Remember When

Remember When – June 26, 2021

125 Years Ago: From the July 2, 1896 Scott County Argus

The bicycle road race will be run at 5 o’clock on the Fourth, over a ten mile course. Entries close at 12:30 p.m., July 3d. For this and for the men’s 3 heat, ½ mile race an entrance fee of 50 cents is charged. The ¾ mile dash for ladies is free. The track races will be run on the trestle road at 4 o’clock. The total value of the prizes is $48. Register with H. P. Marx if you intend to race.

100 Years Ago: From the June 30, 1921 Shakopee Tribune

Work is in progress graveling the trunk line highway through town on Fourth street. This highway will be graded and graveled from the Bloomington bridge to Jordan.

75 Years Ago: From the June 27, 1946 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Nine Rail Crossings Ordered Closed Here

Railroad and Warehouse Commission’s Edict Also Calls for Installation of Automatic Safety Signals on Lewis, Holmes, and Fuller Streets

Closing of nine grade crossings of the Omaha railroad and the installation of automatic electric signals at three other crossings in Shakopee was ordered by the Railroad and Warehouse Commission in an edict issued June 18. The commission’s order, an outgrowth of the city’s Feb. 12 petition for an investigation of the crossing hazards and a subsequent hearing held here May 9, follows:

The Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha railway company shall within one year from the date of this order, at railway expense, install Minnesota Standard Automatic Electric highway railroad grade crossing signals at the Fuller, Holmes and Lewis street crossings … that when such signals have been approved by this Commission, the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway company shall abandon and remove and close to vehicular traffic the crossings at Pierce, Shumway, Sommerville, Spencer, Fillmore, Main, Market, Dakota and Prairie streets…

50 Years Ago: From the June 30, 1971 Shakopee Valley News

Restoration Project Will Attract 450,000 Visitors

Completion in Five Years…

Within five years, the Scott County Historical Society’s restoration project east of Shakopee will be attracting 450,000 visitors to the area, according to estimates given the Shakopee Council last week by the society’s financial consultant, William G. McFadden.

“This is no pipe dream,” he told councilmen, as he revealed that the gargantuan job of raising $3.9 million for the project is now well underway, with … grown by … metropolitan area businessmen that the project is feasible.

25 Years Ago: From the June 27, 1996 Shakopee Valley News

EDA votes to raze Blocks 3, 4 downtown

Repairing or moving buildings rejected after long debate

Block 3 and 4 in downtown Shakopee will be totally razed to make way for new development.

A split vote by the Economic Development Authority (EDA) on June 19 ended the long debate over whether some buildings should be moved or refurbished. EDA President Burl Zorn asked the commissioners to move for a vote concerning demolition…

Developing Blocks 3 and 4 is considered the key to maintaining a financially healthy downtown by most city officials and retailers. The city has been acquiring the properties through negotiation and condemnation and expect to have ownership by September or October…

Whatever enthusiasm may have at one time existed for moving or rehabilitating certain buildings faded significantly after a study in the spring concluded that it would cost over $1 million to move and refurbish just one building in Blocks 3 and 4 – and removing hazardous materials would likely inflate that price by thousands of more dollars…

Remember When

Remember When – June 19, 2021

125 Years Ago: From the June 25, 1896 Scott County Argus

Assessor John J. Ring has completed the listing of the personal property of the town, and furnishes us with the following summary. The total valuation is $153,000, or $90,000 outside of the bank and the loan association. He found 246 horses, 225 cows, 7 sheep, 304 hogs, 263 vehicles, including bicycles, 281 sewing machines, 509 clocks and watches, 49 organs, and 32 pianos.

100 Years Ago: From the June 23, 1921 Shakopee Tribune

John Casey of St. Paul has opened a garage in the building next to Jasper’s blacksmith shop where he will do general automotive repairing. He has had several years experience in St. Paul garages.

75 Years Ago: From the June 20, 1946 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Basement Dwellings Hint at Building Boom in Shakopee

With some completed, others started and still more in the planning stage, it has become evident that Shakopee is to have nearly 25 basement dwellings in use if plans materialize before winter again sets in.

A tour of the city revealed basement construction in various stages of progress. Some are mere excavations, blocks are laid in some, and in other instances the “roof” is on and the unit occupied.

Lumber dealers and building contractors this week expressed the view that Shakopee would be experiencing the greatest residential boom in its history if materials were now available. They hold to the opinion that the basement structures now in evidence represent only a portion of the home building contemplated here.

50 Years Ago: From the June 23, 1971 Shakopee Valley News

Governor Signs City Charter

News reached Shakopee Charter Commission Chairman B. F. Pearson, M.D., recently that Governor Wendell Anderson signed the Shakopee Special Charter Act after both houses of the legislature approved it.

According to Dr. Pearson, the local commission will now wait until a decision is announced concerning the merger or incorporation of Eagle Creek Twp before bringing the proposed charter before the people for a vote as required by law.

25 Years Ago: From the June 20, 1996 Shakopee Valley News

Leadership Council plan gets tentative approval by county commissioners

The concept of a Scott County Leadership Council received a tentative go-ahead by county commissioners last week and will now move to cities, townships and school districts for further discussion.

County Administrator Gary Cunningham formally presented the concept to the Scott County Board’s Committee of the Whole June 11.

The proposed Leadership Council would be comprised of an elected official from each city and school district, the county, the Scott County Township Association and one staff representative from each of these entities. Scott County legislators would serve as ex-officio members. As proposed the Leadership Council would not have jurisdictional or legal authority. Rather, it would be an advisory body to discuss issues of importance that impact the county as a whole and make recommendations to respective political bodies. Discussions of this type will lead to better understanding and cooperation among the county’s local governments thereby leading to greater efficiencies and coordination of activities, Cunningham said…

Remember When

Remember When – June 12, 2021

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the June 18, 1896 Scott County Argus

As if he had not already won the hearts of Shakopee excursionists, on the recent school excursion Capt. Kent of the steamer Daisy extended an invitation to the townspeople to enjoy an excursion Sunday afternoon up and down the river with his compliments. The boat had taken an excursion from St. Paul to Chaska, and while awaiting the time for return thus won the thanks of 250 people from this city.

100 Years Ago: From the June 16, 1921 Shakopee Tribune

City to Have Playground

Holmes Park to be Equipped for Recreation Place for Children.

The plans of Shakopee women for a public playgrounds for the children of the community, are nearing realization. The movement for suitable playgrounds was started in the Home Economics club several months ago and a committee, with Mrs. R. T. Schumacher as chairman, was appointed to work out the project…

The city council has granted the use of Holmes Park for the playgrounds and the ladies hope to have them open in about ten days. The playgrounds will be properly supervised and open to all children of the community…

75 Years Ago: From the June 13, 1946 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Recommends Board Employ Architects To Draw Preliminary Plans For School

Commercial Club Committee Sees Need or New Building To Include Present Auditorium; Reports Finding Over-crowded and Sub-standard Condition

Recommending that the Board of Education immediately employ an architect to prepare preliminary plans and cost estimates for enlarging and improving the Shakopee public school, the initial report of the 20-man committee assigned to make a study of the school problem was adopted by the Shakopee Commercial club at its regular monthly meeting at the Legion club last Wednesday night.

Presented by Judge F. J. Connolly, committee chairman, the report specifically recommended the “enlarging, modernizing and improving of the public school of the present site, using the 1929 auditorium addition as a basis.”…

50 Years Ago: From the June 16, 1971 Shakopee Valley News

Man Charged with Flooding County jail

A prisoner in the Scott County jail was charged with criminal damage to property and arson by Scott County Sheriff Robert Moody last week after reportedly plugging up a toilet in a cell causing water to flood the building and starting a fire on the cell table…

25 Years Ago: From the June 13, 1996 Shakopee Valley News

Court lifts Co. Rd. 18 injunction

Work could begin in fall, but plaintiffs continue to fight

A court injunction that has delayed the reconstruction of County Road 18 for two construction seasons was lifted by District Court Judge M. Eugene Atkins last Thursday.

The court action will allow construction to proceed, according to Scott County Attorney Tom Harbinson.

The county requested that the injunction be tabled during a court hearing on May 30. The request came as a result of an interpretation by the commissioners for the Minnesota Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) and legislation passed last year concerning noise mitigation and road projects. The commissioners concluded that Scott County demonstrated that it will “employ all reasonably available noise mitigation measures to … traffic-generated noise” in the project. Atkins vacated the injunction after taking the request under advisement for a week…

Remember When

Remember When – June 5, 2021

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the June 11, 1896 Scott County Argus

Go into one of the first-class restaurants in St. Paul to dine and the chances are that Shakopee creamery butter will be set before you. Several gentlemen have asserted the fact from personal experience. The new venture has a great advantage in Mr. Farrell’s established reputation as a maker of fancy separator butter, and there is a good and immediate market for all the creamery can manufacture.

100 Years Ago: From the June 9, 1921 Shakopee Tribune

Water and sewer connections have been put into the building to be occupied by the Public Rest Room.

75 Years Ago: From the June 6, 1946 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Municipal Bond Issue Defeated Here Tuesday

Voters Express Opposition to $50,000 Bond Issue for Street Improvements and New Fire Truck. Council to Canvass Votes Tonight

In a special election that attracted less than half the estimated possible votes the proposed $50,000 municipal bond issue for street improvements and new fire fighting equipment was defeated here Tuesday.

Most decisive was the voting on the proposition for the $38,500 fund for street projects. Tabulated returns showed 342 voters opposed and 184 approving the issue. Total vote cast in the three wards was 530.

There was a difference of but five votes on the fire equipment balloting which listed 266 “yes” and 261 “no.” The proposition asked a bond issuance of $11,500…

50 Years Ago: From the June 9, 1971 Shakopee Valley News

Paint Store Purchased by Lathrop Co.

A Minneapolis firm, Lathrop Paint Supply Co., Inc., has purchased the Gentz Paint and Wall Covering store at 220 E. Second Ave. in Shakopee and will operate it under the name “Lathrop Shakopee.”

The Shakopee store will be managed by Roger Kroguard.

Walter and Grayce Gentz have operated the store in Shakopee for the past 15 years.

25 Years Ago: From the June 6, 1996 Shakopee Valley News

McNeill named administrator

He previously held similar position in city of Savage

Former Savage City Administrator Mark McNeill has been chosen as the new city administrator for Shakopee.

The Shakopee City Council which had interviewed four candidates on Saturday, unanimously picked McNeill during an initial balloting at Tuesday night’s council meeting. The council then formally voted unanimously to hire McNeill. He will replace Dennis Kraft, who resigned from the position in March. McNeill is currently the city administrator for Mason City, Iowa, which has a population of about 29,000. He was city administrator in Savage from 1983 to 1994.