Remember When

Remember When – March 27, 2021

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the April 2, 1896 Scott County Argus

It is stated on good authority that the “Bierline foundry” has been purchased by Joseph Ess, the well-known foundryman of Chaska, and that he will place his two sons in charge and commence operating this valuable piece of property in the immediate future. The young men are practical founders and will be able to give good amount of themselves in their undertaking. The arrangements for the transfer of the property are practically complete, but the title of the property is in Robert Hamilton of California at present, and for him James Sullivan is agent.

100 Years Ago: From the March 31, 1921 Shakopee Tribune

H. G. Swenson, of the Swenson Drug Co. of Minneapolis, is opening a store in the building formerly occupied by Christis Candy Kitchen. He will handle ice cream, confectionery and drug sundries.

75 Years Ago: From the March 28, 1946 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

$294,000 Goal of School Bond Election Scheduled To Be Held Here April 15

Directors Adopt Resolution at Special Meeting Monday Night. Proposition Lists New Site, New School, Remodelling, Repairing, Equipment, Among Possibilities

Setting $294,000 as the amount to be raised, and fixing April 15 as the date for voting, the directors of Independent School District No. 1, meeting in special session here Monday night, adopted a resolution calling for a special election on a bond issue for “purchasing a site for a new schoolhouse … building, rebuilding, remodeling, repairing, furnishing and equipping a school house.”

Although the proposition, which is made a part of the resolution, stipulates several expenditures any one of which could consume a part or all of the total amount of the bond issue, school authorities point out it is not the intention of the board to move toward the completion of any one of the included projects until a thorough study of the entire matter has been completed.

Likewise, passage of the bond issue, it was determined, does not mean that a new site will be acquired, a new school built, the old building remodelled or repaired, because there is not now available any positive estimate of the probable costs involved in any of the proposals…

Passage of the bond issue, it is understood, has the effect of authorizing the Board of Education to take the steps it deems necessary to solving the problems confronting it. What the solution will be is not now known…

50 Years Ago: From the March 31, 1971 Shakopee Valley News

A calendar of events is being established in the Shakopee Chamber of Commerce office…The calendar will coordinate clubs’ and organizations’ events and promotions to avoid conflicts. Organizations are asked to call the Chamber office at 445-1660 for further information and to give listings of events.

25 Years Ago: From the March 28, 1996 Shakopee Valley News

County seeks architect to plan justice center

With the purchase of the St. Francis Regional Medical Center site completed, now begins the search for an architect for Scott County’s proposed justice center…

Earlier this month the Scott County Board agreed to purchase the hospital for $2 million. The sellers are required to have the building razed and the site cleaned up by the end of this year.

The board on March 19 approved a recommendation by the county’s Building Committee to select an architect and, if necessary, a construction manager using a request-for-proposal process… Construction of the justice center could begin as early as next spring.

Remember When

Remember When – March 20, 2021

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the March 26, 1896 Scott County Argus

The old Koerner home, one of the most ancient landmarks of the town, erected when the ferry near Withey’s, the steamboat levee at the foot of Holmes street and the stage route that stretched from St. Paul on into the unknown west, were points of greater interest than the drawbridge, union depot, and three railroad lines are today—the battered and weather-worn structure that has withstood the devastations of merely forty years, is at last succumbing to the axe and hammer of the carpenter. It will be torn down and removed at once to make way for a neat residence of modern design erected by H. H. Heller. The new house will be occupied by Joseph Buch, formerly removed here from Fessenden, S. D.

100 Years Ago: From the March 24, 1921 Shakopee Tribune

A friend of St. Mark’s school has donated a sum to equip to some extent the pupils’ playground. For the present a merry-go-round with a capacity for 24 children, a combination of swings, rings and trapeze, and two teeter-totters are being erected. The boys of the 7th and 8th grades are the erecting crew under their own chosen foreman, Hubert Paron.

75 Years Ago: From the March 21, 1946 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Deutsch Drug Store, Operated Since 1893, Sold in Past Week

Brothers To Retire from Business

50 Years Ago: From the March 24, 1971 Shakopee Valley News

Pearson School Design Wins National Honor

One of 17 Best in Country…

An elementary school which had its basic design roughed out a meeting of the Shakopee elementary school faculty and administration has won nationwide accolades, it was announced this week.

Shakopee’s newest school, B. F. Pearson Elementary, was one of 17 elementary schools built in the nation last year to receive a special citation at the American Association of School Administrators national convention…

25 Years Ago: From the March 21, 1996 Shakopee Valley News

Long-range facilities study approved by board

A long-range facilities study, with the St. Paul architectural firm Wold & Associates serving as consultants, was unanimously approved by the Shakopee School Board Monday.

Wold & Associates will receive a maximum fee of $8,000, plus reimbursables, for its part in the planning process. The district has previously worked with the firm, which most recently designed the additions to Pearson and Sweeney Elementary schools, and the athletic complex at the high school.

The district’s current and projected enrollment growth dictates the need for a comprehensive examination of future facility needs, according to district administrators.

Citizen participation, through a task force, will be a key element of the long-range facilities study, which is expected to begin in April and conclude in November…

The task force will have a number of responsibilities. Among them are to: review and validate long-term student enrollment projections and related demographic data, review the present grade structure for the schools, study various options for housing the projected school population, develop a consensus position regarding preferred direction for resolving the district’s long-term facility needs, develop a consensus position on the nature and timing of technology improvements to district buildings, and advise the School Board on the scope, content and timeline for future bond referendums. Sullivan said one of the most difficult issues the task force will deal with is Central Elementary School, which now houses grades five and six, as well as district offices. Central is the district’s oldest building. Board members and administrators are concerned about a number of maintenance issues at Central, including the condition of its roof…

Remember When

Remember When – March 13, 2021

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the March 19, 1896 Scott County Argus

Dr. H. P. Fischer has purchased the How residence property and will take possession soon. The consideration was $2,500 more or less. It is understood that Mrs. Mary M. How will fit up the room in the How Block, recently vacated by the “Minnesota Post,” as living rooms for her occupancy.

100 Years Ago: From the March 17, 1921 Shakopee Tribune

The Redman Ice Cream Co. of this city is turning out about the finest ice cream ever sold here and it is being handled exclusively by our dealers, as it should be. Mr. Redman has now added other popular products, as shown in his ad, that are taking well with Shakopee housewives.

75 Years Ago: From the March 14, 1946 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

Austin Men Purchase Machine Shop Here

In a transaction completed late last week Fred Wolf and Levi Mallan, formerly in the maintenance division of the Hormel company at Austin, purchased the machine shop which had been operated by William Laddusaw here.

The new owners, both highly skilled machinists, have added new machine tools to the plant and are expanding the business to include wheel metal work…

50 Years Ago: From the March 17, 1971 Shakopee Valley News

Renovated Raceway Will Open April 4

A renovated Raceway Park will greet auto race fans when that track officially opens the Tri-Circuit stock are racing season on Sunday afternoon, April 4th, according to track owner and operator Phil Stewart.

Heavy equipment has been hard at work the past week removing much of the winter’s snow cover to make way for improvements. New Cyclone fencing is being installed on the north end, the backs of old race cars has been removed, the pits will be covered with a layer of crushed rock and more restrooms are being installed.

Weather conditions permitting, more seats will be also installed, although that project is not expected to be ready for the opener…

25 Years Ago: From the March 14, 1996 Shakopee Valley News

County agrees to buy hospital for $2 million

Justice center is now likely to be built near courthouse

Scott County has agreed to buy the St. Francis Regional Medical Center building in downtown Shakopee for $2 million. The purchase virtually guarantees that Scott County will construct a justice center near the courthouse in Shakopee.

The Scott County Board approved the purchase Tuesday, handing over $1.1 million as part of the terms of the purchase agreement. The final $900,000 will be paid at the final closing after the building has been demolished…

The purchase agreement stipulates that St. Francis will be responsible for all salvage and demolition operations of the structure, which is located two blocks west of the existing courthouse. Demolition costs have been estimated at $1.1. million…

According to Theresa Johnson, director of community relations for St. Francis, the hospital expects to move out of the building in July to its new site, located near the Shakopee Bypass off of Marschall Road.

The terms of the purchase agreement require removal of asbestos from the building to begin before September and demolition to begin before Nov. 15. The site is to be cleared by Dec. 1. The closing date is set for Dec. 15 or earlier if all demolition and cleanup requirements have been met by St. Francis…

Remember When

Remember When – March 6, 2021

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the March 5, 1896 Scott County Argus

John Poetz lost a valuable new milch cow last night from milk fever.

100 Years Ago: From the March 10, 1921 Shakopee Tribune

J. A. Ring informs us that he has leased the property opposite the Pelham hotel for a term of years and will make extensive improvements by remodeling the building and fitting it up for a first clast Travelers Inn with eating place, ladies dressing rooms, etc. In addition he plans to build automobile sheds to accomodate tourist and farmers cars.

75 Years Ago: From the March 7, 1946 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

To Open New Funeral Home Here Monday

Walter A. Majerus announced this week the opening of a new funeral home. Modernly appointed, it is located in a newly remodelled and redecorated building at 116 Holmes street…

50 Years Ago: From the March 10, 1971 Shakopee Valley News

Charter Amended by Commission

Police Civil Service Retained…

Unable to get the City Council to advise them at an executive session of the Council Tuesday, March 2, members of the city charter commission met last Thursday evening and decided among themselves to amend the city charter now being introduced into the state legislature for consideration.

The amendment decided upon was the exclusion of the city’s police department from the charter’s merit board provision, and exclusion which means the police would still operate under state police civil service commission statutes…

There remains another serious threat to the special legislative charter, however, as made clear by Utilities Secretary Martin Walsh at the meeting.

The Shakopee Public Utilities Commission, he said, was not satisfied with the charter, and might follow the same route the police did in attempting to gain an amendment excluding their commission from charter control.

It is unlikely that the charter commission would agree to that, however, as one of the basic reasons the charter is being proposed is to unify city government by placing control of the Public Utilities under council and city manager control…

25 Years Ago: From the March 7, 1996 Shakopee Valley News

Long-term care facility to be built

A ceremony to mark the start of construction of a long-term care facility on the SouthValley Health Campus in Shakopee will be held on Monday from 4 to 5 p.m.

The facility will be owned and operated by Health Dimensions, based in Cambridge, Minn., which has similar facilities in 18 communities in Minnesota and Wisconsin. The firm manages Valleyview Health Care Center in Jordan. Plans call for the facility to be completed by Dec. 1.

The facility will feature a transitional-care unit deigned for short-term stays for patients discharged from the hospital but unable to return home. It will also have available to those patients rehabilitation and therapy programs.

Longer-term nursing and rehabilitation services for seniors will also be available.

The facility will be part of the health campus, which will include a new St. Francis Regional Medical center that is scheduled to open later this year, a Park Nicollet Clinic, which is now open, and a medical office building, which is being developed by Frauenshuh Cos. A reception will be held Monday in the atrium of the campus, located off of County Road 17.

Remember When

Remember When – Feb. 27, 2021

A look back at what happened in Shakopee history. You may also find this column in the Shakopee Valley News.

125 Years Ago: From the Feb. 27, 1896 Scott County Argus

Anthony Marschall has purchased a Davis cream separator for use in the dairy, and is delighted with the work it does. The milk, fresh from the cows is poured into the separator, the cream is straightway taken from it and the skim milk can then be fed. The butter is better in every way, and the care in handling the milk and cream is much lightened. Those of his neighbors who are not familiar with the workings of a cream separator would do well to visit Mr. Marschall’s farm to see it in operation. The cream separator will soon be deemed as indispensable to the farm as the cows themselves.

100 Years Ago: From the March 3, 1921 Shakopee Tribune

Sam Kahn has sold his soft drink establishment to Jack Dale of Belle Plaine. We understand the new proprietor has leased the entire building and will conduct a rooming house upstairs.

75 Years Ago: From the Feb. 28, 1946 Shakopee Argus-Tribune

New Shakopee American Legion Home

When the Shakopee Post of the American Legion holds its regular session Monday night it will be meeting for the first time in the new home at the corner of Holmes and Second streets.

Now known as the Legion club, the building, formerly the Shakopee hospital, was purchased by Legionnaires Aug. 31 from Dr. J. A. Malerich. Immediately following the purchase members of the Legion began remodeling the structure and most of the work is now completed, officers said.

The second floor of the cub now includes a spacious meeting room which is ready for occupancy. Work on other facilities for the second floor is still in progress.

On the first floor a lounge, check room and kitchen have been provided, as well as quarters for the Legion Auxiliary. Redecorated, papered and painted the club is expected to become one of the most pleasant and popular meeting places in Shakopee and is already receiving much favorable comment from men and women who have seen it.

50 Years Ago: From the March 3, 1971 Shakopee Valley News

Reorganization of City Staff Is Proposed

Convening Tuesday night in a special session called by Mayor Ray Siebenaler, the Shakopee Council gave first reading to an ordinance which was billed as the first step in a reorganization of Shakopee City government.

The ordinance, which will be discussed further with the Shakopee Public Utilities Commission before its second reading and publication, would combine the offices of Shakopee Treasurer and Assessor.

Under the plan, Shakopee Public Utilities Secretary Marty Walsh would become City Treasurer and continue with his assessing duties, and Shakopee City Coordinator Robert Erickson, presently City Treasurer, would take over Walsh’s duties as Public Utilities Secretary.

The move is being proposed in an effort to improve communications and cooperation between city government and the Public Utilities Commission…

25 Years Ago: From the Feb. 29, 1996 Shakopee Valley News

Council votes for city to join area prosecution group

The Shakopee City Council last week moved to join the Scott Joint Protection Association (SJPA) by unanimous vote.

The SJPA is a consortium of Scott County cities – Savage, Prior Lake, Belle Plaine, Elko/New Market, Jordan, and soon, Shakopee – that has pooled its resources for prosecuting most gross misdemeanors and misdemeanors committed within these cities. All member cities must now sign a joint powers agreement with Shakopee in order for the city to become a member of SJPA…