Remember When

Remember When – Nov. 25, 2023

125 Years Ago: From the Dec. 1, 1898 Scott County Argus

Florian Vierling has engaged in the manufacture and sale of German sausages, and he was about town Tuesday for the first time with his covered rig prominently lettered with an advertisement of his wares, dispensing his goods and making glad the hearts, or stomachs, of those who have a hankering after such delicacies. He will make the rounds of Shakopee, Chaska and Jordan regularly hereafter.

100 Years Ago: From the Nov. 29, 1923 Shakopee Tribune

Local Stove Co. Has New Owners

An important business deal of great interest to local people was closed Thursday of last week when H. C. Schroeder and Ed. V. Mertz purchased the controlling interest in the Shakopee Stove Company, from the former owner, William Spoerner.

Mr. Schroeder who was formerly vice-president of the company, now becomes president and Mr. Mertz becomes secretary-treasurer and general manager.

Mr. Spoerner will remain for an indefinite time as foreman of the moulding department.

The change of ownership will bring about improvements as the new owners are men possessing special business ability and it is logical to assume that the Shakopee Stove Company, under their management will become one of the leading manufacturing industries in this city.

75 Years Ago: From the Nov. 25, 1948 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

60 High School Students to Get Aptitude Tests

Sixty Shakopee high school students will receive vocational aptitude tests in a validating experiment to be given at the school Tuesday, Nov. 30, it was disclosed.

The tests, to be given by the Minnesota Employment Service in cooperation with the University of Minnesota, will be similar to those now employed in determining the aptitudes of adults.

Shakopee is one of several schools selected for the experiment through which it is hoped to learn if the test can be satisfactorily applied generally in aiding high school students to fit themselves in the proper vocations…

50 Years Ago: From the Nov. 28, 1973 Shakopee Valley News

New shopping center plans set; first phase ready by next year

The new shopping center at the west edge of Shakopee was termed “a reality in fact, no longer a proposal,” by A.C. Holmen of Watson Centers Incorporated before a Shakopee City Council meeting Tuesday night.

Watson Centers is a division of Watson Construction Company of Minneapolis, a major general contracting firm, announced plans for development and construction of the Minnesota Valley Mall Shopping Center to be located along Highway 169 near Highway 300 at the west edge of Shakopee.

The first phase of the planned development will be a 150,000 square foot community shopping center featuring an enclosed sidewalk or mall joining the stores, shops and offices. Plans call for construction to begin in the spring of 1974 with completion of the first phase in the fall of that same year…

25 Years Ago: From the Nov. 26, 1998 Shakopee Valley News

Tsumura sells Shakopee plant

The parent company of Tsumura International, which earlier this year announced plans to divest itself of its U.S. and Canadian personal-care operations, announced Friday it will sell most of its operations and assets, including its Shakopee plant, to Belue Brands Inc. of Phoenix…

Interested in Shakopee history? Find even more at the Shakopee Heritage Society website.

Remember When

Remember When – Nov. 18, 2023

125 Years Ago: From the Nov. 24, 1898 Scott County Argus

Wm. Lempke has been making some substantial improvements upon the dwelling house he recently purchased from James Simmons. The main part has been built up to two stories in height and surmounted by a gabled roof quite ornate with shingled gables and fancy ridge. The house is located south of the M. E. church, in the same block, and its changed appearance adds greatly to the look of prosperity in that part of the city.

100 Years Ago: From the Nov. 22, 1923 Shakopee Tribune

The display of fancy lamps in the Scherkenbach Electric Shop is a beautiful sight at night, demonstrating correct lighting for every room. The old proverb, “A thing of beauty is a joy forever” is very true in this case.

50 Years Ago: From the Nov. 21, 1973 Shakopee Valley News

Possibility of Valley Area Chamber of Commerce viewed

The possibility of a Valley Area Chamber of Commerce was brought up at the Shakopee Chamber of Commerce this week.

A meeting with representatives of several communities south of the Minnesota River was held recently to explore that possibility, and the idea was presented to the Shakopee Chamber at its regular meeting Monday.

Communities of Shakopee Savage, Prior Lake, Burnsville, Apple Valley, Lakeville and Eagan Township were represented at the first meeting, and a second is scheduled in January.

Virgil Mears reported to Shakopee Chamber members that a group representing the valley area would have more clout with such things as legislative matters, and suggested that Shakopee’s Chamber of Commerce could retain its individuality while supporting some kind of area effort.

Chamber members agreed to consider the matter further.

25 Years Ago: From the Nov. 19, 1998 Shakopee Valley News

Land purchase for future school OK’d

Even as Shakopee School Board members chart the progress of three major school building projects in the district, they are looking ahead to expansion opportunities beyond the year 2000.

The board agreed Monday night to purchase 1.4 acres of land located at the intersection of County Roads 78 and 79 in Jackson Township to complete a 40-acre parcel of district-owned property in the area…

As it stands, the property is not large enough to accommodate a senior high school and is “borderline” for a junior high site, explained Superintendent Bob Ostlund.

However, the size of the lot exceeds the minimum acreage required for the construction of an elementary school. The state recommendation on area is no less than 15 acres for this type of building.

Ostlund indicated Monday that the addition of an elementary school to accommodate a growing local population is being considered, but would not be needed for several years.

Remember When

Remember When – Nov. 11, 2023

125 Years Ago: From the Nov. 17, 1898 Scott County Argus

Notices are posted advertising for bids for carrying the mails, bids to be received up to the 30th day of the present month. Subcontracting has been done away with, and all contracts, big or little, are to be let direct to the carrier.

100 Years Ago: From the Nov. 15, 1923 Shakopee Tribune

Miss Anna Mergens has resigned her position with the Shakopee Tribune and will leave Shakopee for the winter.

75 Years Ago: From the Nov. 11, 1948 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Service Station Has New Owner

M. L. Regan has become the owner of the Standard Service station formerly operated by Harold Huss, in the Schesso garage building on Lewis street, it is announced this week.

The new owner took possession Monday. Mr. Huss, who bought the business from Francis Quinn several months ago, is to become associated with the Micklethun Motors which operates a car sales and service establishment on E. First street here.

50 Years Ago: From the Nov. 14, 1973 Shakopee Valley News

Co. Rd. 17 project opens can of worms; city seeks county aid

The city seems to have opened a can of worms with its plan to realign Co. Rd. 17.

That project and the problems surrounding it drew considerable attention at Tuesday night’s meeting of the city council.

Several months ago the council decided to move toward straightening the county road from its junction at Co. Rd. 16 to Highway 101. They are still in the process of acquiring rights-of-way for that stretch of road.

Tuesday night, a number of other problems growing out of that road project were discussed by council men, the city administrator and the city’s consulting engineer.

The central issue was the planning which will have to be done on the segment of Co. Rd. 17 under consideration so that other segments of that road, plus other connecting roads and local storm sewers can be added with the minimum difficulty…

The city would eventually like to upgrade Co. Rd. 17 from Highway 101 to south beyond Tenth Ave., but it seems likely that the job will have to be done in sections. Also under consideration is the upgrading of Co. Rd. 16, which will also have to be completed eventually…

The council has been attempting to assure that roads and sewers will be developed on a coordinated approach, but that coordination is expected to take additional time and money…

25 Years Ago: From the Nov. 12, 1998 Shakopee Valley News

In a surprise, city was host to the new governor

Early Tuesday evening last week, Canterbury Park in Shakopee was the election night headquarters for a third-party gubernatorial candidate.

A few hours later, it was where Jesse Ventura learned he had been elected governor of Minnesota.

The crowd was small early in the evening as election results trickled in. Later, more and more Ventura supporters began to pack the horse track clubroom. And they saw what the rest of the state saw: Ventura’s early lead was standing up in returns from throughout Minnesota.

By midnight, Canterbury Park and nearby Canterbury Inn became the focal point for state, national and international media. Gov.-elect Jesse and wife Terry Ventura admitted to being in shock at what had occurred. He had been elected governor in a sensational upset over two well-known major party candidates…

Remember When

Remember When – Nov. 4, 2023

125 Years Ago: From the Nov. 10, 1898 Scott County Argus

One of the big regulators which has graced the walls of H. P. Marx’s jewelry store for many years past was this week sold and shipped to a jeweler at Morton, this state. It was considerably smaller than a big barn door, but it made quite a good sized package for a clock, never-the-less.

100 Years Ago: From the Nov. 8, 1923 Shakopee Tribune

City Purchases Athletic Field

The City Council at an adjourned regular meeting held Monday evening, November 5, purchased 9.24 acres of land from William Ryan of St. Paul. The total purchase price was $1500.

The property purchased is located North of the Fair grounds and the present city park. The Council designated the property to be used as an athletic field.

The purchase of this property by the City Council is a very commendable and progressive step. It is our understanding that the next improvement in this connection will be the erection of a new grandstand. This grandstand will be used to accomodate the attendance at baseball games, football games and other athletic contests. It will also serve as a means of seating visitors who attend the annual Scott County Fair held here.

75 Years Ago: From the Nov. 4, 1948 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

British Fords Due in Shakopee Soon

Arrival of several models of the British Ford sometime within the next seven days was announced this week by the Jim Covington Motor Sales.

The 1,700-pound midgets, made in England, have a 93-inch wheel base and are reported to travel up to 45 miles on a gallon of gas.

They will be offered locally in three models…

50 Years Ago: From the Nov. 7, 1973 Shakopee Valley News

Softball diamonds grow in former corn fields

A collection of softball diamonds is being developed in what has become known as Adams Street Park.

The prime movers in this venture have been the Shakopee Jaycees, but they have been joined in this venture by a host of local organizations, businesses and individuals.

The first of the fields was seeded last week and work continued over the weekend for the grading and surveys needed for a second diamond.

The city of Shakopee purchased the 40 acre site from the state some time ago, but until recently it had still been used as a corn field…

25 Years Ago: From the Nov. 5, 1998 Shakopee Valley News

Family Bank now called Voyager Bank

As of Monday, the Family Bank is no more.

Family Banks, including the branch in Shakopee, are now called Voyager Banks. The banks are owned and operated by Voyager Financial Services Corp. The name change also affects the corporation’s mortgage and title companies, which are now called Voyager Mortgage Corp. and Voyager Title Inc.

With the name change, the banks have changed from a thrift to a state-chartered bank…