Remember When

Remember When – Jan. 27, 2024

150 Years Ago: From the Jan. 29, 1874 Shakopee Argus

Many of our citizens are making preparation for building early in the Spring. But some cannot even wait for the spring season. We note that during this week a new frame for a good sized house has been erected in East Shakopee.

125 Years Ago: From the Feb. 2, 1899 Scott County Argus

C. L. Wilcox is planning to build a cottage on First street, on the lot east of C. E. Busse’s residence, this spring. With some grading, and filling in a portion of the deep ravine on the edge of which the lot lies, the site will be changed into one of the best in that portion of the city.

125 Years Ago: From the Jan. 27, 1899 Shakopee Tribune

Last Wednesday Mr. Charles Krutsinger, who for the past four months has been conducting the saloon in the Nieters building near the depot, sold his stock to Adam Huth, who took posession at once. Mr. Huth needs no introduction to the people of Shakopee and vicinity, being an old Scott county boy, but who for the past eight years has been living at Bird Island. Mr. Krutsinger will leave Shakopee in a few days, and is contemplating a trip to the Pacific coast. He is an affable young man and has made many warm friends during his brief stay here, all of whom regret his departure, but wish him success wherever fortune may take him.

100 Years Ago: From the Feb. 1, 1924 Shakopee Argus

Prominent Shakopee Man Heads Minnesota Organization

A signal honor was shown one of Shakopee’s best known business men last week when John B. Ries, president of the Jacob Ries Bottling Works, Inc., of this city was elected president of the state bottlers at their annual convention, January 25-26.

75 Years Ago: From the Jan. 27, 1949 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

No Change in River League

That the Minnesota River Baseball league will remain an eight-team league was determined Sunday afternoon when representatives of the communities which compose the loop voted to continue the organization as it was last season.

Shakopee and Chaska had applied for membership in the circuit when it was learned there was a possibility it might be expanded to a 10-team league.

75 Years Ago: From the Jan. 27, 1949 Shakopee Valley News

Shakopee Awarded ’49 Minnesota Legion Junior Baseball Tourney

City Continues As “Baseball Capital of Minnesota” This Year

The greatest summer youth classic of Minnesota, the state American Legion Junior Baseball tournament will be staged at Riverside Park, Shakopee, in 1949, it was decided Saturday.

Meeting in St. Pual, the 10 district athletic officers, comprising the state Legion athletic board, accepted the bid of Shakopee Post No. 2 to sponsor the four day meet…

50 Years Ago: From the Jan. 30, 1974 Shakopee Valley News

Junior High plans considered by Board

A split level junior high building was proposed and accepted at the school board meeting Monday evening.

The building, which would be located on district owned land east of County Rd. 17 and South of 11th Ave. would take advantage of the natural slope of the land. The split level concept is the best at this point according to James Rydeen one of the architects of the building.

The architects schematic drawing showed the front of the building facing south with the entrance off of County Rd. 17. A parking lot for 130 cars was located in front of the building and the phy-ed playing fields east south east of the rectangle shaped building.

The architects also planned for expansion by allowing areas for addition coming West and North…

25 Years Ago: From the Jan. 28, 1999 Shakopee Valley News

City looks at moratorium on new housing

Citing concerns that Shakopee might not be evolving the way city leaders want it to, the City Council and Planning Commission have discussed bringing residential growth to a temporary standstill.

In a joint workshop with the Planning Commission Jan. 25, the council discussed enacting a moratorium on residential development. Councilor Bob Sweeney, who proposed the moratorium, suggested a six-month period. During that time, city staff and members of the Planning Commission and City Council could take stock in the way the city has grown and adjust the zoning controls which the council deems are in need of adjustment…

Interested in local history? Find even more at the Shakopee Heritage Society website.

Remember When

Remember When – Jan. 20, 2024

150 Years Ago: From the Jan. 22, 1874 Shakopee Argus

New Bakery. Mr. Joseph Nachtsheim has started a new Bakery on First Street East of the Argus Office. He is ready to supply all families with good bread fresh baked, and all kinds of cakes. He will soon have his bakery ready to make Crackers sufficient to supply the whole Minnesota Valley.

125 Years Ago: From the Jan. 26, 1899 Scott County Argus

Operations are to be commenced in a few days upon the new structure for Flaherty and Lies. The old building is to be torn down and made use of in the erection of a feedstore, warehouse and stable, which will adjoin the rear and run along the alley a distance of 80 feet. The feedstore entrance will be on Lewis street. Then when building weather comes the brick store, 40 x 80 feet in size, two stories high, will go up. It promises to be a splendid improvement to the town.

125 Years Ago: From the Jan. 20, 1899 Shakopee Tribune

Last evening about 6 o’clock, the dummy in front of Segelbaum’s store was stripped of its winter apparel—a valuable coonskin coat—by some bold “gentleman” who evidently was looking for something “warm.” He got what he was looking for when he took that coat, but in a few moments his ardor for warm things was cooled when that sleuth of detectives, Carl Lilienfield, assisted by one of our best local assistants, overhauled him at the postoffice corner and—handed him into the custody of Nightwatchman Osterfeld. He will have an opportunity to explain matters to “his honor” this morning.

100 Years Ago: From the Jan. 25, 1924 Shakopee Argus

Am. Legion Project

All men over school age are invited to meet next Monday evening, at eight o’clock, at Legion hall to organize classes in physical exercises under the supervision of John J. Jacobi, athletic director of Shakopee high school.

Members of the American Legion are sponsoring the project and very great interest in the proposed classes is manifested by the young men of the city. Many are expected to avail themselves of this opportunity.

75 Years Ago: From the Jan. 20, 1949 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

County Nurse Group Formed

Scott county moved closer to the inauguration of its public health nursing service when the committee, appointed to set the program in operation, met for the first time in the courthouse here Tuesday afternoon.

Mrs. W. A. Pomije, Shakopee, was elected chairman; Dr. B. F. Pearson, county health officer, vice chairman, and B. A. Herzog, county superintendent of schools, secretary of the committee.

Other members are Mrs. Exerine Tolzman, Belle Plaine, and Ernest Wermerskirchen, chairman of the board of county commissioners…

Although the group gave its attention to the primary problem of securing a qualified nurse for the project no action in that direction can be taken, it was explained, until the county commissioners make the necessary appropriation to finance the work.

75 Years Ago: From the Jan. 20, 1949 Shakopee Valley News

Consider Shakopee For Field Trials

Possibility that the Minnesota Field Dog Trials may be held at Shakopee in 1949 were evident this week as a committee Field Trial association surveyed the community. A spring and fall meet, both under the auspices of the American Kennel club, will be held. According to the committee, Shakopee is being favorably considered, and is sufficient housing can be found for the hundreds of participants and spectators, the trials will come here. Committee members here Tuesday were Jerry Carnes, Minneapolis, and George Alt and Fisk Marshall of Long Lake.

50 Years Ago: From the Jan. 23, 1974 Shakopee Valley News

Shopping Center plans going well Chamber told

Plans for the Minnesota Valley Mall, a new shopping center to be built in Shakopee, are progressing according to project developer Gene Williams…

The mall will feature an enclosed walkway and 150,000 square feet of shopping space. The design indicates larger stores in the center of the mall with smaller shops along the perimeter.

Super Value food stores will anchor the center, and Williams said leases for others stores are now being finalized…

25 Years Ago: From the Jan. 21, 1999 Shakopee Valley News

Realignment of Co. 16 proposed for development

A proposal that would realign the intersection of county roads 16 and 83 in Shakopee and bring new commercial development to the area might require the city to hand over control of 17th Avenue to Scott County…

The county wants the road to serve as a reliever for traffic on Highway 169, according to County Engineer Brad Larson. Under the proposal, which has primarily been discussed at the staff level, the roadway would become County Road 16. The existing 2 ½-mile stretch of County Road 16 between County Road 83 and Marschall Road would likely be handed over to the city, Larson said…

Interested in local history? Find even more at the Shakopee Heritage Society website.

Remember When

Remember When – Jan. 13, 2024

150 Years Ago: From the Jan. 15, 1874 Shakopee Argus

Twenty teams a day come to our market loaded with wheat. The Elevator is receiving about one thousand bushels of wheat each day, and it all goes as No. 1. At Shakopee wheat is bringing about ten cents a bushel more than at any other market within twenty miles.

125 Years Ago: From the Jan. 19, 1899 Scott County Argus

The change of the week in business circles was the admission by Fred P. Lauer of Henry C. Kohls as a partner in his shoe business. An experience of a year convinced Mr. Lauer that he could not give both the sales department and the repair work of his growing trade sufficient attention alone, even though he gave up every moment of his waking hours to the work. The admission of Mr. Kohls into the firm will be a direct benefit to the business and Mr. Lauer personally. Both are young men of integrity and worth in business circles and in every way worthy of success. Mr. Kohls has been employed for several years past as a clerk in his father’s firm, the old established Kohls & Berens, general merchants, and hence carries a good deal of experience with him into his new departure.

125 Years Ago: From the Jan. 13, 1899 Shakopee Tribune

About twenty loads of lumber were conveyed by team yesterday from the depot to Marystown for Geo. H. Theis, who intends to erect a large barn at once.

100 Years Ago: From the Jan. 17, 1924 Shakopee Tribune

Shakopee’s Birth Rate Considerably Increased

The best evidence of the growth of a city is in its birth rate. The statistics for 1923 show that there were fifty-five new arrivals from Babyland in Shakopee during 1923.

This is an increase of twenty-three percent above the highest number of births heretofore recorded in Shakopee during one year.

100 Years Ago: From the Jan. 18, 1924 Shakopee Argus

Mrs. Matt Vierling has entered a contest put on by a Minneapolis paper for an automobile and her friends are all hoping that she will prove the lucky one to win it.

75 Years Ago: From the Jan. 13, 1949 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Complete 800-ft. Stretch of Sewer in East Shakopee

Beating the frost and the usual spring floods, the Griffith Engineering and Construction company has completed the laying of 800 feet of 12-inch sewer line and the construction of three manholes in the lowland north of First street in East Shakopee…

75 Years Ago: From the Jan. 13, 1949 Shakopee Valley News

Cooked Spuds Almost Available Tuesday

Potatoes, roasted in the sack, were almost available in limited quantities here Tuesday afternoon when the Shakopee Fire Department was called to extinguish a fire in a truck loaded with spuds, parked on the main business district. The truck, owned by Thomas Thompson, St. Paul, was parked in front of Burshek’s when a kerosene heater tipped over. Little damage resulted.

50 Years Ago: From the Jan. 16, 1974 Shakopee Valley News

Kawasaki plant nears completion

The new Kawasaki building neared completion this week as workmen put the finishing touches on front offices. Office employees of the new research and development center were expected to move in shortly. In the rear of the building are research and testing facilities which are expected to be completed next month. The seven test rooms will be equipped to test snowmobile engines under a wide range of conditions. Kawasaki is the first Japanese company to build in Minnesota. The plant is located in Valley Industrial Park.

25 Years Ago: From the Jan. 14, 1999 Shakopee Valley News

Enrollment projected to surge

New school may be needed soon

Enrollment in Shakopee Schools could increase by more than 73 percent over the next 10 years, with a tremendous surge in kindergarten students expected next year.

This and other information provided by the annual census and enrollment projection for the school district spurred discussion among School Board members Monday. The data, based on a mathematical model which uses census and enrollment figures from the past five years to predict future enrollment trends, was presented by Ron Ward, administrative services director…

Interested in local history? Find even more at the Shakopee Heritage Society website.

Remember When

Remember When – Jan. 6, 2024

150 Years Ago: From the Jan. 8, 1874 Shakopee Argus

Occidental Hotel

It has been known by most of our citizens that Mr. G. W. Gellenbeck commenced late in the season to put up a new hotel. Our readers will be a little surprised in what a short time he has completed it so as to be ready for occupancy. On Friday evening last the Occidental was thrown open to the public, and a right jolly time was had of it.

The Occidental is located on First Street at the corner of Sommerville Street…

125 Years Ago: From the Jan. 12, 1899 Scott County Argus

John Hilgers is digging a well to supply the two houses owned by Henry Hinds and located on Sommerville street north of the M.E. church. He has dug down to the rock a distance of forty feet, and next week will have the work completed by the Henry Huss well drilling company.

125 Years Ago: From the Jan. 13, 1899 Shakopee Tribune

Attorney E. Southworth was in St. Paul Tuesday and Wednesday and argued the motion for a new trial in the case of First Nat’l Bank vs. estate of H. B. Strait, before the Supreme Court.

100 Years Ago: From the Jan. 10, 1924 Shakopee Tribune

Harry Stans of Chaska is assisting his brother Hubert Stans for a few days this week in the decorating of the council rooms.

100 Years Ago: From the Jan. 11, 1924 Shakopee Argus

It is rumored that a local bus station may be established in the former Peoples Bank building at the corner of Second and Lewis streets. The location is central and would be an excellent site for the purpose.

75 Years Ago: From the Jan. 6, 1949 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Nurse for County is Assured

A county nurse for Scott county was assured Tuesday afternoon when the board of commissioners, acting on the request of a delegation representing the women’s organizations of the county, voted to inaugurate the program and name the necessary committee…

75 Years Ago: From the Jan. 6, 1949 Shakopee Valley News

Hanson’s Remodel

Hanson’s Ice Cream Parlor is under going a new look. The interior of the building is being remodeled and redecorated so the establishment will be closed to business for a week or ten days while the work is being completed.

50 Years Ago: From the Jan. 9, 1974 Shakopee Valley News

Monastery and barn to be added to Minnesota Valley restoration site

A monastery and a century old barn will soon be added to the Minnesota Valley Restoration site, east of Shakopee on Highway 101, according to Margaret MacFarlane, restoration director…

The barn will be added to the 1880 farm at the MVRP. It is a “beautiful thing” according to Mrs. MacFarlane and in good condition. There are six to seven inch hand made nails used as well as pegs to join the timbers.

Although now owned by Al Breimhorst, the barn was built by Irish settlers in the 1890’s.

The monastery, dwarfed by tall pines, is located near the St. Mary’s Purification church in Marystown…

Interested in local history? Find even more at the Shakopee Heritage Society website.