Remember When

Remember When – Nov. 27, 2021

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the Dec. 3, 1896 Scott County Argus

Geo. W. Sencerbox found his Thanksgiving a little marred by the depredation of thieves who stole 25 fine turkeys from his farm in Eagle Creek. Reports of such thieving are becoming monotonous from their regularity. Something ought to be done. A law which gives $200 for the capture of a horse thief while nothing goes for the apprehension of a chicken thief, much harder to capture, is not quite satisfactory. If this thief would but return the turkeys Mr. Sencerbox would probably be willing to exchange a horse for the, for he could sell the turkeys and no one can sell a horse at present.

100 Years Ago: From the Dec. 1, 1921 Shakopee Tribune

W. F. Davy Co. Adds To Store

New Basement Department to Be Opened Next Saturday Morning, December 3.

An important addition will be made to the business community of Shakopee with the opening of a Basement Store by the W. F. Davy Co. This is an added feature to the store which will not in any way effect the present high standard which prevails throughout the upstairs store…

This basement store will be a splendid new feature. It is well lighted and heated and the air ventilation is especially good. Merchandise with the prices marked on them will be placed on tables so that people can practically wait on themselves. This will eliminate considerable of the overhead expense which is necessary in the upstairs store, consequently it is only feasible that greater bargains may be had in this new basement store. Mr. Davy has announced that this new department is to open Saturday morning, December 3rd. Many special features are arranged for the opening day, such as a Coffee Demonstration and the giving away of presents to the boys and girls and also to the ladies visiting this new department.

75 Years Ago: From the Nov. 28, 1946 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

“Brown Out” Puts Ban on Street Yule Decorations

Abandonment of plans for the decorating and lighting of the streets of the Shakopee business district for the holiday season appeared likely in the face of the nationwide coal crisis, Mayor J. J. Cavanaugh disclosed this week.

Because of the shortage of coal used in the generating of electric energy, Governor Thye has asked all communities in the state to limit consumption of electricity to essential needs only.

Mayor Cavanaugh said the governor’s request calls for a “brown out” of advertising signs and curtailment in the general consumption of electric energy.

50 Years Ago: From the Dec. 1, 1971 Shakopee Valley News

County Building Bond Issue Fails

Scott County voters turned thumbs down on a county bond issue proposal to provide $995,000 for construction of a county courts building in a special election Tuesday.

The balloting was close, however, with 1,833 “no” votes outnumbering the “yes” votes by a margin of 198.

25 Years Ago: From the Nov. 28, 1996 Shakopee Valley News

Junior high passes honors hurdle

It’s among four competing to become a Blue Ribbon School

The application form was more than 40 pages long. It took a writing team from Shakopee Junior High School well over 150 hours to complete the nomination form…

Shakopee Junior High School was one of four “middle schools” in Minnesota which passed the first hurdle on their way to becoming a Blue Ribbon School…

Remember When

Remember When – Nov. 20, 2021

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the Nov. 26, 1896 Scott County Argus

Peter Dellwo Jr. has built a new barn 30×32 feet in size on his farm five miles south of the city. He has had the interior arranged especially for cattle, and is enthusiastic in praise of its convenience and cleanliness. There is a stall for each animal, the patented Bedlam cow-stall, with a manger in each, and it keeps the animals as clean as a horse. The stalls can be shortened or lengthened to fit the animal, which is allowed freedom from stanchions, chains or ropes, and yet stands on the edge of the drainage trough. In letting the animals out each partition swings like a gate and the animals walk out one after another without backing up and with no confusion. So much for institute lecture.

100 Years Ago: From the Nov. 24, 1921 Shakopee Tribune

George Scherkenbach and sister, Miss Laura, spent Friday in the twin cities purchasing a big line of new electrical appliances for the holiday trade and now have a complete and up-to-date stock.

75 Years Ago: From the Nov. 21, 1946 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

New School Plans Approved Tuesday

Approval and acceptance of the architects’ preliminary designs and unanimous agreement to proceed with plans to eventually give Shakopee a new public school were the decisions reached Tuesday night when the board of directors and superintendent of Independent School District No. 1 met with a 20-man committee of the Shakopee Commercial club.

After viewing the plans and hearing a detailed explanation presented by representatives of Long and Thorshov, architects employed to plan the new structure, school authorities and Commercial club members thoroughly discussed the project and reached the decision there should be no delay in completing structural diagrams to be used in obtaining bids for the construction of the school…

50 Years Ago: From the Nov. 24, 1971 Shakopee Valley News

Driver’s License Office Switch Urged by Board

Scott County’s Board of Commissioners has urged District Clerk of Court Hugo Hentges to agree to a plan whereby the issuance of driver’s licenses would be handled in the license bureau of the County Auditor, rather than by the Clerk of Court’s office.

The request by the board is prompted by the fact that beginning January 1, drivers must be given vision tests and their photos must be taken.

Hentges does not have adequate space in his office to handle the function, and added that he would need additional help in order to handle the job…

25 Years Ago: From the Nov. 21, 1996 Shakopee Valley News

Street closings, home-razing part of county campus plans

A proposal to close off three sections of residential streets and empty two blocks of homes in Shakopee as part of plans for a county “campus” was reviewed by the Scott County Board Committee of the Whole on Tuesday.

The master plan, still in the early draft stages, depicts a county justice center and, eventually, other government buildings which will form a kid of five-block “courthouse square.” The street closings are proposed to contain the justice center complex, to ensure better security and to provide about 590 parking spaces.

The justice center will be built on the old St. Francis Regional Medical Center site and connect to the existing county courthouse as a five-part development, with the justice center being the first step…

Remember When

Remember When – Nov. 13, 2021

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the Nov. 19, 1896 Scott County Argus

The frame awnings over the entrances to Jas. McKeown’s grocery store and H. H. Strunk & Sons’ drug store have been extended to reach to the outer edge of the sidewalk. At the drug store it was found necessary to construct a new one throughout and the job was neatly done by Carpenters John Poetz and Nich. Mechtel.

100 Years Ago: From the Nov. 17, 1921 Shakopee Tribune

Chief of Police, John H. Ring, last week located the owner of a stolen car, which was left here at Schesso’s garage September 28. The chief became suspicious when he noticed the man was running on an old license and upon investigation through the insurance company, he located the owner, Roy E. H. Running, in Minneapolis. Mr. Running came up last week and took the car home, very much pleased to have it returned.

75 Years Ago: From the Nov. 14, 1946 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Board Votes Pay Increase

Increases of $175 in the annual salaries of the principal and 17 grade and high school teachers in the Shakopee public schools were voted Monday night after the board of education reviewed the findings of a salary and cost of living survey made by Superintendent Al N. Wurst of 52 schools in a 50-mile radius of the twin cities.

On the basis of present teacher salaries here, the change represents an increase of 5.3 per cent, it was explained.

The survey revealed that the Shakopee school district was slightly lower than comparable districts in salary structure and it also showed that in the three-month period ending Sept. 20 the cost of living had risen 8.9 per cent…

50 Years Ago: From the Nov. 17, 1971 Shakopee Valley News

Shak-O-Valley Days Chosen New Name of Celebration

Shakopee’s annual community festival formerly known as “Pow Wow Days” has been renamed.

Chosen is the winning entry in a contest to rename the celebration was “Shak-O-Valley Days.” The name was submitted by Don Mertz, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mertz of Shakopee, and he was awarded the $50 prize offered by the Chamber of Commerce…

25 Years Ago: From the Nov. 14, 1996 Shakopee Valley News

Bypass opens next week

Project is third and last of improvements sought for years

The third and finishing jewel of the transportation crown coveted by communities south of the Minnesota River for more than two decades will be put in place next week when the Shakopee Bypass opens.

A grand opening and ribbon-cutting ceremony for public officials and dignitaries will be held Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. at Canterbury Inn, though the actual day and time in which the highway opens has not been established. Because of its size, and the need for finishing touches and coordination to change signs and reroute traffic, officials from the Minnesota Department of Transportation can only say the highway will open sometime after next Monday.

The five-mile bypass, which will be called Highway 169, connects the Bloomington Ferry Bridge to the eastern edge of Shakopee with Highway 169 in Jackson Township on the city’s west side. It skirts to the south of urban Shakopee, allowing traffic to avoid snarling congestion that has for years beset the downtown area…

Remember When

Remember When – Nov. 6, 2021

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the Nov. 12, 1896 Scott County Argus

The law firm of Southworth & Coller which has been doing business for 7 years past, has been dissolved by mutual consent and the senior member, E. Southworth, Esq., has formed a partnership with his son, Walter N. Southworth. Mr. Coller will continue his business at the old quarters of the firm in the second story of the bank building, while Messrs. Southworth & Southworth will locate in the second floor of the handsome new brick block erected by John Berens & Co. as soon as a suite of rooms can be fitted up.

100 Years Ago: From the Nov. 10, 1921 Shakopee Tribune

A new card club was organized last Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. A. J. Meyer. The club which will be known as “The Jolly Thirteen” will meet once a week and play five hundred. At the meeting last Thursday, Mrs. John Cavanaugh won head prize and Mrs. Wm. Thiede received the consolation prize. Delicious refreshments were served. The ladies will meet again this evening at the home of Mrs. John Cavanaugh.

75 Years Ago: From the Nov. 7, 1946 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Gamble Store to Have Open House

Disrupted for several weeks while a new front and interior alterations were being completed the Gamble store will have “open house” from 7 to 9 p.m. Friday, Nov. 13, H. D. Johnson, proprietor, announced this week…

50 Years Ago: From the Nov. 10, 1971 Shakopee Valley News

Site for A Proposed Junior High Next to High School Is Approved

A 55-acre site, extending to the south and west of the present Shakopee High School property, was approved as the location for a proposed Shakopee Junior High School building by the Shakopee School Board Monday night.

The approval followed the recommendation of the board’s building committee which has been holding a series of informal meetings with school administrators and representatives of the architectural firm of Armstrong, Schlichting, Torseth and Skold during the past month.

In addition to okaying the site selection, the board approved a contract with the architects, and a committee consisting of attorney Philipp Kraus, School Supt. Dr. Robert Mayer and board chairman James O’Neill was appointed to begin negotiations with Josephine M. Vierling, owner of the property.

Also under consideration as a possible site had been the Thomas McDevitt property, located just to the west of the Vierling land at the southerly border of the city.

If 55 acres of Vierling property are purchased or acquired by condemnation, it will mean that the combined acreage of the Senior and Junior High Schools would total 82 acres, approximately 8 acres short of the state recommendation for a junior and senior high complex of 1,000 students…

25 Years Ago: From the Nov. 7, 1996 Shakopee Valley News

Second fire hall easily OK’d

Margin is 69-31%; liquor licenses approved

Shakopee voters approved referendum questions Tuesday which will allow for a second fire station and an additional five on-sale liquor licenses.

The proposal for a 20-year, $3.4 million general obligation bond issue for the fire station was easily approved, with 4,484 votes for to 2,050 against. The margin of victory was 68.6 percent to 31.4 percent.

Voters gave the city permission to issue up to five additional on-sale liquor licenses, in excess of the 12 allowed by the state, which is based on population. City officials said the availability of the licenses is necessary to attract developers of businesses such as hotels and restaurants…