Remember When

Remember When – Jan. 29, 2022

125 Years Ago: From the Feb. 4, 1897 Scott County Argus

Jeweler H. P. Marx left Saturday for Chicago, where he will enter upon a course of study in the Chicago Opthalmic institute. Mr. Marx has already had some schooling as an occulist, and he will endeavor to complete the course while there. This may require his absence for six weeks, at the end of which time he will receive his diploma.

100 Years Ago: From the Feb. 2, 1922 Shakopee Tribune

Mrs. C. M. Kopp received an appointment as deputy sheriff for this county. Mrs. Kopp is the first woman in this district to receive a like appointment.

75 Years Ago: From the Jan. 30, 1947 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Voters to Decide $294,000 School Bond Issue Monday

How voters feel about the question of providing improved public school facilities for the Shakopee community will be expressed Monday, Feb. 2, when they go to the polling place to cast their ballots for or against the proposition of authoring the Board of Education to issue $294,000 in bonds “for the purpose of defraying the expenses incurred and to be incurred in building, rebuilding, remodeling, repairing and equipping a school house.”…

50 Years Ago: From the Feb. 2, 1972 Shakopee Valley News

NSP Not Interested in Franchise

Should City Get Out of Power Distribution Business?

Shakopee’s City Council was unable to reach a decision on the question of granting a franchise to Northern States Power (NSP) to serve some customers directly last week, and in fact, learned that NSP isn’t even interested in a franchise if it is for a short term basis…

The franchise, as drawn up, would be only for one year, and would require that NSP pay seven percent of the gross revenue charge to the seven directly served firms in lieu of the profit the city would make by selling power to the firms as it does throughout the remainder of the community…

Administrator Morris Anderson asked representatives of the other six firms if they would be willing to follow a similar plan, but was unable to get commitments Tuesday night…

In addition, Administrator Anderson was instructed by the Council Tuesday night to request of NSP two things: a price they would demand for the necessary system to service the large power users, and secondly, a price they would be willing to pay for the Shakopee system and business.

Joseph Meyer, representative from NSP, told the council that NSP would not be interested in any franchise with terms of less than 20 years, since it would not pay the company to invest in the equipment necessary to service the industrial area in eastern Shakopee, then have the city take over service…

25 Years Ago: From the Jan. 30, 1997 Shakopee Valley News

Agreement on retail plan is reached

The Shakopee City Council last week approved an agreement with a company planning a major retail development near Shakopee Town Square on the city’s west side.

Under the agreement, the Centre Group has agreed to begin construction on a minimum 50,000-square-foot retail development no later than Dec. 1. But the company plans to ultimately develop a retail complex of about 250,000 square feet.

As part of the agreement, the city will help the developer acquire property held by the Minnesota Department of Transportation near the Shakopee Bypass, begin annexation of township land needed for the development, and help obtain Metropolitan Council permission to extend the municipal urban service area (MUSA) line for sewer and water to the development.

Remember When

Remember When – Jan. 22, 2022

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the Jan. 28, 1897 Scott County Argus

Marystown is a “measly” town, at present. That is, its inhabitants are undergoing an epidemic of measles, and there are few that refuse to be in fashion with mottled physiognomies. In Mat. Voelker’s family all six children are down, while John Sand and Chas. Koeper are also having their share of entertainment. As the disease properly treated is not dangerous, when it attacks the youngsters, no special alarm is felt.

100 Years Ago: From the Jan. 26, 1922 Shakopee Tribune

L. E. Dawson gave away one free ticket with each paid admission last Tuesday evening. The ticket was good for Wednesday evening’s show.

75 Years Ago: From the Jan. 23, 1947 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

St. John’s Parish to Build Soon

Approval of a $36,000 building project for enlargement of the church and construction of a parish hall has been voted by the congregation of St. John’s Lutheran church here the Rev. Norbert A. Augst, pastor, disclosed this week.

The original plan, it was learned, called only for the parish hall but after study of architectural plans and a thorough discussion of the combined project the congregation decided to undertake the entire building program.

Decision was reached January 13 at the annual meeting of the parish, Rev. Augst said, and the responses to the fund raising work thus far have been gratifying and encouraging.

First drafts of the plans for the church and hall are now being completed by the architects and will soon be ready for the building committee to present to the bidders who will … the construction contract. The building committee is composed of T. A. Dahlgren, Carl Petrich, Mrs. Adolph Schroeder, Arthur Schulz and Otto Siems.

How soon the actual construction will get under way, it was pointed out, depends entirely upon the availability of necessary materials and the proposals of the bidders.

50 Years Ago: From the Jan. 26, 1972 Shakopee Valley News

Elementary Grading Change Proposed

Eliminate Letter Grades…

Shakopee Elementary school principals Virgil Mears and Don Tarr asked the school board Monday night for permission to poll parents at the next parent-teacher conferences regarding a proposed change in grading, eliminating letter grades except at the end of the year.

The board seemed negative to the idea, and said that if the survey of parents is taken the proposed change will have to be fully explained to parents.

The principals said the change would involve three parent-teacher conferences yearly, along with one final written report giving an average grade the child achieved during the school year…

25 Years Ago: From the Jan. 23, 1997 Shakopee Valley News

Mayor proposes councilors serve as EDA members

The Shakopee City Council on Tuesday started the process to restructure the city Economic Development Authority (EDA) by calling for a public hearing on the matter.

Last year the City Council restructured the EDA so it consisted of five Shakopee residents along with two city councilors. Before that the members of the City Council served as the EDA.

However, Mayor Jeffrey Henderson is now concerned that the EDA is holding up developers because at times the same presentation must be made to both the EDA and the council. Henderson proposed the EDA be disbanded and the City Council again serve as the membership, with EDA commissioner terms coinciding with council terms…

Remember When

Remember When – Jan. 15, 2022

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the Jan. 21, 1897 Scott County Argus

Dr. Smith informs us that last evening Mrs. Louis Prescott, one of the Sioux Indians living on the reservation east of town, attempted suicide by hanging. Her act was discovered in time, however, and prompt medical attendance brought her back to continue her meanderings through this vale of tears.

100 Years Ago: From the Jan. 19, 1922 Shakopee Tribune

Shakopee to Have Ice Skating Rink

Under the auspices of the Community club, work is progressing in arranging a skating rink at the high school.

The school board allowed the user of the ground on the east side of the high school. The City is donating light also water for flooding and the services of Wm. Sudman, who with the help of the students are busily engaged in preparing the grounds and flooding them.

Work is being carried on as rapidly as possible and it is presumed the rink will be complete by the last of the week.

This is surely a move in the right direction and the Community club is to be commended for the undertaking.

75 Years Ago: From the Jan. 16, 1947 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Named Deputy Scott County Treasurer

Miss Barbara Mayer has been appointed deputy treasurer of Scott county and is now assisting Leo M. Hirscher, recently elected treasurer, in conducting the affairs of the office.

Until this month, Miss Meyer had been the acting treasurer, having been appointed to that position following the death of the late Henry Groesser who had held the office for several terms.

50 Years Ago: From the Jan. 19, 1972 Shakopee Valley News

Mrs. Horeish Sells Business Interests

Mrs. Agnes Horeish, part owner of Mertz-Horeish, Inc., Shakopee, has announced the sale of her interest in the business to Richard Mertz and Fred Kerber.

Mertz and Kerber plan to continue the insurance part of the business and to expand the real estate department. Kerber, a Shakopee native, will serve as manager of the office and will be assisted by Betty Dols and Lucy Gish. Kerber worked in the insurance business for eight years prior to joining Mertz-Horeish, Inc.

Mertz, while being associated with the firm, will not be active in the daily management. He will continue in the investment business as an officer of Keenan and Clarey, Inc. He will be in the office Saturdays.

25 Years Ago: From the Jan. 16, 1997 Shakopee Valley News

Two new schools, expansion recommended

Task force says two bond issues totaling $34 million needed

A task force Monday night recommended that the Shakopee School District ask voter approval in two bond issues to fund two elementary schools and pay for expanding the junior and senior high schools by the year 2001.

The 21-member Facility Task Force, appointed by the School Board, met over a six-month period to study population trends and school building capacities…

Remember When

Remember When – Jan. 8, 2022

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the Jan. 14, 1897 Scott County Argus

One of the front windows in the law offices of E. & W. N. Southworth is adorned with a gold lettered sign of neat and attractive appearance. It is the work of Geo. H. Kunsman.

100 Years Ago: From the Jan. 12, 1922 Shakopee Tribune

Barney Jansen was the lucky winner of a cow valued at about $50.00 which was raffled by Mrs. Chas. Englund of Savage last week. The lucky number was twenty-one.

75 Years Ago: From the Jan. 9, 1947 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Wolf-Mallan to Produce New Heater

Two contracts that hold promise of long and steady employment for the firm’s enlarged crew were negotiated this week for Wolf and Mallan, Inc., sheet metal and machine shop plant here.

One of the contracts, under which work began Tuesday morning, calls for the manufacturing of 4,000 poultry feeders and 500 … for the Farmade Products company of Waseca. The other contract is for the manufacture of gas-oil furnace for a Detroit firm…

The furnace, officials of the Shakopee plant disclosed, is a new design engineered by a Detroit company. It can be used for burning either gas or oil and is already in heavy demand throughout the region.

At least 12 men, it now appears, will be afforded full-time employment in making and assembling the heating unit, which consists of an angle iron frame work, a heavy gauge sheet metal heat chamber, metal shell, doors and panels, all of which are to be processed, shipped and assembled in the Wolf and Mallan plant. Burners for the furnace are to be imported and installed here.

In recent weeks the Shakopee firm has been experimenting with various methods of shaping and fitting the furnace sections in an effort to develop a practical and efficient assembly system. Metal for the units is now arriving and full scale production is expected to get under way in the near future.

50 Years Ago: From the Jan. 12, 1972 Shakopee Valley News

City Athletic Park Grading Work Will Be Done by National Guard

City officials approved of a Shakopee Jaycee plan which will speed the construction of an athletic complex part of a proposed city park south and west of the Shakopee Swimming Pool which has been stalled due to a lack of development funds.

The work of grading the forty acres of softball, football fields and baseball diamonds will be done as an exercise by the National Guard Corps of Engineers, who will work on the grading project weekends.

25 Years Ago: From the Jan. 9, 1997 Shakopee Valley News

Growth options plan gets cool response

Met Council ignored reality in area, local officials complain

The “growth options strategy” recently adopted by the Metropolitan Council has government officials in Shakopee, Savage, Prior Lake and Scott County concerned because they say it lacks definition and is biased against suburban lifestyles…

The growth options strategy is a plan that the Met Council adopted in mid-December. It attempts to slow the rapid pace of which the Twin Cities metropolitan area is building outward, but planners in the southwest suburban area are critical of the methods espoused by the growth strategy.

Specifically, the plan creates nearly 200,000 acres of “urban reserve” ringing the outer edges of the Twin Cities, which serves as a boundary for urban development through 2040. It also gradually brings communities such as Waseca, Lake Elmo, Farmington and Forest Lake into the developed urban area and leaves area beyond the urban reserve as “permanent agriculture” or “permanent rural” thereby forcing fencing some areas off to developers…

Remember When

Remember When – Jan. 1, 2022

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the Jan. 7, 1897 Scott County Argus

Heller’s brewery did its usual thriving business during 1896, and to celebrate the close of another successful year the cooler took a tumble on Dec. 31st and came crashing down through the roof. When the debris had been cleared away it was found that about $75 would cover the damage done, and Kreuser & Kreuser went to work Tuesday to repair it. The brewery will straightway be in better shape than before to roll out the kegs of Heller’s beverage.

100 Years Ago: From the Jan. 5, 1922 Shakopee Tribune

Peter Paul recently purchased the Arnold Strunk house on Second St. and is renovating it. Dame Rumor says, Mr. Paul will become a Benedict soon and will make it his home.

75 Years Ago: From the Jan. 2, 1947 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Confection Firm in Operation Here in Old Mill Warehouse

Housed in a remodelled and renovated building that once served as a warehouse in connection with the old flour mill, a confectionery firm has begun operation in Shakopee.

Known as the B and B Company, the new Shakopee industry is owned and operated by Robert M. Friedl, Minneapolis. Its current products are boxed popcorn and cellophane packaged salted nuts, but plans are well under way to expand into the packaging of candies, and such items as coated nuts and fruit drops.

The company, it was learned, is completing arrangements for supplying its products to the Minnesota Amusement company theatre chain and is hopeful of securing accounts with retail outlets in Shakopee and adjacent territory.

Mr. Friedl was in Shakopee Saturday completing the installation of machinery and equipment and by Monday morning the plant was in operation preparing its merchandise to meet the demands of its growing list of customers.

50 Years Ago: From the Jan. 5, 1972 Shakopee Valley News

County Space Needs Will Be Reconsidered by Commissioners

The wheels have started turning again in an attempt to solve the space problems of Scott County government.

Scott County Commissioner Vern Lang broached the subject of the county’s construction alternatives at the Tuesday meeting of the County Board, suggesting that a meeting be arranged between the architects and the board to try reaching agreement on the best solution to present to the voters…

The commissioners are being hard pressed by Scott County Judges to provide adequate quarters for the courts. At present, court is being held in the upper level of the Shakopee City Hall. The city, which has provided the space free up to now, has asked the commissioners to approve a rental fee for the area in 1972.

Tentative agreement was reached by board members to arrange a meeting with the architects Jan. 19…

25 Years Ago: From the Jan. 2, 1997 Shakopee Valley News

Country Inn breaks ground

Ground-breaking ceremonies were held recently for the start of construction of the Country Inn & Suites off of Marschall Road and north of the Shakopee Bypass. The 63-room structure is scheduled to open in late May. Among those participating in the ceremonies were representatives of the developer, Central Group Development Co.; PBA Architects Inc.; the general contractor, Sand Companies Inc., and the Shakopee Chamber of Commerce.