last February, are progressing satisfactorily, it was learned this week.

The architects, Lang and Thorshow, are developing the projected school, room by room, in close co-operation with the state department of education and local school authorities.

Although still far from complete, the working details are so well advanced that the Board of Education is now considering the possibility of dating a test bid on the project some time in the late fall or early winter, authorities said…

50 Years Ago: From the June 21, 1972 Shakopee Valley News

$250,000 HUD Grant Awarded for Historic Restoration

Following Intricate Maneuvers…

A long-awaited grant from the Department of Housing and Urban Development was awarded Thursday afternoon, to help develop a historic restoration in Shakopee according to an announcement from the office of Second District Congressman Ancher Nelsen.

The grant of $250,000 followed a labyrinthine series of moves between the city, the county and the Scott County historical society involving deeds and leases on the property and buildings in order to satisfy HUD requirements.

Margaret MacFarlane, director of the restoration project has worked on the application over the past two years. She said the amount of paperwork and technicalities and last minute difficulties involved “has turned my eyebrows white.”…

25 Years Ago: From the June 19, 1997 Shakopee Valley News

Former clinic proposed for new public library

County officials cool to idea

Though the Shakopee Public Library isn’t slated for improvements until at least 2005, city officials, along with Scott County Library Director Janet Williams and Shakopee Librarian Barb Hegfors, toured the former Park Nicollet Clinic as a potential library building.

The City Council is looking at the 8,120-square-foot building, located on about three acres of land at 10th Avenue and Marschall Road, to replace the city’s 6,000-square-foot library.

Councilor Jane DuBois brought the location to the attention of the City Council and asked that it consider the building soon because there are other buyers interested in the building. DuBois said the county is looking at the building for use by the CAP agency. Any negotiations the city makes would be … on the Scott County Library Board, which runs the county libraries along with the cities, would have to agree with a change in facilities…

Remember When

Remember When – June 11, 2022

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the June 17, 1897 Scott County Argus

H. F. Gross has a young owl just in the down, in his big cage at the barber shop. It was brought in by a son of John Lawrence, who picked it up where it had fallen from the nest. The youngster is as ferocious and voracious as a grown bird, and certainly looks as wise as it is possible to look.

100 Years Ago: From the June 15, 1922 Shakopee Tribune

Ries Bottling Works Inc. Putting on Crown Contest

The Jacob Ries Bottling Works Inc. are announcing on page five of this issue in a large advertisement, facts and data on a Crown Saving Prize contest which they are starting today. This contest will continue until Saturday July 22nd.

The contest will undoubtedly prove to be a very attractive one as they are offering 40 cash prizes and 20 additional merchandise prizes.

75 Years Ago: From the June 12, 1947 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Members of the American Legion Auxiliary will hold their first picnic on the club grounds Tuesday evening, June 17, at 7 o’clock. A pot luck lunch will be served after which the nominating committee will present the new officers for the ensuing year. All members are urged to attend.

50 Years Ago: From the June 14, 1972 Shakopee Valley News

School Board Okays Program for Children with Learning Disability

A New Approach…

At least two, and possibly three, district wide “troubleshooters” were authorized to be hired by the Shakopee school district by School board action Monday night for a program designed to replace the former Special Learning Disabilities Program (SLBP) to instruct children with emotional and physical barriers to learning.

The new system as explained by Elementary Principal Virgil Mears, would work on a “one-to-one” basis, with the specially trained teachers to be on call in case of crises in the classroom…

The system to be used next year will allow the teachers to be used anywhere in the system, and they will deal with emotional problems primarily.

The teachers to be hired will have certification as teachers of the emotionally disturbed and priority in hiring will be given personnel with counseling and social work experience…

Mears indicated that the Shakopee program for next year will be one of the first of its kind in the state, and added that state department officials said that it was a method in which they felt more districts should be encouraged to utilize, since it is a “pure” form of aid to children with disabilities to learning, separating it from academic tutoring.

25 Years Ago: From the June 12, 1997 Shakopee Valley News

Hearings set on $29.6 million school referendum

Public hearings have been scheduled for Wednesday, June 25, to give residents a chance to learn more about a $29.6 million Shakopee school bond referendum that will be on November ballots.

After more than 12 hours of meetings to analyze the recommendations made by a facilities task force, the School Board has given the nod to a bond referendum that calls for the construction of a new elementary school, additions to the junior and senior high schools and the purchase of land for future school sites.

In addition, the referendum would provide the district with money to reroof buildings, renovate the high school, install carpet and lockers at the junior high school, and resurface and curb Pearson Elementary parking lot. Also included in the package are funds to pay for a storage facility at Pearson as well as four tennis courts at the high school, which would allow the eventual addition of a tennis program in the district.

Remember When

Remember When – June 4, 2022

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the June 10, 1897 Scott County Argus

While interest centered in the departure of the steamboat excursionists Tuesday morning, two hoboes, who were not going on the boat, stole a keg of beer from Heller’s delivery wagon and made their escape to the suburbs thinking, doubtless, to drown their grief in the foaming lager. But the iron hand of Justice fell upon them even before their spirits had begun to rise with those in the keg, and the chapter closed with the words from Justice Nachtsheim, “ten days.”

100 Years Ago: From the June 8, 1922 Shakopee Tribune

The Scherkenbach Electric Shop, this week installed a new radio machine into its place of business. It is a two stage amplifying set and has given satisfactory results in its transmission, during the few days since its installation. The agency for radio sets has been given to the Scherkenbach Electric Co. who expect to be able to place a number of these sets before long, as radio seems to become more popular each day.

75 Years Ago: From the June 5, 1947 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Garage Business Here Under New Ownership June 1

In a transaction effective June 1, the Sales Service company formerly operated by Harold Noyes was sold to James B. Covington and in the future will be known as Jim Covington Motor Sales, the new owner announced this week.

Covington said Tuesday that personnel of the shop will remain the same and that he will be in charge of the management with Bob Ryan as assistant manager and shop foreman…

50 Years Ago: From the June 7, 1972 Shakopee Valley News

Bank Breaks Ground for Major Addition

Officers of the First National Bank of Shakopee have formally announced plans for major additions to the present bank structure.

Plans explained by Connie Schmidt, bank cashier, showed that the addition will comprise 490 square feet, nearly doubling the space in the present structure. The construction, which has already begun, will extend the building 41 feet to the north, and 20 feet into the parking lot to the east.

The additional space will enable the bank to add a new driveup window location, add three private offices and a director’s room, enlarge the lobby and add teller stations, as well as provide an additional community room measuring 40 by 60 feet…

25 Years Ago: From the June 5, 1997 Shakopee Valley News

Forklift firm is moving to Shakopee

A Savage forklift firm plans to move to the Shakopee industrial park by late July.

Quality Forklift Sales & Service recently began construction of a 27,840 square foot corporate headquarters on 2.4 acres in Valley Green Business Park…

The company buys, sells, leases and repairs forklifts.

Remember When

Remember When – May 28, 2022

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the June 3, 1897 Scott County Argus

John P. Ring’s handsome residence property has been improved by the laying of cement walks. The work was done by his brother J. R. Ring, who became acquainted with “the tricks in the trade” while in St. Louis last year.

100 Years Ago: From the June 1, 1922 Shakopee Tribune

Lawn and Hedge on Mill Property Very Beautiful

            Shane Bros. and Wilson Co., or rather the local manager of Shane Bros. and Wilson’s Milling Co., is to be commended for the beauty and attractiveness of the grounds in connection with the mill. The hedge is most beautiful and the lawn and shrubbery are unsurpassed by any in the city.

The work of beautifying the mill property was begun four years ago, when the hedges and shrubbery were planted. Since that time, each year has added to it beauty until now it has reached the stage of lovliness.

75 Years Ago: From the May 29, 1947 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Child, 20 Months Old, Leaves on 1,400-Mile Flight

Ricky, 20-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Luis left Wold Chamberlain airport at Minneapolis Wednesday morning aboard a Northwest Airlines plane on a 1,400 mile flight to the house of his maternal grandmother … at …, MA…

50 Years Ago: From the May 31, 1972 Shakopee Valley News

Planning Commission Balks at Extension of Tenth

At its regular meeting Thursday evening, May 25, the Shakopee Planning Commission referred its original study of Tenth Avenue back to the Common Council, thus reaffirming the Commissioners’ position that Tenth Avenue should not be extended as a State Aid street intersecting with either County Road 16 or County Road 83.

“It’s time we took a stand on this,” Chairman Gene Foudray said. He stressed that the Planning Commission is “not going to let the Common Council dictate to us how we’re going to plan the City of Shakopee.” The matter of the extension of Tenth Avenue has been before the Commission several times during the last two months.

The Commission, according to City Administrator Morris J. Anderson, feels that such an extension of Tenth Avenue as a State Aid street would be “impractical with regard to economics and design.” The study which the Common Council referred back to the Commission recommended that as a State Aid street Tenth Avenue stop at County Road 17, and continue eastward as a residential-collector street through Scenic Heights and the J. E. J. addition.

25 Years Ago: From the May 29, 1997 Shakopee Valley News

Cub Foods, Norwest to be part of Marschall Rd. retail center

The Shakopee City Council on June 20 approved a preliminary plat for a retail development center that will include a Cub Foods store as the anchor.

Scott L. Ericson of Shakopee Associates in Edina said the 170,000-square-foot retail center, located on Marschall Road and Vierling Drive, will include a 70,000-square-foot, multitenant retail strip shop and six free standing stores including a SuperAmerica, Norwest Bank and a Wendy’s restaurant.

Ericson said retailers are being solicited for the retail center.

Construction for the 2.5-acre retail center is expected to begin in July with an anticipated April 1998 opening.

The council approved the preliminary plat on a 4-0 vote with Councilor Jane DuBois abstaining.

Remember When

Remember When – May 21, 2022

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the May 27, 1897 Scott County Argus

Messrs. W. N. Southworth and J. R. Buchanan have taken advantage of the recent rains to put their tennis court at the corner of Lewis and Third streets into first-class condition. After Jupiter Pluvius had soaked and resoaked the level court the young men got out and rolled a ponderous belt wheel from the mill over the surface, and it is gradually approaching perfection under their lavish expenditure of muscular tissue.

100 Years Ago: From the May 25, 1922 Shakopee Tribune

Maurice Stans is the proud possessor of a new Radio outfit which he received last week for obtaining subscriptions to the St. Paul Pioneer Press and Dispatch. Maurice is very much interested in the outfit and has been busy for several days installing it. He has it complete now and is ready to enjoy Radio concerts.

75 Years Ago: From the May 22, 1947 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

City-Wide Garbage Plan Urged

Unwilling to concede that the garbage collection problem is a dead issue here despite failure in several attempts to get the project under way, the Shakopee Commercial club Tuesday night gave new impetus to the proposition by adopting a resolution memorializing the city council to facilitate a citywide garbage collection system.

Previous efforts to solve the increasingly difficult problem have been on a voluntary basis under which those desiring the service would authorize and agree to pay for the service. Under the new proposal made to the council the city would assume responsibility for the collection and would finance the work from city funds obtained by a tax levy.

That creation of a city garbage collection system as proposed in the resolution would not be entirely agreeable to those who now feel they have no need for the service was readily admitted by proponents of the plan, but it was likewise generally agreed that the city has reached the point in its growth where garbage collection is as essential as public utilities or police and fire protection.

Members of the city council present at the session declined to commit themselves on the matter but gave assurance the question would be studied by them at the next regular meeting.

50 Years Ago: From the May 24, 1972 Shakopee Valley News

Historic Restoration Site May Return to City

To Pave Way for HUD Grant…

Deed to the Scott County Historical Society’s Minnesota Valley Restoration site may have to be conveyed back to the city in order to satisfy federal requirements for a $250,000 grant for site improvements according to Margaret MacFarlane, restoration director.

Mrs. MacFarlane told the Shakopee City Council Tuesday night that the grant from the Department of Housing and Urban Development was out of legal review in Washington, D.C., and apparently available to the society, but either the city or county must act as an agent.

25 Years Ago: From the May 22, 1997 Shakopee Valley News

Lease for justice center OK’d

At its May 15 meeting, the Scott County Board authorized an agreement allowing the Scott County Housing and Redevelopment Authority to acquire an interest in the justice center campus in Shakopee…

Remember When

Remember When – May 14, 2022

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the May 20, 1897 Scott County Argus

At a meeting of the congregation of St. Mark’s church last Sunday it was decided to tear down the old chapel and frame buildings at the rear and erect in their place a small brick boiler house to run the steam heating plant of the church, school and priest’s house. The little chapel was built in 1856 and is dear to many old residents from the sad and sweet memories that cluster around it for them; but sentiment was indeed to give way before the spirit of improvement, and the work of demolition will be begun at once. The front of the church property will be walled up entirely with Kasota stone, and the broad wooden stairway at the front entrance will be replaced by ornamental iron stairs. The work of improvement as outlined will be expensive, but the beauty of the grounds and church edifice will be correspondingly enhanced.

100 Years Ago: From the May 18, 1922 Shakopee Tribune

Julius A. Coller Receives Appointment

Julius A. Coller this week received from Governor Preus, an appointment as member of the State Crime Commission…

75 Years Ago: From the May 15, 1947 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Council Plans Utilities Board

Passage of a motion paving the way for the eventual creation of a utilities commission to take over the supervision and management of the city’s electric power distribution and water and sewer systems highlighted a long and heavy session of the Shakopee city council Tuesday night.

The utilities commission proposal, an outgrowth of many months of general discussion by council members and citizens in general, was presented by Alderman Lawrence Kreuser who has long advocated the measure. It would provide for the appointment of a three-man board to whom would be vested the authority to manage all of the city’s public utilities…

50 Years Ago: From the May 17, 1972 Shakopee Valley News

Zoning for Apartments, Shopping Center Asked

Planners Recommend Approval…

At its meeting Thursday evening, May 11, the Shakopee Planning Commission recommended approval of a request by the Shakopee Sand and Gravel Company to have 122 acres of land rezoned from its present use as mining area to use as a multiple dwelling and commercial area.

The area lies west of the Shakopee High School between County Roads 17 and 79. The Shakopee Sand and Gravel Company plans to cease mining operations in the area in the near future.

Greg Roberts, representing the company, said that 100 acres of the land would be developed as a residential area comprised of single-family homes, townhouses and apartment buildings. 60.3 acres would be used for the construction of a shopping center, and 17 acres would be donated to the City of Shakopee for use as a municipal park.

Roberts said that proposed Trunk Highway 169 would run adjacent to the new shopping center. The shopping center would block much of the noise coming from the four-lane highway into the residential area, he added…

25 Years Ago: From the May 15, 1997 Shakopee Valley News

Chaska bank opening Shakopee branch

Next spring, Shakopee will have one more bank, the First National Bank of Chaska.

Fall construction is planned for the 5,705-square-foot bank at the intersection of Marschall Road and Vierling Drive. The bank will have a drive-up window with three auto-bank lanes and two more in the future. An automated teller machine will be located along one of the drive-up lanes.