Remember When

Remember When – March 1, 2025

150 Years Ago: From the March 4, 1875 Shakopee Argus

The success of the New Drug Store is mainly due to the very moderate charges for Prescriptions and pure and fresh Drugs which customers receive there.

125 Years Ago: From the March 1, 1900 Scott County Argus

There is a proposition on foot to remove the Methodist church structure, now fallen into disuse in Shakopee, to Bloomington Ferry, where a new church is to be built this summer. The Bloomington committee was on the ground Tuesday looking after the matter, and Bishop Joyce and the presiding elder of this district were here yesterday viewing the premises. The church is a substantially built, roomy, frame structure, in a good state of preservation. It was built in the year 1868, during the pastorate of Chas. G. Bowdish, and for some years thereafter it was the home of a large congregation. Regular services have not been held in it now, however, for the past nine years, and its future usefulness seems to depend upon its removal to Bloomington Ferry.

125 Years Ago: From the March 2, 1900 Shakopee Tribune

Early yesterday morning the roof of the M. & St. Louis R’y. station house was on fire. Nightwatchman Wm. Mueller was on the inside and only noticed the fire when he went out to meet an early freight. With the assistance of Rudolph Teich, however, he succeeding in extinguishing the flames which had by that time already found their way to the inside.

100 Years Ago: From the March 6, 1925 Shakopee Argus

The Pelham hotel office and dining room have been redecorated this week by Peter Paul and are very greatly improved in appearance.

100 Years Ago: From the March 5, 1925 Shakopee Tribune

Spring is close at hand if the oft used adage, “Spring follows the first robin,” hold true this year, as Chas. Manaige informed us Tuesday that he saw a robin that morning. This is the first report we have had that a robin has been seen in these parts thus for this season.

75 Years Ago: From the March 2, 1950 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Buy Corner Cafe

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh E. House, formerly of Minneapolis, have purchased the Corner Cafe here and have taken over its operations. The place was previously operated by Lee Schaefer. Mr. House was in the grocery business in Minneapolis before coming to Shakopee. The family occupies an apartment above the cafe.

75 Years Ago: From the March 2, 1950 Shakopee Valley News

Award School Construction Contracts Totaling $386,459

Contracts totaling $346,429.39 for the construction and equipage of a new school building in Shakopee were let by the Board of Education at a special meeting in the school library Thursday evening. Aggregate low bids on construction totaled $34,000 less than at a previous bid opening.

50 Years Ago: From the March 5, 1975 Shakopee Valley News

City to seek general obligation utility revenue bonds for acquisition of NSP

Shakopee will seek a bill from the Minnesota State Legislature granting them authority to sell general obligation utility revenue bonds for the purchase of NSP facilities here it was decided Monday evening.

25 Years Ago: From the March 2, 2000 Shakopee Valley News

Dual-track math OK’d

Student talk swayed some votes

Chalk one up for choice.

The Shakopee School Board on Monday voted unanimously to commit to a two-track math program, with both traditional and integrated courses to be offered to students in grades nine through 12 beginning next fall.

After a lengthy discussion, which included testimony from parents, the board approved a motion to add a second track to the Core-Plus offerings and directed a curriculum articulation team and advisory committee to hammer out the details in time for the 2000-01 school year.

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