Remember When

Remember When – Dec. 10, 2022

125 Years Ago: From the Dec. 16, 1897 Scott County Argus

The appearance of snowplows on the engines of the Omaha railway indicates that all is not quite so summerlike and milk everywhere as it is in this vicinage.

100 Years Ago: From the Dec. 14, 1922 Shakopee Tribune

The Al Tiedt farm, east of this city was visited by thieves Sunday night, who made a get-away with forty chickens, three turkeys and thirty grain sacks. They also helped themselves to the lens from Mr. Tiedt’s Ford. No clue to the prowlers has been found at the present time.

75 Years Ago: From the Dec. 11, 1947 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Renew Ball Park Lighting Project at Confab Monday

Effort to provide lights for Shakopee’s baseball park was renewed Monday night when members of the Baseball association and representatives of the city and local service and fraternal societies met at the city hall to consider the situation.

Harold Bigot, president of the ball association, presided at the session which considered adoption of a new approach to the proposed project, which has occupied public attention for several months.

Confident that a satisfactory solution will eventually be reached the group agreed to have another meeting at a date to be announced later.

50 Years Ago: From the Dec. 13, 1972 Shakopee Valley News

Board Okays Move to Get Costs for District Offices

Informal board approval was given Monday to School Superintendent Dr. Robert Mayer to obtain costs for renovation of a portion of Central Elementary School to be used as District offices.

Plans, originally developed for the renovation were cut back substantially, and rather than put the entire project out on bids, the work will probably be conducted by local craftsmen.

This approach was recommended as the most economical by the school’s architectural firm which developed the plans for the offices without charge. Cost estimate of the project before the cutbacks, was $50,000.

Moving to the district office when it is completed will be the Superintendent and his secretary, Mrs. Gertrude Roepke, schools business manager Robert Martin, the school’s TIES office, the local branch of a school district cooperative using one computer service for scheduling, marks and payrolls.

25 Years Ago: From the Dec. 11, 1997 Shakopee Valley News

Seagate plant proposed here

1,276 jobs could move to city if company gets tax-increment help

Seagate Technology is considering locating a $30 million to $40 million, 340,000-square-foot compute disc-drive design center and research and development facility in Shakopee’s Valley Green Business Park.

Seagate is seeking tax-increment financing assistance from the city and without it, will look elsewhere. Among the site contenders is the city of Savage, said Godfrey Mayer, director of corporate real estate for Seagate…

The facility would be built in two phases. Phase one would begin next spring with a two-story, 262,000-square-foot research and production facility with an estimated market value of $22.5 million. It would hold 715 workers.

Phase two would be completed by 2002 with an 80,000-square-foot expansion and an estimated market value of nearly $8 million. The second phase would bring about 511 jobs.

Additionally, Seagate anticipates adding 40 new full-time jobs during the first two years of operations.

At its Dec. 2 meeting, the Shakopee City Council voted unanimously to accept the development proposal in concept after a presentation by Roger Gaudette, a consultant representing Seagate. The council directed staff to move ahead with the proposal with the intent of having a finalized proposal by next Tuesday’s council meeting.

Remember When

Remember When – Dec. 3, 2022

125 Years Ago: From the Dec. 9, 1897 Scott County Argus

A substantial plank walk has been laid by the city along the Bornarth residence property, thus making possible a trip to the Court House dry shod in all kinds of weather.

100 Years Ago: From the Dec.7, 1922 Shakopee Tribune

Mrs. E. J. Pond informs us that she served lettuce from her garden at dinner on Thanksgiving and again the following day, December 1. Some record for Minnesota.

75 Years Ago: From the Dec. 4, 1947 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Red Owl Store Moves to New, Larger Quarters

In an advertisement in the Argus-Tribune today Leo Robeck, owner of the Red Owl Agency store here announces the opening of his new and enlarged store on Lewis street immediately adjacent to the former site the store had occupied since opening here in November, 1941.

At the close of business last Saturday night, as carpenters, plumbers, electricians and painters completed their respective jobs in the new quarters, Robeck and his staff set to work moving the stock and by Monday morning the new store was in operation…

Grocery, fruit and vegetable bins and shelves have been erected, modern refrigerator cases for fresh fruits and meats are in place and a spacious walk-in refrigerator has been installed in the large storage area provided on the west side of the store.

50 Years Ago: From the Dec. 6, 1972 Shakopee Valley News

Medical Center Poses Another Rezoning Problem for Council

Another tough rezoning question was tossed into the lap of the Shakopee City Council Thursday, approximately 48 hours after it had rejected a similar proposal in the same general location along County Road 17.

The most recent rezoning, from residential to business use for a medical center, was recommended for approval by the Planning Commission Thursday night…

Dr. Donald Abrams presented plans for the construction of the medical center to the Planning Commission. He said the center, which will initially be manned by either four or five doctors, would be a one-story structure with a total floor space of some 7,000 square feet…

The center would be located approximately midway between Shakopee Avenue and 10th Avenue, with an exit onto County Road 17…

25 Years Ago: From the Dec. 4, 1997 Shakopee Valley News

Church catering to Spanish-speaking people forms here

The drop ceiling installed by the business that used to occupy the building has been removed, exposing the dark oak, intricately curved beams and a vaulted ceiling. Near the roof, bricked up from the outside, are two small stained-glass windows. With the beams, they remind people that the building once served the congregation of First Presbyterian Church of Shakopee, from 1900 to 1967.

The pews are gone. The floor is stripped. The plaster has been removed, leaving a skeleton of two-by-fours that suggest what the rooms will be like when the remodeling is done. Now 30 years later, after serving as a bus terminal and office building, the building at 502 First Ave. E., its exterior freshly painted a sea-foam green, is once again serving as a church.

Officially, the denomination’s name is Iglesia del Dios Vivo, Columna y Adoyo de la Verdad, La Luz Del Mundo, or The Church of the Living God, Column of the Truth, the Light of the World. The sign outside the church refers to it simply as La Luz Del Mundo.

It is Shakopee’s only Spanish-speaking congregation and it formed two years go with 55 members. Today, the congregation numbers 80…

Remember When

Remember When – Nov. 26, 2022

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the Dec. 2, 1897 Scott County Argus

Last Saturday Mathias Berens collected for St. Mark’s church over $700 pew rent, and on Sunday a fourth as much more, making a total of nearly $1,000. This amount in addition to the sums paid during the past year to the same account speaks well for the liberality and prosperity of the parish.

100 Years Ago: From the Nov. 30, 1922 Shakopee Tribune

New Bank to Open Dec. 2

Shakopee State Bank to Start Operating in Local Field Saturday Morning.

The Shakopee State Bank will be opened and ready for business next Saturday morning. The officers of the new bank are John W. Black, president, A. H. Nieter, vice president, O. E. Sahr, cashier and E. N. Bosch, assistant cashier…

75 Years Ago: From the Nov. 27, 1947 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

New Stop Signs Placed on Fourth and Fifth Streets

To provide greater safety for pedestrians, especially children, six new “stop” signs were placed by the street department here last Tuesday.

At the intersection of Fifth and Lewis streets, at St. Mark’s church and the public school, signs were erected on each of the four corners obliging traffic to come to a complete stop when driving east or west on Fifth, or north or south on Lewis street.

On Fourth street, at the Atwood street intersection at St. Mark’s church and St. Francis hospital, “stop” signs were placed to alt traffic moving east and west on Fourth street.

The “stop” designations are new installations and motorists are warned to observe them.

50 Years Ago: From the Nov. 29, 1972 Shakopee Valley News

City Council Denies Rezoning for Shopping Center Proposal

Zoning changes for a 13.6 acre shopping center development in Shakopee were denied by the Shakopee City Council Tuesday night.

The refusal to concur with the Shakopee Planning Commission recommendation to approve the zoning change from residential to business followed receipt of a planning firm’s report and recommendation that the area is more suitable for residential development.

Midwest Planning’s survey, contracted for by the City Council on the rezoning proposal, also recommended that the city develop a workable comprehensive plan.

25 Years Ago: From the Nov. 27, 1997 Shakopee Valley News

Shakopee office to house various area agencies proposed

Scott County commissioners last week reviewed a preliminary proposal calling for the construction of an office building in Shakopee to house various county, state, CAP Agency and Scott-Carver Educational Cooperative programs.

Under the proposal, the 50,000-square-foot building would be located at Valley Green Business Park. It would house most CAP Agency programs, various Scott-Carver Educational Cooperative programs, and the county’s Community Services Division, which includes Scott Family Net, child support and child-care offices, two Developmental Achievement Centers (one now located at Shakopee Town Square and the other in an old school in Lydia). It may also include the state Workforce Center, now located at Shakopee Town Square.

The board recently voted to merge the two DAC locations and this proposal would answer the question of where the two would be housed…

Remember When

Remember When – Nov. 19, 2022

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the Nov. 25, 1897 Scott County Argus

A. E. Walters has removed from C. A. Stevens’ residence to the house west of the Wm. Hinds residence property.

100 Years Ago: From the Nov. 23, 1922 Shakopee Tribune

Work was begun the past week on the erection of a new three room bungalow for George Demers. Mr. Demers purchased the Galvin property some time ago and the old Galvin home has been razed to make room for the new structure. Wm. Engel is doing the carpenter work.

75 Years Ago: From the Nov. 20, 1947 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

City Now Has NYA Acreage

Shakopee now is owner of the 205-acre tract of land, formerly the NYA center, east of the city. Deed of the property was delivered to Mayr J. J. Cavanaugh by Fred Denfield, custodian of state property, at noon Tuesday.

In return for the deed Mr. Denfield received the city’s check to the State of Minnesota for $7,500 and the transaction was completed.

Sale of the property to the city was authorized by the 1947 legislature, but actual conversion of title was delayed for several months.

For a time it was believed, that portions of the property including the old “Murphy House” and the Indian mounds would be excluded from the description and reserved for the State Historical society. Only exceptions are highway right of way and borrow pit reservations.

City officials, it was learned have no immediate plans for the development of the tract which is occupied by several houses and industrial buildings. The houses are tenanted by families of war veterans under a lease originally negotiated with the state by the Shakopee Post of the American Legion. It is understood the housing facility will be continued and that there was no intention of disturbing the present arrangement.

50 Years Ago: From the Nov. 22, 1972 Shakopee Valley News

Architect Outlines Downtown Renovation

Plans for renovation of a portion of downtown Shakopee, including construction of an enclosed shopping mall on Lewis Street, were met with a generally favorable reaction by downtown businessmen Monday evening.

Richard Vosepka, architect for the proposed project, outlined two tentative plans for remodeling of building exteriors on the north side of First Ave. between Holmes and Lewis Streets.

One of the plans, the estimated cost of which is $196,730, would be involved the attachment of new facades to both the upper and lower portions of buildings, creating a uniformity of appearance for the entire block.

Another plan, apparently meeting with the most favor by businessmen and costing an estimated $110,000, would involve basically the same type of renovation as proposed in the other plan, with less emphasis placed upon remodeling of the upper portions of the buildings…

Also outlined Monday evening were tentative plans for a $3 million two-story enclosed mall on Lewis Street, which would be developed by a private agent. Vosepka said such an addition to the downtown area would be beneficial in that it would provide competition to any shopping center which might locate in Shakopee in the future.

25 Years Ago: From the Nov. 20, 1997 Shakopee Valley News

Unique monitor to be used to track stalkers

County first in U.S. to pinpoint offenders with satellite system

In the war against violence, the Scott County Sheriff’s Department has become the first in the nation to use a … and monitoring system to track stalking and domestic-abuse offenders.

Remember When

Remember When – Nov. 12, 2022

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the Nov. 18, 1897 Scott County Argus

Jerry McInerney is reshingling his town residence preparatory to its occupancy by Herman Haack and family, now living in John Bohls’ house. Mr. McInerney is well pleased with farm life on the Fischer homestead in Eagle Creek, and will remain there. The big house is quite a resort for hunters from the Twin Cities, and until the lakes froze over, Monday night, he and his good wife were kept busy caring for them. Sunday there were eleven there, and to show how fickle is hunter’s luck he relates that parties of three and four that went out together returned without a bird, while one, Prof. Hermann of Minneapolis, who went out alone, bagged 11 quail and 2 mallards, Saturday, and 8 quail, 2 ducks and a rabbit on Sunday.

100 Years Ago: From the Nov. 16, 1922 Shakopee Tribune

Dell Freed of Bank Charges

Indictment Against Cashier of Defunct Security State Bank Is Dropped.

The indictment against A. T. Dell charging him with receiving deposits after the Security State bank was insolvent, has been nolled.

On recommendation of R. B. Rathbun, C. A. Youngquist, Assistant Attorney General, appeared in court on Friday, November 10, upon the hearing, State of Minnesota versus A. T. Dell. Judge Johnson of Red Wing presided. M. J. Daly of Perham and Roger Dell represented A. T. Dell.

This throws the entire responsibility for the bank’s failure on E. L. Welch of St. Paul, who was president of the defunct bank. Mr. Welch was indicted jointly with Mr. Dell but has been ill for more than a month and has not as yet been arraigned…

75 Years Ago: From the Nov. 13, 1947 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Committee to Study City Power Plant

Following the appointment of a Commercial Club committee named by Dr. W. A. Pomije, club president, to study the possibilities and problems of a municipally owned and operated electric power generating plant, W. F. Duffy, committee chairman, announced this week he would summon the group to a meeting in the near future…

50 Years Ago: From the Nov. 15, 1972 Shakopee Valley News

Elementary Letter Mark Dropped

Report cards with letter grades won’t be used in the Shakopee public elementary schools next year.

Authorization was given by the school board Monday night to institute a program of teacher-parent conferences instead, with a final year-end written report on the progress of each child.

The request to drop the letter grades in the elementary levels was first made during the last school year, but was deferred at that time because of reservations on the part of board members.

Mrs. Barbara Runge, board chairman and one of the members with questions as to the value of the new system, said Monday night that she felt the principals deserved a trial of their proposed system…

25 Years Ago: From the Nov. 13, 1997 Shakopee Valley News

Shakopee high to open hall of fame

Plans are in the works for a Shakopee High School athletic hall of fame, according to Shakopee high athletics and activities director John Anderson.

The hall of fame will act as a testimonial to athletes who have brought honor in themselves, their school, and the community through their citizenship and athletic achievements. With Shakopee high’s long and rich tradition of athletic competition and accomplishment, it’s only fitting that the school and community remember, recognize, and honor outstanding achievements and accomplishments of the past…

Remember When

Remember When – Nov. 5, 2022

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the Nov. 11, 1897 Scott County Argus

M. M. Segelbaum was in town Monday and Tuesday concluding arrangements for enlarging his Shakopee store. The plan is to move the partition wall between the two stores of the Condon block, and make one spacious room of the whole. The upper story will be supported by pillars. Work on the alteration has been begun and will be pushed to rapid completion, and Mr. Segelbaum hopes to be into the big store by the 25th of the month. The remodeled store will have the largest front and floor space of any in town. John Poetz has the contract for the work of alteration.

100 Years Ago: From the Nov. 9, 1922 Shakopee Tribune

Ferdman’s Bargain Store Moved to Condon Block

The stock of Ferdman’s Bargain store has been transferred the past week from the Southworth Building on Lewis street to the Condon Building on First street, where Mr. Ferdman will conduct his business in the future.

The work of arranging the stock in the new place has not been completed, however in a short time all will be in readiness.

75 Years Ago: From the Nov. 6, 1947 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Expand Business in Transaction Made This Week

In a transaction completed Tuesday, Stemmer Brothers, who operate the Shakopee Feed Mill, assumed the management of the Apple River Mill elevator and business, it was learned…

According to Marvin Stemmer, who with his brother Warren will operate the business in conjunction with their present feed mill on First street, they will continue to handle the same line of merchandise sold by Apple River and will also continue to have all types of grains.

Feed grinding will be done at the First street plant and all office business will also be handled from there, Stemmer said.

50 Years Ago: From the Nov. 8, 1972 Shakopee Valley News

Council Defers Zoning Action

At a meeting with the Shakopee Planning Commission Tuesday evening, the Shakopee Common Council decided to defer action until later this month on a request to build a 100,000 square foot shopping center on 13.6 acres of land currently zoned as a residential area.

During the waiting period the Council expects to obtain results of a study undertaken by a firm of municipal consultants on the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed site for the center, west of County Road 17 between 10th and 11th Avenues…

25 Years Ago: From the Nov. 6, 1997 Shakopee Valley News

Murphy’s is featured in magazine

Historic Murphy’s Landing in Shakopee and its award-wining Folkways of the Holidays are featured in “Simple Joys of Christmas,” a section in the December issue of Midwest Living magazine.

The magazine showcases holiday events throughout the Minnesota River Valley. At the start of the tour of communities is Shakopee and Murphy’s Landing, and the magazine describes the annual Folkways of Christmas, a re-creation of the different ethnic and religious holiday Christmas traditions of the 19th century.

Also included is a recipe for “Old Time Swedish Meatballs,” a favorite at Murphy’s.

Remember When

Remember When – Oct. 29, 2022

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the Nov. 4, 1897 Scott County Argus

P. A. Preiser is moving his stock of merchandise into the store recently vacated by Roth Bros., in the Gutenberg Block. He has been located in the Condon Block since he went into business nearly four years ago.

100 Years Ago: From the Nov. 2, 1922 Shakopee Tribune

Security Bank Heads Arraigned

A. T. Dell Released On $5000.00 Bond. E. L. Welch Too Sick To Appear.

E. L. Welch of St. Paul, president of the defunct Security State Bank of Shakopee and A. T. Dell, now cashier of the First National Bank of Deer Creek, former cashier of the Security Bank, at the time of its failure, were placed under arrest Monday by Sheriff C. M. Kopp.

The specific charge against them is “receiving deposits while the bank was known to be insolvent.”

75 Years Ago: From the Oct. 30, 1947 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

New Industry in Operation

One of Shakopee’s newest industries, Midwest Galvanizers, Inc., began operation late last week after completing the installation of its equipment and making test runs of its galvanizing process.

Eight men now employed in the plant housed in the east end of the old mill building, are busy completing a contract for galvanizing iron hoops and ladders for a silo manufacturer. Contracts for other large runs have been negotiated, it was learned…

50 Years Ago: From the Nov. 1, 1972 Shakopee Valley News

Eagle Creek No Longer Exists

MMC Order Annexes It to Shakopee…

The tiny township of Eagle Creek ceased to exist Friday, October 27 when the Minnesota Municipal Commission (MMC) ordered the annexation of four and one-half sections to Shakopee.

The area annexed to Shakopee in the Friday MMC order had been excluded from another, much larger area of Eagle Creek which is now a part of Prior Lake as the result of a MMC decision last April. The northern half of Eagle Creek has been a part of Shakopee since August of 1971.

The exclusion had been approved by the MMC because residents had petitioned to be annexed to Shakopee, but when the annexation election was held July 7 it was turned down by voters in the area.

The most recent MMC order reversed that vote, and abolished the township. The area annexed is located around the northeastern shores of O’Dowd’s Lake…

25 Years Ago: From the Oct. 30, 1997 Shakopee Valley News

Brick sale fund-raiser to pay for clock tower

Charlie Brown, much to his dismay, always got a rock in his Halloween candy bag. However, this year getting a brick in your candy bag or holiday stocking could be a good thing.

With a goal of $40,000, a group called the Clock Tower Committee is selling engraved bricks for $40 apiece to help fund an illuminated, two-sided Roman numerical clock tower that would sit grandly on top of the River City Centre, the combination commercial/senior housing development on Blocks 3 and 4 in downtown Shakopee. The clock would be visible from two directions: from the Highway 169 bridge to the north, and from Lewis Street to the south.

The Shakopee Economic Development Authority, composed of City Council members, voted on Tuesday last week to cover the cost of the clock tower upfront while the committee worked on the fund-raising project to pay back the EDA.

The clock still must be approved by the Scott County Housing and Redevelopment Authority, which will own the building and be responsible for maintenance of the clock tower…

Remember When

Remember When – Oct. 22, 2022

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the Oct. 28, 1897 Scott County Argus

The noise of hammer and saw indicates that Shakopee has not yet put on the finishing touches for the winter. New roofs are going on the residences of A. M. Strunk and John Goenen, while a new barn is assuming shape at Max Schoell’s.

100 Years Ago: From the Oct. 26, 1922 Shakopee Tribune

Herman Hein, city superintendent of electric lights, installed two new Novalux lights on the corner of Lewis and Second streets last Tuesday. These lights replace five of the lights formerly used and give several times as much illumination. Mr. Hein is getting two more samples of slightly different models which he will install on the corner of Second and Holmes Streets.

75 Years Ago: From the Oct. 23, 1947 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

City’s New Fire Truck Due Here Today or Friday

In preparation for the arrival of the city’s new fire truck which arrived in Minneapolis Wednesday, a crew of workmen began making minor but necessary changes in the “fire barn” Monday.

New heavy plank flooring is being laid in the north half of the barn and heavier supports are being placed beneath the floor to carry the additional weight which the new vehicle will impose.

The contract for supplying the modern fire fighting unit at a cost of $13,368 was awarded by the city council in September 1946 to the American La France Company of Kimira, N.Y.

Material shortages and backlog of orders built up during the war were believed to be responsible for the long delay in delivery.

The new truck on arriving in Minneapolis is to be checked by a plant engineer who left Kimira upon receipt of notice the equipment reached the Mill city. Members of the Shakopee fire department anticipate delivery here today or Friday, it was learned.

50 Years Ago: From the Oct. 25, 1972 Shakopee Valley News

Hospital Linked to Emergency Via New Short Wave Equipment

With Rahr Foundation Grant…

During the past several months St. Francis Hospital has been in the process of installing a short-wave system to maintain communications with fire, police, sheriff, ambulances and rescue squad units.

The “last link” of installation was completed this week with a presentation by Hospital Administration to the Sheriff’s office. This enables the Hospital now to be in direct contact with the Scott County Sheriff, Shakopee Police Department, St. Francis Hospital Ambulance and other emergent vehicles.

Rahr Foundation made the equipment installation possible and has been working with the Hospital during these past many months. The communications system is heralded by hospital spokesmen as “another step to enable St. Francis to provide the area with emergency services.”…

25 Years Ago: From the Oct. 23, 1997 Shakopee Valley News

Artrain pulls into Shakopee next week

The Smithsonian-sponsored Artrain will pull into Shakopee next week and stay for five days at the Peavey/ConAgra elevator site off County Road 101 between Murphy’s Landing and Valleyfair.

Featuring work by William de Kooning, Georgia O’Keefe and Luis Cruz Azaceta, the four-car Artrain is organized in cooperation with the Smithsonian Associates and the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service…

The Artrain will be in Shakopee from Wednesday, Oct. 29 through Sunday, Nov. 2…

In addition to exhibited work in the first three rail cars, the Artrain will spotlight local artists in the fourth car.

Remember When

Remember When – Oct. 15, 2022

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the Oct. 21, 1897 Scott County Argus

This is encouraging. A new sidewalk has been laid from the H. & D. track to the alley, on the west side of Holmes street, and its utility is being fully demonstrated during the present week of wet weather. A new walk is also being laid eastward from the Frank Buch residence property on Fourth street.

100 Years Ago: From the Oct. 19, 1922 Shakopee Tribune

Ferdman’s Bargain Store Moving to Condon Block

Sam Ferdman, proprietor of Ferdman’s Bargain Store has entered into a three year lease with James Condon and will move his store business on or about Nov. 12, to the Condon Block which was formerly occupied by Veiht Bros.

Mr. Ferdman is moving into new quarters so that he will have more room to accommodate the large stock which he expects to carry in the future. He is announcing a removal sale which will begin Saturday morning, October 21 and continue until Saturday evening, October 28. Mr. Ferdman is putting on this sale as he wishes to decrease the stock in his present quarters so that he will not have so much to move to his new location.

75 Years Ago: From the Oct. 16, 1947 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Swimming Pool Interest Grows

Although there has been an apparent lessening of conversation about the possibilities of a municipal pool for Shakopee, men and women who have interested themselves in exploring the proposed project are continuing to gather information about pools in other communities and have amassed much valuable data, it was learned.

It was also disclosed that interest it he proposed pool is broadening from week to week with more and more residents supporting the idea. Before any organized effort is launched, it is believed, a meeting will be called to discuss the project.

50 Years Ago: From the Oct. 18, 1972 Shakopee Valley News

Shopping Center Proposed for Construction in 1973

Representatives of Midway Development Corporation appeared before the Shakopee Planning Commission Thursday evening to request rezoning of 18 acres on the west side of County Road 17 between Tenth and 11th Avenues from its present status as a “residential-duplex” district to a “community shopping” district, thereby allowing construction of a locally-oriented “convenience” shopping enter. If approvals are granted, it was indicated construction would be complete within a year.

Angelo Percich, representing Arc-Tech Inc., architects for the proposed project, told the Commission that the building would encompass 15,000 square feet, the major portion of which would house the establishments of local businesses. The remainder of the center, approximately 40 percent, would be occupied by national retailers…

      Designs would call for a 15,000 square foot enclosed mall running the length of the building to afford shoppers protection from the weather when walking from one store to another. Parking spaces for 591 cars would be provided.

25 Years Ago: From the Oct. 16, 1997 Shakopee Valley News

A ground-breaking ceremony will be held next Tuesday at 3 p.m. for the downtown Blocks 3 and 4 River City Centre project, which will include first-floor commercial space and two stories of senior housing. In the drawing shown above, the 60-foot archway that will span a greenway across Lewis Street can be seen on the left. The archway will connect the two floors of senior housing. Commercial shops will be located on either side of the archway on the ground floor. The project is a joint venture of the city of Shakopee and Scott County Housing and Redevelopment Authority.

Remember When

Remember When – Oct. 8, 2022

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the Oct. 14, 1897 Scott County Argus

The street fair views made by D. W. Pettit have been delivered, and they are creditable to the fair and to the photographer. Mr. Pettit also has on exhibition in several store windows many finely executed photographs of Shakopee scenery and buildings, which require only a glance to denote the very good quality of his work. Notable among these are two exterior and an interior view of St. Mark’s church, the trestle road or Lover’s Lane, and a birdseye view of the city from the high trestle.

100 Years Ago: From the Oct. 12, 1922 Shakopee Tribune

Atty. J. J. Moriarty on Tuesday re-opened his law office in this city. The office is located in the rooms over the Rest Rooms, in the M. J. Berens block.

75 Years Ago: From the Oct. 9, 1947 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Apparel Shop to Open Saturday

Opening Saturday, Oct. 12, of a new store where to be known as the Edna Marie Frock Shoppe, is advertised this week by the proprietors, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wynn…

Located in a newly remodelled and redecorated building at 111 W. First street, the store will feature popular styles of women’s, junior, misses and children’s clothes…

50 Years Ago: From the Oct. 11, 1972 Shakopee Valley News

NSP to Begin Construction

Council Grants Permit…

Shakopee’s City Council granted a conditional use permit to Northern States Power Tuesday night to construct a $20 million peaking plant on 79 acres in Shakopee, a project which has been heralded as a major tax boon for the community.

The formal action by the council was the last step before construction could begin, and NSP spokesmen at the meeting told council members they would be at City Hall the next day to pick up a building permit and construction would begin immediately.

The plant will be constructed northeast of Dean’s Lake in east Shakopee.

C. Gary Anderson, an NSP representative, told the Planning Commission that the new facilities, consisting of four gas turbine generators, a service building and storage tanks, would be used only during periods of peak demand to supplement power output…

The plant, of which Anderson said the major portion would not be visible from highway 101, would have 55-foot stacks and operate at a capacity of 187 megawatts.

It would be designed for use for no more than 2,000 hours at any one time, but the facilities could operate for longer period in the event of power outages, Anderson said…

25 Years Ago: From the Oct. 9, 1997 Shakopee Valley News

Large housing development near Dean Lake planned

One of the largest housing developments in the metropolitan area is being proposed in the east Dean Lake area of Shakopee.

The 549 acres located south of Highway 169, west of County Road 18 and north of County Road 16, will be developed in phases over six years into 550 single-family homes and 300 town homes by three developers: Valley Green Business Park, Shakopee Crossings Limited Partnership and the Minneapolis Foundation…

The housing mix will include one-acre shore land lots, half-acre lots standard suburban lots, small-lot single-family and attached townhouses. The price tag for homes in one section of the development will go from $225,000 and up, and single-family homes will run from $125,000 to $200,000 each.

Albinson said there will be four distinct neighborhoods catering to different priced housing on lot sizes from a quarter-acre to one acre.